Super Golden Eye

C91 The Spiritual Energy Has Overfilled It

C91 The Spiritual Energy Has Overfilled It



The dried dantian was immediately filled with milky white spiritual energy. This spiritual energy was violent and restless, and it carried a strong hostility. It kept hitting Faang Yang's body, causing him to feel extreme pain along with his eight extraordinary meridians.    


"Damn it, I sucked too much!" Faang Yang thought in his heart. He hurriedly used the Geomantic Omen Fate Repairing Arts to suppress this spirit energy.    


The Cheng Ying sword was one of the ten ancient swords, and it had been passed down for over a thousand years. The amount of spiritual energy contained within it was unimaginable. It was not something that Faang Yang, who was at the Yellow Rank Early Period, could digest.    


In the blink of an eye, his face had turned unusually red. The temperature of his skin had risen, and the blood in his chest was boiling. He looked like he was going to spurt out a mouthful of blood at any moment.    


"I can't spit out blood. I'm going to lose all my face. But if I don't spit out blood, I'm going to soar into the sky. " Faang Yang's heart was filled with regret. If he knew that the Spirit Qi on the Cheng Ying sword was so heavy, he might as well not swallow it.    


It made him feel uncomfortable all over, and he was in a dilemma from top to bottom.    


"Faang Yang, is, is he alright?" Zhou Xiaosang, who was in the stands, felt his heart tighten. She had been observing Faang Yang the whole time, and when she saw his expression constantly changing, she was very worried.    


"It's fine. Mr. Faang is blessed by the heavens. Miss Zhou, don't forget that he is a Geomantic Omen Master, and he has good luck with him." Qu Yan comforted her from the side.    


At this moment, a strange cold wind blew across the casino. Everyone subconsciously shrank their necks, and then they felt irritated.    


"Why are these people dawdling? Why haven't they opened their cards yet?"    


"What are you talking about, don't you have to place your bets first!?"    


"Who are you? How can you say that? Didn't I know that I was going to place my bet? Do I need you to tell me?"    


Curses gradually rose. Many people quickly became hostile with just a few words. Zhou Zhifeng felt annoyed when he heard that. He waved his hand and scolded with a pale face, "Shut the f * ck up! The representative of the Zhou family hasn't spoken yet! If you want to see it, you can see it. If you don't want to see it, then get lost!"    


There was a moment of silence! Everyone was shocked by Zhou Zhifeng's sudden outburst.    


But then, an even more intense cursing sound was heard, especially from the people of the four great families. They sneered and ridiculed him.    


"Zhou Zhifeng, who are you asking to get lost? What? Do you think your Zhou family is the best in the world? " The person who spoke was called Faang Guangming. His skin was white and fair, and he looked like he was in his mid-twenties. He was the steward of the Fang family this time, and he was also a genius of the younger generation. He wasn't afraid of Zhou Zhifeng.    


"I don't know if the Zhou family is the number one sect in the world, but I'm sure your Fang family isn't! Faang Guangming, your Fang family swallowed the land of the Zhang family. Should I spit it out? " As soon as Faang Guangming finished speaking, a dark and skinny man stood up.    


He was the boss of Zhang family, and his name was Zhang Bo. He had thick eyebrows and big eyes, and a gloomy expression.    


"If you two want to quarrel, please leave. Don't forget that this is the territory of Zhou family." Zhou Zhifeng coldly harrumphed. He turned around and looked at Faang Guangming and Zhang Bo. His face was full of displeasure. He looked like he was going to beat both of them out if they didn't agree with each other.    


The leaders of the three families were hostile to each other, and the men under them started to make a fuss. All of them were ready to fight, and the tense atmosphere filled the air.    


"Miss, don't get one meter away from me later. Mr. Shen and Mister Qu, don't go too far either." Elder Tang's eyes were looking in all directions, and he suddenly spoke. He glanced at Faang Yang who was on the stage, and his heart felt a little heavy.    


The atmosphere today wasn't right, it was a little strange. Putting the matter of the dead aside for now, there was no reason for the others to have so many negative emotions.    


Qu Yan and Shen Xin looked at each other. Although they didn't say anything, they leaned towards Elder Tang.    


Furthermore, Faang Yang's body was boiling hot in the stands. The Spiritual Qi in his Dantian was boiling like hot water.    


Suddenly, the milky white spiritual energy condensed. A Gold Piece descended from the void and turned into a net, covering the spiritual energy.    


A heart-piercing pain spread throughout his entire body. The net started to shrink, and the gaseous spiritual energy started to turn into liquid.    


This liquid spiritual energy flowed through the eight extraordinary meridians. A part of it stayed in the acupuncture points, a part flowed back to his dantian, and the last part turned into golden threads that wrapped around his eyes.    


"The gaseous spiritual energy is like water. This is the sign of the completion of the second level of Geomantic Omen Fate Repairing Arts." Faang Yang thought in his heart. This huge amount of spiritual energy had actually forcefully raised his cultivation base to the Yellow Rank Middle Period. But even so, the remaining Qi was still unbearable to him.    


"Oh right, why don't I use it to cultivate the Wind and Water Formation Breaking Technique? One Fate, Two Fortune, Three Fengshui, South-East, Northwest Formation Breaking Technique. Once this incantation is used, ten thousand formations can be broken!" Faang Yang's mind stirred, and he thought back to the other Geomantic Omen Array on the Gold Piece.    


It could be said to be a formation, but it could also be said to be the bane of a formation. He walked the path of breaking formations, using force to break all formations, and forcefully swallowing all other formations.    


This set of formations required the support of powerful spirit energy. With Fang Yang's previous strength, it was simply not enough to be used. Even if the formation was successfully set up, he would not be able to use spiritual energy to break through the other party's formation.    


However, it was different now. Half of the spiritual energy of the sword Cheng Ying had been absorbed by Faang Yang. The remaining half was enough for him to cultivate and break through the Psychedelic Killing Array.    


He would do it right away. With a thought in his mind, the Golden Eye's function was activated. The Psychedelic Killing Array in the air was completely revealed. A golden light flashed, and the Formation Breaking Technique shot into the sky.    


Four golden lights rushed in from four directions. It was as if four iron chains had divided the Psychedelic Killing Array into four parts.    


As the Array Eye in the east had been broken by Faang Yang's Dragon Suppressing Nail, the east side of the Psychedelic Killing Array quickly collapsed. The other three sides were in imminent danger, and could collapse at any time.    


After drawing all the remaining spiritual energy into the formation, Faang Yang finally let out a sigh of relief. He raised his head and looked at the time. More than half of his spiritual world had passed. It had only been a minute in the real world.    


"10, J, Q, A. Wait a moment, right? My trump card is a red peach K. Then I will be able to win against the both of you." Faang Yang suddenly stood up and said in a low voice.    


Although his voice wasn't loud, his Yellow Rank Middle Period cultivation base gave him a boost to his Qi, which attracted everyone's attention. Even the quarrel had stopped for the time being.    


"Mr. Faang is right. If your trump card is the Red Peach K... OK. A. It's the biggest card combination at the scene." Croupier's face twitched. He was the same as the others. He also ignored Faang Yang.    


"Faang Yang, what card do you have that you want to play?!" Kang Xinghui and Wu Jun's faces darkened, and their hearts trembled.    


When they heard Faang Yang's voice, the two of them suddenly realized what was going on. They looked at Faang Yang's card, and their faces tightened.    


"My luck is good today. Shouldn't I take a gamble?" Faang Yang said with a smile.    


This gambling, there was luck and skill. Of course, there was also courage.    


In the current situation, it could be said that one was playing with courage. No one knew the opponent's trump card. As long as he won in terms of momentum, the opponent would not dare to compete with him.    


But Faang Yang was an exception. He had a cheat. His eyes swept across Kang Xinghui and Wu Jun's cards. He was sure that he would win.    


"What are you betting on?" Wu Jun snorted coldly, but he changed the topic and said with a ferocious face, "Do you dare to bet your life?"    


"Wu Jun is crazy! He wants to bet his life! "    


Yan Kuan did not participate in the argument in the stands. Although he was also anxious in his heart, there were very few people who could restrain their anger.    


But at this moment, he was also angered by Wu Jun's words. He stood up with a leap, and the veins on his right arm bulged.    


He was gambling his life! If he won, then so be it! If he lost, it would not only be Wu Jun's life, it would also be the Yan family's face.    



If he lost earlier, no one would say anything about the Yan family. After all, this was the Songjiang City, the territory of the Zhou family. But now, Wu Jun had pushed the Yan family to the edge of the storm.    


If they won, everyone would be happy. But if they lost, outsiders would mistakenly think that it was the Yan family who forced Wu Jun to die. They would at least want the old man to talk.    


"Wu Jun!" Two words jumped out of Yan Kuan's mouth. Zheng Dong, who was standing next to him, knew his young master's temper. His face darkened, and his right hand reached for his waist.    


The casino stipulated that no gun was allowed to be carried. However, these big shots still had ways to avoid the electronic equipment inspection, not to mention... They were also worried about leaving their safety to others. After all, their heads were on their belts. Their enemies were too big!    


"Faang Yang, do you dare? If you don't dare, then get the hell out of here. I'm going to win this bet! " Wu Jun shouted. As soon as his voice faded, he saw a Black Light flickering on the Psychedelic Killing Array. It went straight into Wu Jun's body, causing his rationality to scatter for the last time. The line of wisdom returned to zero. Anger and anxiety occupied his entire brain.    


"This is bad. Someone is controlling the formation!" Faang Yang thought to himself. He suddenly turned his head, and a familiar face was looking at him from the crowd.    


"That's right, it's him! It was him who set up the formation, and it was also him who set up the 307 formation! Who exactly is he? Just what is he trying to do!?" Faang Yang's heart was in turmoil. He looked in the direction of his eyes. He saw that the Gold Necklace he saw at 307 was showing a ferocious look at Faang Yang. It was as if he was saying that it was already too late!    


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