Super Little Farmer



0Nothing else, because she is my goddess! Because in this world, she was the only one who didn't care about my family's poverty at all. She married into my family without any hesitation.    


I am a man, and I will not allow her to be harmed in the slightest!    


I don't know if she and her brother had a marriage certificate, or if she and her brother had become real couples, but I'm sure she had an engagement with my brother because I was personally involved. In our mountainous region, the absence of a marriage certificate only shows that the law does not recognize you as husband and wife; however, the absence of a marriage certificate is a sign that the local people do not recognize you as husband and wife! Even though it was only three days after my brother and sister-in-law were engaged and such a tragic event happened that my father, mother, and brother decided to follow us forever, my family and I firmly believed that Guo Qing was my family's sister-in-law and that she was a member of our Guo Family!    


I think I'm definitely a man with guts in the mountains! Others treat me so well, and I treat him so well. This is my principle, and also my Guo Family's principle. Since I was young, my father and mother have always taught me and my brother in this way! Since my sister-in-law is so kind to my family, then I must be good to her. Furthermore, I must spend my entire life being kind to her! I can be humiliated and suffer by myself, can't eat well and sleep well, but I will definitely not let my sister-in-law suffer any humiliation or suffering, and I will definitely let her eat well, eat well, and sleep well! This is a promise, a promise from me, a promise from my entire Guo family, and even more so from our Mountain! The promise would only end when Guo Qing's elder sister chose someone else to marry! Of course, I will not hesitate to step forward to help her after marriage!    


Because of this promise, I must work hard. I must work hard to earn money. I must have sufficient financial strength to allow my sister-in-law to live a better life! And because I have to work so hard, I have to rest! However, the problem now is that my break was deemed by this beautiful female reporter as' conceited '!    


As I thought about this, I looked at the beautiful reporter who called me 'self-righteous'. I couldn't help but smile wryly, thinking that her words, "No one in the world dares to treat me like this", seemed especially domineering. No one dared to? At least I wouldn't dare! Actually, it's not that I don't dare, it's just that I haven't thought of how to deal with others and haven't been able to do so. There is simply no question of whether I dare or not. I even opened my eyes to look at her a few times to be polite when I wanted to go to sleep! But I just don't understand. There is still such an unreasonable person in this world. She obviously scratched my sleep, but she doesn't know what I'm going to do to her! If I'm right, I seem to feel that there is a threat in this. I just don't know how this beautiful female reporter will deal with me!    


Just as I was about to do so, the pretty female reporter stood up again, stopped, and kicked me again. This time, it looked like the female reporter was serious, because I felt that this time was much more painful than the previous two times.    


But no matter how painful it was, it didn't come as a surprise to me that this beautiful reporter had lost everything for the second time.    


Because the girl's skirt opened up again when she kicked me this time, and once again I was able to see clearly the pink panties and slender jade legs under her skirt!    


"You lecher! Pervert! "Scoundrel!" Seeing my stupefied look, the pretty female reporter finally realized that I had seen her skirt once before. She immediately shouted in exasperation and kicked me a few more times!    


"I'm not!" I felt like a thief caught in the act, arguing as I dodged. After a while, he thought, "I am so wronged!" It did not seem to have anything to do with me at all, for I did not see it on my own initiative; but it did have a great deal to do with me, for I had seen it twice! For a moment, my brain short-circuited and I tried to sort out the relationship.    


But I haven't cleared it out yet, and I've got a few more kicks on my leg. To tell the truth, I have come to the conclusion that I must not provoke a woman! Otherwise, such a weak girl like this would kick him harder than a leopard! Moreover, this woman's weapon seemed to have shoes as well as hands! I can clearly feel the girl's sandals kicking my legs, and it hurts!    


"You were the one who let me see it!" I took a few more blows and was in excruciating pain. It seemed that I was unable to sleep after this afternoon's nap. Annoyed, I sat up and retorted.    


"You're still talking!" The pretty journalist grew more and more angry and anxious when I told her so. That was true. From my words, she could already guess that I had seen enough of the scenery beneath her skirt. She kicked at me harder and harder.    


"Enough!" Although I don't like fighting with others, I don't like a girl who makes a scene in front of me. I immediately roared again, "Notice that I didn't take the initiative to do anything to you. Just because I don't retaliate doesn't mean that I'm afraid of you! "    


Seemingly shocked by my angry face, or perhaps what I said made sense, the beautiful female reporter was stunned for a moment and didn't say anything.    


"Also, I want to sue you at your unit. One, you scratch me while I sleep, and two, you kick people around!"    


Looking at the beautiful female reporter's expression, I didn't intend to end this. I calmed my emotions and continued, "My name is Zhang Yun. If you want to do anything to me, I'll accompany you!"    


With that, I stepped forward and picked up a brick from the ground. I held one end of the brick in my left hand and held it out with the other half of the brick. I held the index and middle fingers of my right hand together. The pretty female reporter seemed to be about to say something, but when she saw me acting so arrogantly, she was stunned.    


What a joke! I started practicing martial arts when I was three and a half, and my martial arts teacher was my father. In our mountain, we didn't have much money or food, but we had enough stones and trees, which allowed my brother and I to train our strength early on. In addition, we had enough birds and beasts, which allowed us brothers to train in the art of running and climbing. I could run past the hare and catch it; another time I caught a pheasant empty-handed; my brother once defeated a wild boar alone and captured it alive. It was also because my father and brother were very good at martial arts, agility, and a very good person. After the Mute Cannon appeared, the two of them took the initiative to watch it together with that Zhang Tie who lit it. As a result, the moment they got close to that Mute Cannon, the Mute Cannon exploded again. Zhang Tie was killed on the spot. My father and brother were hit by a stone each. My father's head was severely injured, and my brother's internal organs were seriously injured. When I was carried home, I said a sentence to each of them before passing by.    


To be honest, at this point, I still don't know where my father learned his kung fu, but he passed it on to my brother and me. On this basis, while I was in college, I insisted on practicing Taekwondo and judo. Due to my foundation in martial arts and the strength and physique I gained over ten years in the mountains, as well as my perception, my progress in Taekwondo and Judo were very smooth. In just four years time, I had reached Stage Eight of Black Belt of Taekwondo and Stage Eight of judo; I had also participated in the stages nine of black Belt of Taekwondo and nine of judo, but before the results could be announced, I had already rushed home. Actually, I didn't know how my kung fu skills were. Only when I easily upgraded to a higher level in Taekwondo and judo did I realize to my surprise that my father's kung fu skills were not low!    


With this skill, I can easily take care of this brick.    


"Lecher!" Pervert! "Scoundrel!" That pretty female reporter seemed to know that I was the one who was going to eat her up. She scolded me angrily once more before backing away and turning around to leave!    


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