Super Little Farmer



0For the first hour or so, Romer remained silent and continued to walk with his head down. However, I was a little surprised. Because when the car is parked, let me go out of the cave first. She's going to change her clothes. I had thought it strange that she should change her clothes and dry herself in this place, but when Rommel came out of the cave, I was stunned again. That was because how could this Roman be that astute and capable female elite? It was clearly a woman with a body shaking aura! Because of her sportswear, she looked especially valiant and valiant. At that moment, I finally understood why she changed her clothes. This was because this kind of sports uniform was more suitable for walking in the mountains. For example, I was not wearing a sports uniform, but I was also wearing a tight suit. If he were to walk in the mountains like this, he would definitely not drag his feet!    


After walking for more than an hour, Loremei's expression changed. It was clear that she had become more childish and relaxed. I knew that she had always been brooding over the fact that I had four naked beauties in my room, but now that she was infatuated with the scenery of the mountains, she temporarily put down her anger against me. And I felt inexplicably wronged, for none of the four naked women had been the one to whom I had taken off their clothes; and it was not I who had invited them to come at the same time. I was completely passive. With her intelligent brain, she should have already known that her relationship with me wasn't that big. However, she didn't know why she had to give me a meaningful glance!    


Seeing that her expression had eased up, I naturally took the initiative. This mountaintop is hard to walk on. There are many places which I can easily climb. On the other hand, a beauty who has been working in the city for many years isn't able to display her skills. It was my doing, of course, or dragging, or pushing, or helping her along. For the first time, Rommel was somewhat unwilling to accept my help, but all her efforts had been in vain, and all my efforts had been in vain, and I had been smiling as I stretched out my hand and waited for her. Thus, she finally accepted my help. Once there is a first time, there will be a second time, and a third time … Gradually, it became a normal affair for me to help her, and by now, she no longer faced me with a wooden face. Her face had already turned normal, but she still refused to look at me, only at the surrounding mountains and rivers. Of course, I understood her mood. Although it was a little funny in my heart, I still wholeheartedly protected her as she walked forward.    


"What's that?" We walked on for a while, and it was obvious that Rommel was tired. I took two steps ahead and sat down on a clean rock. Romel sat down and took a drink of water from his backpack. The water bottle had yet to be covered, but he was interested in a stone not too far away from him.    


I looked and smiled. I am too familiar with that stone. A large chunk of granite was embedded within the mountain, and the exposed area was only about a square meter. The rest of the area was covered with moss or shrubbery. It was this exposed area that had a mark on it.    


This place, we mountain people call it "Tiger Treading Stones." Indeed, this mark was like a mark left by a claw, and could even be found with the tip of the claw. According to the legends of the elders in the mountains, there were many tigers in the mountains. There was a tiger that had jumped up and left this mark.    


There used to be tigers in these mountains, I believe; I believe there are even now. When my father was alive, I had followed him up the mountain many times and found some clues that might have been the tiger. It's a pity I haven't seen anything real before. I can't confirm if there are still any tigers in this mountain.    


Even though there used to be a tiger, I don't believe it was a real tiger paw print. Because I don't believe this tiger has the strength to leave such a mark on such hard granite. However, although I do not believe that this was left behind by the tiger, I cannot help but marvel at the masterpiece of nature. This was because whether it was water marks, geological marks or ice marks, they were all extraordinary natural facts.    


When I explained the story, Romel smiled for the first time. He closed the bottle tightly and took out his camera from his backpack to take a picture of the place. I laughed again. This woman, especially this young woman who had just entered the mountain for the first time, was extremely interested in these people!    


Walking towards my house, I passed through the Cloud Mist Cave, the Python Cave, the Wild Duck Beach, and several other places. This is all unique to us in the mountains. Normally, one could not see clouds and mist in the Cloud Mist Cave, but as soon as the sun appeared, it would absorb and emit mist. When it was thick, it could even cover up a square kilometer of the square garden; when it was light, people could even see the entrance. When I was a child, I went into the cave with my brother and the others, but the situation was too complicated for me to handle. According to the old man, for example, Ying Zi's grandfather, Chief Liu, had once said that there was a monster inside. When he was young, he had gone into the cave with a few other young men, and had found the bones of great beasts in the cave. I haven't seen it yet, of course, and I don't know if it's true or not. However, this Cloud Mist Cave is usually quiet and peaceful, with many sunny and foggy weather. It is really hard for me to understand. As for the python's cave, it was easy to understand, but it was the place where the python went in and out. I still believe that, because when I was young, I saw the big snake with my own eyes. As for whether it was a python or not, I don't know. The Wild Duck Beach, on the other hand, was in that little river where I used to transport wild vegetables. There was a small flat area in the mountains where the river flowed. It was filled with marshland and surrounded by mountains. It was a very warm place. Over time, this place became a gathering place for some wild animals. For example, right now, we can see a lot of wild ducks. This place was also named because of this. In the past, I even found egrets, rabbits, and wild sheep in the vicinity.    


Although she was tired and had to rest for a while, she was obviously very happy. The camera in her hand didn't stop, of course, and she took pictures here and there. I shook my head, but didn't bother with her. I just did what I had to do: be a guard!    


It took us nearly four hours to get to my house! My house has been swept clean. Needless to say, this was definitely a masterpiece of the Elite and the Elite. I smiled in my heart and thought for a while before boiling the water. He motioned for her to take a bath and cook. Rommel looked at me with a slight blush, but I pretended to be deaf and just did my own thing. In the end, Rommel agreed to my suggestion and went to my room to bathe. By the time she had finished her shower, I had cooked the bamboo rice, the wind, the stir-fry, and the wild fungus soup.    


The meat was sent to my house by the spirit son. The night before I came to the mountain, when I'd crawled into bed with her, she'd hummed happily and told me things, including some of the meat she'd hidden in my house. This kind of meat is our mountain's earth method, purely relying on the mountain wind to dry the meat, has its own characteristics, it hasn't rotted for a long time, and we mountain people love to eat it.    


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