Super Little Farmer



0The task of lighting the fire did not trouble me. Because I went out with my father more than once, I had already learned this skill of "drilling flintlocks to start a fire". In fact, for those of us in the mountains, this kind of work, even the Elite and the Elite, can be done. It's not a big deal. I found a slightly larger log and a slightly sharper one, and rubbed it against each other. Of course, there was something combustible like pine needles nearby. Soon, a fire was built. With fire, there would be life. Rommel was finally recovering.    


However, it was my turn to be embarrassed in a moment. Because of the fire, Romel and I both had to dry our wet clothes, but she was a woman. I had no choice but to move closer to the hole and start another fire. When the ground was dry, he spread the great pile of hay on top of it and motioned for Romel to sit on it and roast the fire. When Romel did as I asked, I took a moment to say to him, You dry your clothes here, and I'll get some more firewood. Rommel nodded in understanding.    


I went. There are a lot of firewood on this mountain. I only managed to gather a large amount in a short while. Far away, I coughed deliberately as I approached the lawn. What I mean is that I am already here. If you want to roast clothes, you have to put them on right now. When we were near the mountain, I said to Romel, "Can I come over now?" Luo Mei nodded her head affirmatively without saying anything. Only then did I return to my original spot. But now my mouth was dry again. Because I found that all of Romel's clothes were hanging from the branch I had provided, while the fire was still burning. I even noticed the bra and underwear!    


A cake seller!    


I'm sure Rommel was naked at the moment. However, her entire body was now covered by the warm dry grass. I couldn't see anything, so I didn't mind. I tensed up my mind, took off my outer clothes, and began to roast them while the fire continued.    


"Look, wet you!" Romel seemed a little shy, but finally blushed a little and greeted me. I nodded to show I knew.    


Take off your clothes and roast them. Seeing that I didn't seem to understand the true meaning behind her earlier words, Romel finally couldn't help but directly express her suggestion.    


This time it was my turn to gape. Of course I want to take off my clothes and bake them, but this is not the time. It's not because of anything else, but because I have a young beauty in front of me!    


After staring at me blankly for a moment, and then wearing the same wet inner clothes to bake, that Rummel fell silent. But I looked at her again, and then I remembered what she had called to me when she had fallen from the cliff: I love you, Yunzi!    


In that situation, I think, it was definitely a sincere call. Thinking of this, I felt an inexplicable sweetness in my heart. Then she realized that something was wrong: it was in a very critical situation that she had said this, because both of us were facing death, and now, because we were both lucky enough to fall into the water without falling into the dark rock, our lives had been saved, and later, because I was good enough to swim, our lives had been sustained. So, looking at the situation now, I'm afraid she'll never admit or say anything like that again.    


Thinking of this, I was stunned for some reason. I really didn't know what to do with her.    


I was about to say something when Rommel moved. Once again it was my turn to be alarmed: for Rommel had risen from the grass and was walking naked to my side!    




I cried out in my mind, forgetting to bake the clothes in my hand, and not bothering to examine Rommel's beautiful figure, but thinking only of one thing: what was she doing this for?    


Although she had a piece of clothing in her hand, she didn't try to cover her plump breasts or cover the peaceful and dense triangular forest. Instead, she gracefully walked to my side and squatted down.    


Seeing that I was still staring blankly at her, Rommel shot me a look. You won't take it off because of me, right? Now that I'm like this, what are you afraid of?    


Yes, what am I afraid of? Didn't he just take off his underwear? If she dared to treat me like this, as a man, why would I dare to face her naked?    


Hearing this, my blood started to boil. In a few moments, I had wiped off my wet underwear and placed it by the fire to roast. The thing below, for some reason, was quite tall. After seeing my toy, Roman's face turned even redder, but he didn't move away. He still squatted beside me and helped me to roast my clothes. Seeing her like this, my nose turned sour for some reason: a girl like her, because she was afraid that I was cold, dared to do this, giving up her attitude to dispel my worries. What should I do in this life to repay her?    


I sighed in my heart as I looked at Romel, who was standing beside me. In my eyes, the current Romer was exceptionally beautiful. Not only because of her nakedness, but also because she was so focused on roasting clothes!    


The clothes were quickly dried. We dressed in our own clothes. However, when Romel was wearing a bra, she insisted that I help her button the back button. Of course I was embarrassed, but thinking about how diligently she treated me just now, I didn't have any worries and just helped her buckle it up. Her small hand, I don't know if it was intentional or not, touched my thing a few times. However, she had always been magnanimous and did not dodge. She continued to dress herself.    


It wasn't easy for the two of us to put on clean clothes, and I relied on my skills to hunt down two wild chickens and eat them before putting the fire out and continuing on my way. Although there was no sexual relationship between the two of us this time, the feeling of living and dying together, the nakedness of facing each other, all of us had lost our line of defense. We walked hand in hand, like lovers, chatting.    


Zhang Yun, look over there! We were walking along the top of the ravine, and suddenly Romel stopped and pointed to the ravine, calling out to me in surprise.    


I looked at the canyon. This is the first time I've been here. Now that he saw it, his eyes widened in surprise. Not for any other reason, but because of the osmanthus trees on both sides of the canyon!    


Yes, wild osmanthus trees!    


It was filled with mountains on both sides of the canyon! Some of them had even started to spread to the two sides of the mountain!    


This is probably the largest group of wild osmanthus forest I've ever seen!    


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