Super Little Farmer



0It's like this. It's impossible to make a meal without a drink. I think we can make fruit juice. Also, haven't we seen so many wild fruit trees in the mountains these few days? Although there are no fruits now, but as you said, we will have plenty of fruits in the autumn. We can also extract it to make juice. However, there is no special wine here! Romel glanced at me, then went back to her state of mind, preoccupied with her own thoughts.    




I couldn't help but be stunned!    


Yes, wine! He was still thinking about her. I don't know if there are people in the mountains who can make sweet wine, but if there are, we can ask her to make sweet wine. The sweet wine could be made into bowls and sold at the supermarket, but we would get more of the sweet wine juice and make a light drink for it in the dining room. It's just that I have the juice, and I have the light liquor. I think for a moment, I lack the high alcohol. It is reasonable to say that this wine can be used on the outside. Furthermore, as long as we are able to make a restaurant, there will be many people outside who would like to sell this wine to us. However, we have to think of a way to make our own specialties for this wine.    


Stop! After listening to her words, I stopped her and refused to let her continue. Because in my mind, I could already remember the kind of wild rice wine that Old Liu Tou used to make, as well as the same kind of wild rice wine that my father once brewed. This wine is extremely high, 52 degrees left. Moreover, this fruit is different, so the taste of this wine is different. I've had at least seven different flavors of wild rice wine in this mountain! However, he didn't know if that would work …    


Yes! Seeing that Romel was in a daze, I quickly explained my reason. This time, it was Roman who was stunned.    


Are you saying that Gadfly Mountain has a high alcohol content?    


Right! That was the truth. I said firmly. He didn't have time to eat anymore and directly headed to the kitchen. Inside, there is the rice wine my father made while he was still alive. This wine is brewed by almost every family in our mountain every year. Of course, it exists in my family as well. Because my father loved to drink. Though I never saw my father drunk once!    


Sure enough, the wine was still there. When I was a child, I stole it more than once, and it was even seen by the children and the children! After my elder brother, my father occasionally offered me a drink or two. Of course I do. Of course, I also helped my father many times with the wine, so I gave it to him to drink. Therefore, I am familiar with the route right now.    


As he opened the jug of wine, the fragrance of wine assaulted his nostrils. I didn't have time to think about it, so I picked up some wine and headed straight for the kitchen. Rommel, who had been staring at me with his eyes wide open, laughed when he smelled the wine. Very happy kind. Almost without my persuasion, I took the initiative to drink two mouthfuls. After a long while, I still savored the aftertaste and continued to nod my head. Of course I drank too, and introduced the situation of the wine. Rommel stopped talking and listened intently. Hearing that the wine was made from the wild fruits and rice brewed in the mountains, the different tastes of the wild fruits and wine were different. Their eyes clearly lit up. I'm sure she had a new idea, but she didn't point it out. She just drank her own wine.    


This meal probably lasted two hours. In the end, the food was all cold. I had to reheat the meal at least three times. After we finished eating, the two of us cleaned up a little, then walked out of the mountain hand in hand, found our own car and headed for Jing Chu. On the way, while I was driving, Rommel kept asking me a few questions about Gadfly Mountain, thinking about himself. I knew she was working on this new Gadfly Mountain restaurant, so I didn't scratch her and let her think on her own.    


When he arrived at Jing Chu City, he was welcomed by everyone in the villa. That night, Zhou Yajie and Yiko helped He Guoqian's sister and brother-in-law cook. The others were either busy with their own things or chatting with me. Aitin was already out of bed, which was probably the best news I'd had in a while. Only Seiko and Zhou Bingjie stood to one side, giggling at the way Rommel walked. Luo Mei seemed to know something as she glanced at me before she took an excuse to busy herself and hid in her own room. I guess she was shy, so I let her. He also thought that since she had just broken her body, it would be good for her to rest for a while. It was only at dinner that Romel came out, and I felt that what I had thought might be wrong. Because, looking at how tired she is, I'm sure that she didn't rest at all during that time and was probably working instead. It's just that what I did made me a little suspicious. I had also considered that she might be working on a preliminary report on the Gadfly Mountain Restaurant, but I thought it might be something for a professional company, and I was afraid that she didn't have the ability to do that, and thought that, as far as we were concerned, we didn't need to do anything directly, we could at most think about it.    


At dinner, however, I confirmed my thoughts: this Rommel, he must have been working on this story about the Gadfly Mountain Restaurant! Because that was what she said most during the meal, as if she was discussing it with the rest of the group. Of course, she had thrown out her views, as well as mine. At this moment, I didn't say anything else and just gave more food to Aitin. You have to know, she is someone who would sacrifice her life to save me. I thank her. Of course, Aitin was blushing slightly as she modestly gave in to me, but she still received my food time and time again as if she was enjoying it.    


As for the other women, they were clearly interested in the suggestion that Romer had put forward, and constantly gave out various suggestions. I was stunned again. It was because these women were all extraordinary people. One by one, the suggestions were irresistible. For example, if you want to suggest that the clothing of the waiters in this restaurant should be woven from our own cloth from the earth in the mountains, it should be in the right style. For example, Yukiko suggested that the pot of food and the wine bottle and the wine glass would have to follow the instructions of our mountain. Romel and I were surprised again and again by this mixed suggestion. In the end, Romer stopped eating and went straight back to his room. Ronnie and I felt a pang in our hearts. We looked at each other, put down our bowls and chopsticks, and followed inside.    


When he arrived at Rommel's room, he saw that Rommel was flying around on his laptop. Although Yukiko had provided everyone in the room with a laptop during the few days I'd been away from her, the one that Romel was currently using was clearly the one she'd been using all along. I made tea and gave Romel and Ronnie each a cup, and they both thanked me. I poured myself another glass and sat down next to Romel. We looked at each other and watched her in silence.    


After an unknown period of time, Roman finally let out a long breath. I knew that she would probably succeed. He quickly moved closer to the computer and looked at it. Ronnie helped the tired Romel off the table and lay down on the bed to rest. Naturally, I started working on the computer.    


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