Super Little Farmer



0At night, it's easier on my side. I returned to the villa early. Ye Shuzhen and Rommel were busy and had not come home yet; Reiko, Yukiko, Zhou Bingjie, Zhou Yajie, Zhu Dantong, and Ronnie were all away on business; as for Aitin, she had gone off with the two officers and had not returned yet. With nothing to do and no habit of watching TV, I studied the road by myself. He did not know how long it had been, nor did he know if Ye Shuzhen and Romer had returned. After coming to a general conclusion, he went to bed, of course.    


Before I went to bed, I remembered the obscene thoughts of the day, to comfort Rommel, and it seemed that either she had not returned, or she had come back too tired to bear the strain. In short, he would not have a chance tonight.    


Forget it. We'll talk about it tomorrow. As I thought about it, I slowly fell asleep.    


I don't know how long I slept, but in the midst of my sleep, I suddenly felt that someone was sleeping on my bed. And a strong smell of perfume wafted into his nose. Needless to say, this is Romer. Because in the whole villa, this fragrance was only used by the two Luo sisters. Ronnie was still out on a business trip, so she must be Rommel. I reached out my hand and touched the man. The smooth belly, the smooth skin. However, she seemed to be sleeping very soundly!    


I felt a little regretful. It was most likely because she was too busy during the day that she slept so deeply. I couldn't help but feel sorry for her, and I gently caressed her. Inexplicably, a surge of nameless fire rose from his heart. I sighed, knowing that it was the result of this caress; and I could not help remembering the vows I had made to her during the day.    


However, a soft scream woke me up like I was in a dream!    


Almost without thinking, I turned on the bedside lamp. When I took a closer look at the naked woman in the soft light, I was stunned: she was not Rommel! She was Romel's sister, the reporter, the host, the producer, Ronnie!    


The woman in front of me was staring at me with the same blank, tearful eyes. Her hands were still pressed down by me, making them straighter and straighter, and they flashed in front of my eyes. Panicking, I quickly let go of my hands and sat down on the bed. Ronnie remained silent and just stared at me, thinking about something. I was stunned, then I suddenly thought of something …    


Oh my god!    


What have I done?    


I killed her, Ronnie!    


How could this be?    


When did she come back? How did she get into my bed?    


I panicked. Seeing that Ronnie was still staring at me blankly, I couldn't help but feel embarrassed. I panicked a little and said, "Ah, I thought you were Romel …"    


As soon as the words left my mouth, I wanted to slap myself in the face. Eh, the information had been leaked!    


Romel had warned me time and time again that she could stay with me every day, but I would never mention a single word of it to anyone, not even her sister! But, look at me …    


Fortunately, though, Ronnie didn't seem to notice what I had just said, and she sat up quietly and pushed her hands behind her back to comb her shawl of long hair, letting it rise almost to my chest. Looking at the beautiful couple in front of me, I couldn't help but swallow a mouthful of saliva. After a while, he noticed what was happening. He was a bit worried, so he quickly apologized. "Sorry, Ni`er." Aha... But how did you get to my bed?    


Ronnie, on the other hand, remained silent. She calmly combed her hair and shook her head, as if she felt that her hair had been lifted. Then she opened her beautiful eyes and looked at me calmly. I'm not afraid of her, I'm only afraid of her calmness, because I don't know what she's thinking. Thus, seeing her in such a state, I panicked even more. It was as though someone had caught me red-handed, and I was at a loss for words. Even my face felt a little hot. I know, my face must be very red right now!    


After a while, I started to regret it again. What's the use of saying "sorry" to her? I'm a man, so all I have to do is say a few words of 'I'm sorry'? Clearly, that was impossible!    


But you want me to take responsibility? That's not realistic.    


It's not that I don't want to. Asking me to take responsibility for the girl in front of me, that is what I wish for! However, looking at this situation, I'm afraid that she won't hold me responsible, because Ronnie has to have a figure, a face, a talent, a background, and unlike her sister, Romel, who has been hurt emotionally and has no emotional vacuum, I'm afraid it's impossible for someone like her to fall in love with a peasant like me. It's not that I feel inferior, but that this is a common practice of reality. As for me, I already have the four girls, Luo Mei, Ling Zi, Zhou Bingjie, and Zhou Yajie. I have to take the initiative to take responsibility for the girl in front of me.    


However, if I don't take responsibility for her and do what I'm doing now, then what should I do?    


I suddenly realized that I had fallen into another trap that I couldn't solve!    


"Pu Chi!"    


While I was in a daze, Ronnie laughed and threw herself into my arms, hugging my neck with both of her hands. She didn't mind that she had thrown herself naked into my arms, which were similarly naked.    


Yunzi, I don't mind.    


That Ronnie put her mouth to my ear and whispered.    


You don't mind?    


What do you mean?    


I couldn't help but be taken aback.    


"..." Hehe, on the contrary, I'm looking forward to becoming your woman.    




How could this be?    


I was stunned again. She has some expectations for the girl who became me? What do you mean? Doesn't that mean she's already in love with me?    


As I thought of this, my heart skipped a beat, and I remembered that she had said to me before: Yunzi, if you want to eat me, you can eat it if you want. It tastes good.    


Now I did eat her. However, he hadn't fully experienced this flavor yet. At this thought, my heart suddenly tightened. Because I remember something else: it seems that Ronnie, after she let me eat her, added, "Only, after you eat me, you might have a bit of a choke. You can't eat another one!"    


When I thought about it, and the circumstances, I was sure that what she meant was that after I had been like this with her, I could no longer be in love with her, with her, with Zhou Bingjie, with Zhou Yajie, with her sister Rommel, or in bed with her. Does that mean I can only do this sort of thing with her?    


Ah? What should he do?    


In fact, if I had only one woman in the first place, I would have preferred to do this, to treat her wholeheartedly. However, in this situation, wouldn't I be unworthy of those four women if I were to do so?    


Then, then, what should he do? The consequences might be unimaginable!    


At that moment, at the moment when I thought of the consequences, I was really shocked. I think my face must have gone white with fright!    


"..." Hee, look at you, you're so scared!    


Seemingly noticing that something is amiss with my expression, Ronnie finally smiled and continued rubbing in my embrace before softly pouting in a coquettish manner. There wasn't much reproach in those words; and, judging from what she said, it seemed as if she had been teasing me.    


As for me, I still didn't dare to relax. Because I'm still thinking about how to deal with this. It's just that I can't think of a better way at the moment!    


Yunzi, tell me, what happened to that pillow?    


As if seeing my expression waver, the smile on Ronnie's face intensified. She didn't mind, or rather deliberately allowed, the pair of breasts to rub against my chest while she brought up another topic. My train of thoughts was interrupted by her, and I stopped thinking about the solution. I looked at Ronnie. Her hands were hanging down, her head was slightly raised, and there seemed to be a mist in her eyes. She was staring at me calmly. I didn't care about the situation that was troubling me anymore. I just thought about the matter of the small pillow, organized my speech, and explained what she meant. The story of the pillow, of course.    


In fact, the story of this pillow started from my mother.    


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