Super Little Farmer



0Or the geology of the area itself, where the river had formed a small pool. The water was clear enough to see the bottom, but it slowly flowed downstream. The mountains on both sides of the lake were covered by a green forest, and the water and reflection combined into a single entity, making this place seem like a paradise on earth. What was even more shocking was that there was a depression on the left side of the mountain that formed a cylindrical shape. From the top of the mountain, there was a massive cliff, and an unknown waterfall cascaded down from above. At the bottom of the cliff, there was a nest, and some places were even deeper in, like a dragon's head.    


This waterfall is too familiar to me. It was not a common occurrence; it had been available only in April and had been lost from the end of September to the beginning of October. But here we played a lot more, and when we were little we used to put up a raft and row it here, and then we would pull the side of the raft into the hollow at the bottom of the cliff, and we would sit on the raft and let the waterfall wash over our heads.    


This place had no name, but the older generations all said that an Azure Dragon once appeared here. So I called it Green Dragon Pond in secret, because it seemed that this mountain itself was a green dragon! In fact, there were about three similar places along the river, one of which was the most beautiful, and the other two were good places, but they were still inferior. Originally, those two places didn't have names either. Our friends privately named them the White Dragon Pool and Jade Dragon Pool to become one with the Green Dragon Pool.    


Ronnie looked around the Green Dragon Pool and took many more pictures. Only after a while did he stop and sit on the raft to watch. I couldn't bear to scratch her, so I ignored her and just stayed at the end of the raft, thinking about myself. Ronnie took off her shoes and splashed them in the water with her white jade feet. I was stunned. He sighed in his heart. It seemed like he had not wasted all his efforts. At least, the girl in front of him had returned to her normal self. She was not as depressed as she had been for the past two days.    


As I looked at Ronnie, I thought about how to fix the road. Ronnie stood up and put the camera away, then smiled at me shyly. I was wondering why she looked like that when Ronnie looked around again, as if to see if there was anyone around.    


I smiled.    


There was definitely no one here. For one thing, it can only come from the upper reaches, and certainly not from the lower reaches. As for the mountains on either side, which have almost always been deserted, no one will come now. I am a man of the mountains, and of course I know the habits of the mountaineers. Now, I'm sure we're all working in the fields. This is what it used to be like; at the moment, I've arranged a lot of work for this mountain man through my companies. They should be even busier than before, so how could they have the time to come here? Three, the scenery here would only be of interest to the kids or the people in the city like Ronnie. As for the people in the mountains, they lived here every day and had already gotten used to it, so how could they be interested? Four, delivering food by the waterway was a matter of the afternoon, so there would definitely be no problem right now. Therefore, I can guarantee that no one else will come here at this time!    


However, I don't really understand. What kind of tricks is this Ronnie trying to pull? She was smiling and looking around?    


I was thinking, when I came to see Ronnie again, I was taken aback, for she was undressing. It was my turn to gape. However, after a while, I understood. This little girl probably wanted to swim because she saw that the water here was good! He then smiled to himself.    


As I expected, Ronnie took off her clothes. To my surprise, she had taken off her bra and panties. I was stunned. Such a beauty, in such a beautiful landscape of mountains and waters, was indeed a rare work of art; and Ronnie, paying no attention to my glance, smiled at me again and went into the water.    


Her swimming skills were obviously higher. In the water, there were all sorts of tricks. I was struck dumb again: such a beautiful scene, such a beautiful person, I, I can hardly use words to express that kind of beauty, a kind of unparalleled pure beauty!    


Yunzi, you come down as well!    


After swimming for a short while, Ronnie stretched out her hand to greet me.    


Me too? He couldn't help but be stunned. But I was sure she was greeting me.    


Of course I wanted to go down, but not only because of the beauty in front of me, but also because of the extreme beauty of the landscape. However, I only thought about it for a moment before I smiled and shook my head. At the moment, I think I have more important things to do, and that is to appreciate, not to participate directly; and, at the moment, I'm sick of looking at what I'm seeing, and the thing underneath me is already high. If he were to stand up and take off his clothes, that wouldn't be fun. At the very least, he would make the beautiful little girl in front of him laugh. Even though I had already experienced that kind of thing with her, I still felt a bit embarrassed.    


However, Ronnie didn't pester me. She seemed to understand that her unique artistic conception created from the incomparably beautiful scenery of mountains and rivers was extremely attractive to me. Thus, she only smiled, didn't force me, and continued to play.    




Just as they were playing, Ronnie's body suddenly trembled, as though something had just happened beneath her feet.    


A thought struck me and I immediately knew that something was amiss. The bottom of the pool was filled with rocks, and the space between the rocks was filled with cracks. With just the slightest bit of carelessness, his foot had gotten stuck. In the past, when I saved the spirit child three times, I saved her once when the spirit child went to save another companion who was stuck in a rock underwater. She used her full strength and was about to drown. The current Ronnie clearly had the same situation as the little fellow from back then!    




This was my first feeling. Almost subconsciously, I stood up and with a poof, jumped into the water. With two flashes, he appeared next to Ronnie. However, just as I was diving into the water to look at Ronnie's feet, Ronnie's legs jumped in the water, drew a beautiful arc in the air, and dodged away.    


She wasn't hurt at all! Her feet didn't even sink into the crevice!    


I felt an inexplicable sense of relief, and suddenly I was on the surface of the water. Only then did he emerge from the water, only to be met with a splash of water. I looked and saw that Ronnie was splashing the water with both hands and letting it fall over my head. Even if my heart was moved, I would immediately understand. This Ronnie probably used such a method to lure me into the water when I wasn't going into the water!    


This little girl, what can I say?    


I can't help but feel a little unsure of whether I should laugh or cry!    


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