Super Little Farmer



0Ronnie snorted, as if she hadn't expected me to attack; then she turned her head a little and glanced at me. As if enjoying it, I stopped floating and held on tightly to the edge of the raft, allowing me to attack from behind. After a while, she finally cried out.    


This place is a good place, Ronnie said brazenly, but then she stopped, her head thrown back and her chest thrust forward. Needless to say, she was experiencing her first orgasm. I wanted to move again, but Ronnie turned her hand back and signaled me to stop. I didn't know what she meant, but I stopped. Ronnie held her head high and savored it contentedly before turning her head to look at me again. She said, "Brother Yunzi, I can't take it anymore. My hands and feet are a bit weak. Carry me onto the raft!"    


As soon as I heard her, I knew she wouldn't last much longer, so I backed away and put my hands on her hips to support her, lifting her out of the water. She climbed into the middle of the raft and lay down on my wet clothes. Seeing that she was fine, I also used the momentum to climb up the raft. Seeing Ronnie's situation, he understood her intentions and began to unrestrainedly press down on her body. The raft floated freely in the pool under both our forces, even once to the nest of the dragon's head, where the curtain of water was falling on my back and then down my back to Ronnie and all around me.    


For a long time, the two of us worked hard on this movement. In the end, under my persuasion, Ronnie used the beautiful creature on her chest to help me settle this issue. Her original intention was to follow the established pattern, but I knew that she would not be able to support me alone, so I persuaded her. Fortunately, my advice was more useful. She listened to me. When I was completely relaxed, Ronnie sat down gently on the raft and smiled like me. The two of them embraced each other tightly!    


It took Ronnie a moment to react, motioning for me to pull the raft under the curtain of water. Of course I did. I put the raft under the water curtain and let it wash us both thoroughly before, at Ronnie's direction, I moved the raft into the sunlight.    


Looking at Ronnie, naked and searching for clean clothes from the other side of the raft, I felt a surge of emotion. He picked up the clothes and looked at her. But Ronnie turned back to get her own clothes. My heart skipped a beat for some reason, and a desire welled up in my heart. I stuffed my clothes into Ronnie's bag and said, "Ni`er, let's not wear it for the time being!"    


Beautiful you!    


Ronnie slightly scolded me. She was obviously trying to convince me that she should not wear any clothes.    


But I had already seen that she was not really angry, for she had stopped dressing, put the dress back in her pocket, and turned to me. Is it bad for your health, Yun-zi?    


As she asked this question, I couldn't help but be taken aback. This time, it was my turn to laugh. There's no need to ask. Ronnie probably thinks that I want her now, and she seems to be very happy. She's just worried that my body won't be able to handle the food. I felt an inexplicable warmth in my heart. I smiled and said, "Ni`er, I didn't mean that." In this way, up ahead was the most dangerous part of the river. It was called the 'Nine Bends, Eighteen Pots, Thirty-six Beach'. I had an idea just now. The two of us will just rush over like this …    




Ronnie lowered her head slightly and stopped talking. She just glanced at me. As if she had misunderstood me, she seemed a little shy, and as if she were expecting my suggestion, she went lightly to the front of the raft and sat down on her knees, leaving me to pull the raft forward.    


In the midst of Ronnie's exclamations and exclamations of joy, in the midst of my shouts and cries of caution, the naked Ronnie was kneeling or sitting on the raft, holding her hands out to the sky or splashing water, or letting the stimulated water of the bay wash over her white skin, her full breasts, or letting her jade feet glide in the current …    


At this moment, I don't have the mind to pay attention to this most moving and beautiful scene! I'm just concentrating on the raft!    


It was not easy for the two of us to get out of this beautiful pool known as the "Nine Bends, Eighteen Disks, Thirty-six Beach". It was actually the Jade Dragon Pool.    


I let Ronnie play with the water and sat down to rest. Ronnie, who was playing around, suddenly stood up. With only two steps, she lightly walked to my side and laid down in my arms. I was a little tired, but when I saw her like this, I threw my arms around her and, of course, took one of her handfuls without a care in the world. Ronnie let me do this to her, but she threw her arms around my neck and looked at me.    


Did he have something to do again? What else was there to do? What did she mean?    


I have some questions. But I'm sure, from her tone of voice, she didn't mean that the two of us were going to do the same thing again!    


Think about it, what can we do where we pass?    


Ronnie gave me a kiss and asked softly.    


What could he do? Hearing Ronnie's question, I immediately thought back to the previous location.    


However, it seemed like there was nothing he could do. One must know, that place was filled with danger. What could they do if they were the most upset? Even though I was inspired by Ronnie, I still couldn't think of a way to explain it to her after thinking about it for a while.    


I didn't understand, and Ronnie, ignoring the fact that one hand was gently stroking her breasts as I held her, and the other was already stroking her bush, tightened her arms around my neck again, and gave me another heavy kiss, smiling: Here, I see, you can be a drifter! Now was the time!    


Floating? What is drifting?    


I'm not joking. I really don't understand! Although I have also studied in university, I have also worked outside for so long, but I really do not understand this word! Besides, I've never played before!    


Seeing that I was still speechless and confused, Ronnie looked at me as if I were a monster, seemed to realize for a moment that I really did not know, and then stopped my two hands from doing evil, and began to introduce me in a whisper. At this time, I knew that drifting was the kind of thing we were doing right now. Of course, this included the process of breaking through the waves of "Ghost Worry"! Moreover, this kind of sports city's people loved it the most! As for us, we can make a lot of money!    


Ah? I had a short circuit in my head.    


That's it? People in the city liked to play with water? So we can make a lot of money out of it? Impossible?    


For some reason, I suddenly had an extremely absurd feeling!    


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