Super Little Farmer



0After hearing this news, I suddenly felt dizzy and was stunned. It was all because happiness came too fast.    


You know, my private exclamation, this Gadfly Mountain tourism to develop, to have both practical content, and also to have visibility. At the moment, it seems to us that what is missing is visibility, so we need the support of the media.    


But let's spend the money to advertise, we really don't have that much money right now. Therefore, he could only take the news route. That's why I had Ronnie's plan before. This allowed for two news stories, the first and the second being separated by half a month. According to our original plan, there will be a third and fourth time, and even more.    


However, I didn't expect that the news of the South Wei Province's satellite channel would be so good. Every time this news came out, it would be followed up by other media outlets. What he hadn't expected was that this senior apprentice-sister Ronnie was truly capable in gathering her own thoughts. Ronnie and I had planned to report this wild community from the same place at the fifth step of the game. Who knew that her senior sister would come up with the idea and even proactively ask for a report!    


So what do we do now?    


After a while, I finally woke up and asked Ronnie about the plan. I'm good at farming; this newscast, ah, I can't. He had to ask the beautiful expert beside him.    


Ronnie was obviously not ready to receive the media in the first place, and despite my doubts, she was still thinking about her own business. Seeing her like this, he sighed in his heart. In this day and age, it may not be a good thing for happy events to pile up together. However, no problem, since she's here, let her be at ease. When the army comes at her, let the water flood the soil. She comes at her, I'll do my own thing. In short, he must make good use of this opportunity …    


Opportunity, Opportunity... Originally, we didn't have the chance to create an opportunity, but now that the opportunity has arrived, how could I be so cautious?!    




Thinking of this, for some reason, my eyes suddenly lit up: opportunity, you know, this is a chance! The opportunity must not be lost, never lost again! Since she's here, we'll take her to see these two places. While we're at it, we'll use the third move to get Ronnie and her senior sister to report the third highlight on the news, that is, the Fourth Age Ice Ruins! In short, he had to use this opportunity well!    


As soon as I felt it, I raised my head in excitement, but met Ronnie's heated gaze: "Yunzi, I've thought of it. The plan is dead, and we're all alive. We can't let the original plan restrain our thoughts." Since our senior sister is here, we'll forward the news about the Fourth Age Ice Formations …    


I laugh!    


It is indeed my woman. She even thought of the same thing as me. Almost without thinking, I embraced the beautiful figure in front of me. Ronnie was stunned for only a moment before she understood that I had the same thoughts as well. She immediately giggled and wrapped her arms around my neck, pulling me closer and closer to her. When I wanted to find her mouth to kiss me, she giggled and turned her face to the side. She gave me a weird look, then tilted her head to look at me and said, "Yunzi, do you want to see my senior sister?"    


Of course, she's your senior sister, and she's a mediator, but she's here to help us. Of course I want to meet her.    


That's it?    


Of course, that was it. Hearing Ronnie's question, I answered without hesitation. A moment later, however, he stopped and stared at her. Because from what she said, there seemed to be something hidden behind her words.    


Where's Central TV's First Sis! Ronnie seemed unwilling to accept my answer, so she asked again.    


So what? I don't know him! I was unmoved, and replied a little peevishly. No matter how amazing, she was still alone.    


My senior sister is very smooth!    


Hearing Ronnie's answer, I didn't know whether to laugh or cry. That's it? Was it worth it for her to make such a big fuss over? She was a big mountain, so what? No matter how much effort I put in, I'm afraid I won't have any other thoughts! Of course, it was always okay to see a mediator like her! After all, this kind of person could be seen every day in the media, but only once in a lifetime would one be able to see real people!    


I had a plan on my side, and I wanted to show it to Ronnie. But before he could say it, he came up with another idea: the effect of the South Wei Television was quite good, and the visibility of Gadfly Mountain was there; and, as things stood, the presence of the Central Media, especially the First Sister, would be even more well-known; so that the effect that we had planned to achieve in at least half a year would now be greatly advanced, and probably even higher than it had been in the past. This way, I can take advantage of the heat to strike the iron and fry this piece of land. Thus, it was necessary to advance the publicity in Jingchu City.    


He finally had an idea. Although he felt that he wouldn't have the chance to meet with the Central Media First Sister this time around, he still didn't regret it. I explained my point of view to Ronnie. Ronnie was stunned. She obviously didn't expect me to say this: at this time, she and the spiritual son would have to take care of this Central Medium's First Sister, and I would go back to Jing Chu alone to arrange the next step. However, Ronnie was obviously extremely intelligent and understood that I was right. She nodded her head in support of me after saying a few words of flattery.    


At this moment, he made some arrangements and decided to head back to his room to pack up. Before he could move, his phone rang again. It was Vice Mayor Deng's number. The call connected and it was indeed Vice Mayor Deng. I'm glad to hear it. After a short conversation, I learned that their town was going to have a ribbon cutting ceremony on the road I had been working on, to see when I would be scheduled, so they could choose the time. When I heard this, I was stunned. Because it seems like I've never thought of such a thing. He covered the phone with his hand and briefly introduced the situation to Ronnie. Her eyes, of course, flashed at me again, but she didn't answer. She let me make my own decision. I thought for a moment and then politely declined the offer over the phone, saying that I was not used to this kind of stuff and that there was no need for it. If I had the money, I could use it on the road. Vice Mayor Deng obviously did not expect this kind of reply. He was stunned for a moment, but of course, he also advised me. Seeing that I was resolute, he did not try to persuade me anymore. After a while, she smiled, praised me, and agreed to spend all of the money I had intended for the ceremony to plant trees on both sides of the road. I was extremely satisfied and felt that this Vice Mayor Deng was quite a good person. I had an idea and immediately agreed happily.    


Ronnie was obviously very pleased with my performance and just smiled at me. I hung up and came to see her, meeting her affectionate gaze. He felt an inexplicable warmth in his heart. Her eyes were intent on looking away, but they were falling on the high side of her chest. His heart skipped a beat again. He suddenly remembered his big fight with her on the bed last night. The feeling of her towering beauty was extremely good.    


If he tried it again, it would definitely be good. I think.    


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