Super Little Farmer



0What I didn't expect was that just as I prepared the money, before I sent it out, the next afternoon, a staff member from the Jing Chu city's office directly called me on my phone. It turned out that Zhang Mingzheng, the secretary of the provincial government and chairman of the Standing Committee of the Provincial People's Congress, was very interested in my proposal and wanted to take a look at it tomorrow morning.    


I don't understand what this "concrete office space" means. As far as I could understand, the office was still in the office, but according to the leader, it was as if he was somewhere else. Just when I was confused, the leader seemed to understand my doubts and explained that Secretary Zhang of the provincial government wanted to "work in the field", which was to solve my problem on the spot and let me determine the specific location.    


This time I understood. I didn't expect such a situation to occur, but after pondering for a moment, I pointed out the specific location, which was the handle of the umbrella in the sector. The other side answered. When I came home for dinner in the evening, I told everyone about the fortune or misfortune, and everyone was taken aback. Only Yi Jing and Zeng Haiying looked at each other with normal expressions. I wondered why they were so calm. Something was wrong. When he thought about it later, one of them didn't have much to do with it. They were police officers, so they asked for silence, which should have been the calmness of the moment.    


As I ate sullenly, I asked Zhou Yajie and Romel to prepare the reception, and I wondered how the secretary of the provincial Party could be so interested in my situation. After thinking about it, he still couldn't come up with an answer. Thus, he didn't think about it and instead thought about other things. After a long while, I suddenly remembered that the 1 million yuan rule hasn't been touched. Looking at the situation now, I'm afraid that I don't need the "unspoken rule" anymore. With this thought in his mind, he felt that the "unspoken rule" that Zhu Dantong spoke of might be wrong. It wasn't that he didn't believe her. On the contrary, I absolutely believe her. Because that's what I hear most about any job I do, and it seems that some people live on "eating and drinking". This time, I was certain that I might have met someone important. To those who helped me, I told them to call me "master" instead of "hidden rules". I really have to thank them, I think.    


With this thought in mind, his mood improved a bit. Eat fast. Just as he finished his meal, a call from Professor Zeng came in. He asked about the situation tomorrow. I was a little surprised because he seemed to know something before I could tell him. In my heart, I intend to go to his house tonight to explain the reason and then invite him to appear tomorrow. However, after listening to his question, it seemed like all the actions could be omitted. Only, I suddenly felt that something was wrong.    


While I was still wondering, Old Professor Zeng spoke up again. I quickly went back to my thoughts and calmly explained the strange circumstances of this afternoon, as well as my thoughts and preparations. Old Professor Zeng didn't say much. He just told me to get prepared before he hung up the phone. I nodded. When he hung up, he was still stunned for a long time. I still don't understand what's going on, just intuitively, and there may be things that I'm not sure of, or things that have happened, but I don't know. Thinking about it, he still couldn't come to any conclusion, so he didn't think about it anymore.    


After a while, I suddenly realized that Old Professor Zeng seemed very calm when he found out that the provincial government secretary was coming to inspect the site tomorrow, unlike the other girls in my villa. How could this be? Did he know? Impossible! It seems that I was the one who told him all this. Finally, he was enlightened: this Old Professor Zeng had seen too much of the world to care about such a scene, or perhaps he was a scholar and was not interested in the government, so he would be so calm.    


With that in mind, I finally calmed down. I called Professor Rhodes myself and asked him to come out tomorrow as well. I would have Zhou Bingjie drive over to pick him up. He nodded in agreement. He was as calm as Old Professor Zeng. His calmness helped me confirm my earlier thoughts. This Professor Luo is the same as that Professor Zeng, a scholar who is not interested in government affairs! Having made up her mind, she hung up the phone and let Zhou Bingjie do the same. Zhou Bingjie agreed.    


That night, we all made our moves together, making preparations in all directions. Aitin even prepared a meeting room at the Spring River Hotel. We left early the next morning. Zhou Bingjie picked up Professor Luo, and I picked up Professor Zeng. Etten was in charge of the meeting. Luo Mei, Zhou Yajie, and Xie Yating were the first to arrive at the scene. Ronnie, Yi Jing, and Zeng Haiying all left for work.    


The so-called scene was actually just a piece of barren land. Not long after we arrived at the scene, a car came straight this way. As soon as I saw the license plate of "Jing 0.AR007" from afar, Zhu Dantong came over and told me that it was a car belonging to Jing Chu Municipal Government. I guessed that it was a staff member who came to meet me first. I responded and quickly went to welcome him. The car stopped, and when the back door opened, two people got out, a man and a woman. When the middle-aged man saw me coming towards him, he smiled and asked, "Is this Mister Zhang?    


I nodded and asked in a neither humble nor haughty manner, "Are you the Leader of the Municipal Government?" From the sound of his voice, it seemed to be the same as the voice of the person who informed me on the phone yesterday.    


The middle-aged man smiled and didn't say anything. He just took a few steps toward me and reached out to shake my hand. The middle-aged woman smiled and said, "This is our Director Tan. He is the Director of the Municipal Government Office."    


He was indeed the Leader of the City Hall. I shake hands and say hello.    


Are you ready? Dean Tan and I exchanged a few words, then went straight to the point. I nodded and introduced Old Professor Zeng and Old Professor Luo, as well as Luo Mei, Zhou Yajie, Zhu Dantong, and Xie Yuting. I only introduced them as my coaches and partners. Director Tan was startled. It seemed he didn't expect my advisors to be these two old men. He quickly shook hands with them. The two old professors smiled in return. As for seeing that my companions were all young and pretty, this Director Tan was once again surprised, as if he hadn't expected something like this. At this moment, he only glanced back at me before nodding at the ladies. He didn't shake hands with them as a form of greeting. After that, he looked at me for my preparations. Rommel handed over an information kit. Director Tan took it out and examined it for a moment before nodding his head. After looking at the preparations, he nodded again.    


I was about to ask when I saw a convoy rushing over. In front of him was a police car. Without even looking, one could tell that it was a roadster. Behind them were two Chinese minibuses and two black sedans. Behind them was another long line of cars. However, there were signs on the outside of those cars. Clearly, they were the vehicles of the News Agency. The motorcade only came our way, and stopped like a snake not far from us. I guessed that the secretary of the provincial committee was coming over, so I leaned in close, feeling calm.    


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