Super Little Farmer



0I wanted to say hi to He Mengya, but that beauty continued to smile at Zhu Dantong, "Dantong, who is this handsome guy? "I won't introduce them either …"    


Zhu Dantong had already recovered by this time. She looked at me gently before replying with a smile, "Oh, look at me. Old classmate is so happy to see me that he has forgotten everything. Let me introduce this person to my boyfriend, Zhang Yun! " He tilted his head and said to me, "These two are my former classmates, He Mengya and Ou Tiefeng!"    


I gave both of them a curt nod of greeting.    


But He Mengya continued to look at us and said, Dan Tong's boyfriend? Oh, if that's the case, then I wonder where Mr. Zhang lives?    


As She Mengya was interrogating me, I saw everything that flashed past her eyes: I was still disdainful earlier, but it seemed that I had thought of something in just a moment. There was a trace of doubt in my eyes. Just as she was thinking about what was going on, Zhu Dantong, who was standing beside her, trembled.    


But I ignored the meeting, unhurriedly said the truth: Oh, also did not do nothing, just a migrant worker!    


Just as I said that, Zhu Dantong, who was standing beside me, trembled a little. Even though I knew that she would be embarrassed if I told her the truth, I didn't have the time to care about it. My face remained calm as I looked into the eyes of the girl in front of me. However, the disdain in the woman's eyes had completely disappeared. Her doubt from before had turned into shock and disbelief.    


Just as I was wondering why this was happening, I suddenly understood something.    


As a matter of fact, anyone with a discerning eye can see that just from my outfit, nearly one million yuan worth of clothing, who would believe that I am a "migrant worker"?    


Not to mention she didn't believe it, even I didn't believe it. But I, am basically just a migrant worker!    


Looking at He Mengya's disbelieving expression, I suddenly felt like laughing. What was going on these days? I told them the truth, but they just don't believe me! The calmer I said that I was worthless, the more they didn't believe me. It seemed that if I praised myself to the point where I couldn't get anything out of it, and I was the only one on earth, she might not believe me!    


Just as she was lamenting in her heart, Zhu Dantong who was beside her seemed to have come to a realization. She seemed to have understood the details of the situation. She smiled brilliantly without making a sound and only looked at me quietly. Of course, I believe that even the two people facing him can feel the affection from that meridian!    


He Mengya's expression changed again and again. A thought struck me, and I immediately understood her current state of mind. She obviously saw what was happening to Zhu Dantong. To her, the truth that I told her was a different point of view. [I don't want to tell her the truth. I don't want to tell her the truth!] The subtext behind this is, if you want to understand my situation, she's not qualified at all!    


He Mengya still wanted to say something, but Ou Tiefeng, who was standing beside her, spoke up: "Dantong, you …" How are you doing!    


Even a fool could see that this Ou Tiefeng had feelings for Zhu Dantong. Somehow, I felt a little sour in my heart. I couldn't help but be shocked, because I didn't know why I was doing this to myself. Of course, I also inexplicably looked at Zhu Dantong, but met her fiery gaze. Pure, quiet, and full of deep affection. It was as if she didn't notice Ou Tiefeng's question just now! I smiled at her. Zhu Dantong looked at me and smiled back, then tightened her hands and almost rested her head on my shoulder.    


That Ou Tiefeng finally stayed in place and didn't say anything else. It wasn't that he didn't want to say it, but He Mengya finally couldn't take it anymore. It was hard to tell that a man like Ou Tiefeng actually listened to He Mengya's words. He immediately shut his mouth.    


It seems that she feels that once she finishes with Ou Tiefeng, she might even want to investigate my origins. That He Mengya seemed to want to speak again. I didn't want to, she said, and now she simply fished the cigarette out of her pocket. On the way over here, I couldn't help but be curious, so I opened my bag and smoked a cigarette. It felt good, so I took one out with the same lightness, tapped it against the box, and casually popped it in my mouth. The lighter was already in his hand. With a flick of his finger, the flame ignited and the cigarette was lit. Because I had practiced kung fu before and played a lot of little tricks and was very interested in this ten thousand dollar lighter on the way here, I was very good at it then and when I wanted to put it out, I did some tricks: I moved my fingers a little, my wrist a little, and the flame flew like a butterfly over my fingertips, and then I closed it with a quiet ding sound, turned it off, and instantly returned to the palm of my hand.    


This is good. I don't have to talk anymore. I didn't care what the other two felt like. I took a small breath and began to breathe in and out.    


Zhu Danton had watched me play with the lighter on the road, and it was no surprise, but the two men in front of me were stunned by the familiar pattern. Even though He Mengya's disguise was a little tacky, she still knew what was good for her. When she saw the cigarette and the fire engine in my hand, the expression in her eyes gradually changed.    


My eyes were locked on a figure that had just walked past her.    


That person, though I have only seen her once, and only for a short time, I think I will never forget her. That's right, she is the beautiful mother of my former beautiful sister-in-law, Big Sister Guo Qing!    


To have such a good memory of her, one was because of her elder sister Guo Qing, the other was because of her beauty and beauty, and the three were because of her age. This was because even though she was Guo Qing's elder sister's mother, she was still too young. It seemed like Big Sister Guo Qing was already in her twenties, but this mother was only slightly over thirty years old!    


Of course, this wasn't the time for me to think about this. I only subconsciously looked behind her. Nothing else, I just want to find that big sister Guo Qing who let my dreams linger. I thought she might have come along with her beautiful mother. However, no matter how sharp my eyes were, after looking at it carefully, I still couldn't find anything. Obviously, my elder sister Guo Qing did not come.    


Even so, I was still a bit worried. I wanted to talk to that beautiful woman, so I immediately ignored He Mengya and Ou Tiefeng who stood opposite of me. I only whispered to Zhu Dantong, "Dantong, I have a friend over there. I need to greet him …"    


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