Super Little Farmer



0Looking at Zhu Dantong's beautiful face, a fire rose in my heart. I couldn't wait to get her straight. After a while, I felt that this wasn't a man's way of doing things. At the very least, I chose the wrong time because I still had something to take care of. As she thought about it and walked home, she felt strange. She didn't know what Zhu Dantong was thinking about that made her look like this. However, I'm sure that she must have thought of some lustful things. Otherwise, things wouldn't have turned out like this. With a burst of amusement in his heart, he also thought that he would embarrass the two of them if he stayed any longer. Thus, he could not be bothered and directly entered the room.    


After resting at home for a while, he remembered that he still had something to do. He had already promised Sally that he would go and take care of the matter early in the morning, so he left first. Seeing that I was leaving, Zhu Dantong went out with me. As a result, I drove her BMW, she drove my lion, split up. I went straight up the road and called Sally when I was almost there. When Sally heard I was coming to pick her up, she took it excitedly and came straight over. I got in the car and drove on without waiting for her to say more. Location: Spring River International Hotel. Only then did she realize that my outfit today was different from before. After a while, she understood that it was most likely due to her that I was dressed this way. Her face was bright. After a while, he seemed to have thought of something. His expression was somewhat gloomy, but after a while, it became calm again. Looking at the change in her expression, I understood. Before, she looked gloomy, probably because she was looking at me like this, but tonight, the host's house was very important, but she didn't have the usual courtesy, so it was like this. After a while, however, she calmed down, because she had made up her mind that she didn't have to care about this external appearance! Understanding this made me look at her in a new light. He couldn't believe that such a person would have such a good mentality! This kind of woman suits my mountain style quite well. Such a woman, it was good to be his wife!    


Thinking of this, my heart stirred and after a while, I sighed again. He thought for a while and stopped thinking about it. He then drove the carriage forward. The car quickly arrived at the main entrance of the Dejingjiang Hotel.    


Sally didn't expect me to come here. I didn't understand and happily accepted until I saw her off to the beauty salon on the second floor. One had to know that the Spring River Hotel was a five star hotel with a few hairdressers serving foreign guests. On the way, I thought about it, because I had to get Sally a haircut no matter what, just like Zhu Danton did to me. Sally wasn't familiar with the city, but I was different. This morning, Zhu Dantong took me to do it; in the afternoon, it was my turn to take Sally to do it.    


Sally stepped out of the salon. However, this hairdresser really wasn't a cover. This hairstyle was quite in line with Sally's style of being a beauty. Especially since Sally was originally a beauty who was one in a thousand. Now, with this hairstyle, she became even more spirited and charming.    


Sally smiled as I stared at her, then came over and took my arm. I came to my senses, paid, and pulled Sally up to the twentieth floor. While she was doing her hair, I went to the lobby on the first floor to get a room card and took the dress upstairs. He brought her straight to his room.    


Sally was stunned when she saw me bring her here. I handed her the dress and motioned for her to take a bath. Only after seeing all of this did Sally finally react. She glanced at me before graciously carrying her clothes into the bathroom. When she came out again, I was stunned!    


The Sally in front of him, how beautiful could she be? How could he be so refined?    


I stared. You know, the clothes I bought for her are perfect for her! And these clothes really did have a reputation in the world. When Sally wore them, it was different from Zhu Dantong's. If Zhu Dantong wore this kind of clothing is purer, Sally wore it out full of noble aura. Just as I was sighing in my heart, I suddenly understood that Sally was originally a noble, and her every action and gesture had a different flavor. This was the difference between her and Zhu Dantong!    


But Sally came up to me in a few steps, took my arm, looked me in the eye, and said softly: Thank you!    


Sally didn't say anything else after that. However, the tenderness in her eyes could almost melt me on the spot! I cried out in my heart, for I was doing this for her, only to put myself in her place, and I did this in return for her friendship.    


This feeling might have been desirable for others, but for me, it was almost a burden. Moreover, Sally's fiery passion made me flustered!    


I didn't dare think about it, didn't dare look at her, so I had to make an excuse to get there as soon as possible. Only then did Sally come to her senses. The two of them smiled in a similar manner. They went out, checked out, got into the car, and moved on!    


The further I went, the more shocked I became! That bad feeling was getting stronger and stronger!    


Because this car was heading towards the Azure Lake!    


Today at noon, I was in a villa here, with Zhu Dantong to attend a birthday lunch. And tonight, he was going to participate in another event. Although so far, I don't know what this event is about, but I strongly feel that it's probably a birthday party!    


I was flustered. I was chilled. If that big star saw me at the same time as her two friends as a couple, she would probably have a different opinion of me...    


What was he supposed to do then...    


What should I do...    


Deflation? That's impossible! Now that we're at this point in time...    


Not retreat? Just wait and see...    


F * ck me!    


I finally understand the dilemma!    




The car continued moving forward and entered the villa complex!    


My hunch was growing stronger. His mind became more and more chaotic!    


It's here, it's finally here! It was almost exactly as I had guessed, Sally really did come to attend that superstar Han Bing'er's birthday banquet!    


When the car finally stopped, the security guard came over to help open the door. I stopped and let the door open. I sat down quietly.    


Who cares about him? Since he's here, he might as well leave!    


Oh, that goddess in the sky, she is destined not to be with me! Do you think I, a toad, would want to eat swan meat? Forget it!    




After an unknown period of time, I felt that the expression of Sally who was looking at me became thicker and thicker. I finally woke up. Thinking about it, that little action I made towards me at that time, made me feel fervent in my heart, I'm afraid it was just like passing clouds in my vision! Right now, I have the love of five girls and the girl's infatuation. What else do I want?    


Moreover, tonight's event, I am already on the verge of being shot, so I have no choice but to take action!    


Let's go! I made up my mind.    


Get out of the car and close the door. Open the door on the other side, help Sally out, close the door, lock the car. The two of them slowly walked towards the villa!    


Not far away, it was the villa's door. Faintly, it was that pair of beautiful twin sisters again!    


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