Super Little Farmer



0I was flustered. My heart raced. I have no hands. My palms are sweating...    


A cake seller! I swear, I didn't do it on purpose! Even though this little girl was extremely enchanting!    


I swallowed a mouthful of saliva. I felt that this method was a little dirty, but I couldn't bear to look away. After thinking about it for a while, he couldn't see that Ye Shuzhen's breasts were as pretty as Guo Qing's; if they were compared to a spirit child, they were still a bit stronger. Also, her two grapes on top of the mountain were also pink in color …    


While I was lost in my thoughts, Ye Shuzhen finished writing and raised her head. At first, I didn't notice it. It was as if something was wrong with my expression. After a while, I finally found out that she had left the spring sunshine and was being watched by me. He was slightly startled and his face turned red. He glanced at me once more before he slowly and unhurriedly tightened the collar of his clothes.    


I finally realized. Seeing her like this, he immediately knew that he was a thief just now, but she caught him red-handed. His heart skipped a beat. It was a good thing that Ye Shuzhen did not seem to be in a hurry. Only then did her tensed heart relax.    


Just as he was about to leave to avoid the awkwardness in front of him, his phone rang again. It was from Aitin. After listening to the conversation, it became clear that Aitin was in a hurry. I listened carefully, but it turned out that the road construction had encountered great difficulties and that the project had been forced to stop. When I heard that, I immediately signaled to rush over. He didn't have time to look at Ye Shuzhen's wonderful possessions. He hastily stood up and said a few simple words to Ye Shuzhen before bidding her farewell and leaving the room in a hurry. Ye Shuzhen's face had already returned to normal. She stood up to send me off, and I carefully straightened my clothes again before I left. For a moment, she and I were like men who wanted to go out to work, and my little wife who had accompanied him when he left. I sighed in my heart and lowered my head slightly, only to see a pair of luscious white breasts. He thought of the Amitabha before turning around and getting into the car.    


The car sped on. For a while, my mind was still filled with Ye Shuzhen's pair of peaks, her white and tender fragrance, and those two still pink grapes. It wasn't until I got to the construction site and saw the scattered crowd and all the stopped machinery that I was finally able to extricate myself from this flesh-colored, lustful fantasy.    


When they saw me arrive, they all made way for me. Aitin, who was in the middle of the crowd, quickly came over. I didn't look at Tension and Zhang Jun. Just as she had her doubts, Aitin hurriedly began her introductions. It turned out that the project was going forward and the two of them were working on a field. It turns out, according to my opinion, every time I met a green land or a clear water, I would give way and keep the original ecology of the mountain and river. Right now, it was precisely like this. In front of them was a vast expanse of clear water, yet this place was actually a branch of the Redbud Chujiang River, the Mountain Yang River. Not far to the west was the entrance of the Shanyang River to the Redbud Chu-Jiang. Therefore, in the event of such a situation, everyone will strictly comply with my request.    


Listening to Aitin's words, a thought crossed my mind. Thinking about it, this strict requirement probably stemmed from the help of Ai Ting, Tension and Zhang Jun. Aitin was a hard worker of mine at the moment, and would certainly support me if I could give up my life for my own. As for Tension and Zhang Jun, one of them had been born in the countryside, the other had grown up at the foot of the mountain. He had come to the city to work because he had to live his life, but he wasn't used to this kind of high-rise building. Now that he had this possibility, he naturally wouldn't hesitate to support it. Therefore, throughout the construction process, the three biggest implementers agreed, and the following implementation was firm and decisive.    


As I listened to Aitin's introductions and recalled her actions, I immediately smiled in admiration and glanced at her. Aitin just happened to look at me. Seeing me look at her, her face blushed for some reason. She ignored me and continued with her introductions.    


So it turned out that Lu Xiu had encountered difficulties upon reaching this place. Because this area was a primitive ecological mountain on one side and a primitive river on the other, the road had to pass between the mountain and the water. The original plan was to destroy the mountain just a bit and cross it by the side of the mountain. Unexpectedly, there were a few good trees on the mountain side, and if he wanted to build a road by the mountain, he would have to dig them out. Zhang Jun and Tension were a little reluctant. He then started to come up with ideas from the water. After an expert's demonstration, it was finally confirmed that the plan was feasible. The road was built on a mountainside and a bridge was built on the surface of the water.    


As soon as the plan was passed, everyone began to work, and the result was difficult: with our current road construction machinery, we were unable to deliver the cement to the construction site, and thus were unable to cast the cement; if we were unable to cast the cement, we would not be able to cast the pillars; without the support, the bridge would not have been built! Right now, both Zhang Jun and Tension were trying to figure it out on the spot.    


So that's how it was!    


I knew what was going on, so I followed. When he went in to take a look, he saw that Tension and Zhang Jun were both covered in muddy water, discussing with each other while leaning against the water's edge. I sighed in my heart and quickly walked over. Ai Ting, who was by my side, didn't expect me to suddenly increase my speed. She was clearly shocked and wanted to pull me, but she wasn't as fast as my movements. She didn't try to stop me, but I had already taken a few steps forward.    




The soles of my feet sank, and I felt my whole calf sink into the mud. He was suddenly flustered, but the people around him started to laugh. In a moment, I realized that I had stepped on the "phalanx" (dialect). a bog of mud).    


Why is there a "mud" here? Stunned, I pulled at the hand that Aitin reached out to me, and with a little strength, got out of the muddy ground. When he looked at the situation, he immediately understood. This "Pontine Mud" was most likely the mud of the Shanyang River. As time passed, more grass grew on it, making it difficult to see where it came from. In a moment, he understood the difficulties of Aiten, Tension, and Zhang Jun. How could such a large machine drive on such a muddy ground? I — over 70 kilograms of people still can't bear it. How can I even reach a scene with a large scale excavator and heavy truck that can move a few tons or a dozen tons? "No wonder they asked me for help!    


Seeing me coming over, Zhang Junyi and a few other technicians, who were discussing the tension in the water, went ashore together. I said hello to the others. After exchanging a few pleasantries, they decided to discuss the plan on the wetland together!    


But we are clearly at a loss for what to do. Seeing that it wasn't going to work out, I asked Zhang Jun to put down the work here and lead a large group of people to cross this area and continue the construction work. I stayed with Tension and Aitin to solve the construction problem along the way.    


However, no matter how I looked at this place, I felt that I had met him before. However, after some careful thought, I couldn't remember when I had seen him, so I had to give up!    


How did I get this feeling? What was going on?    


Looking at Aiten who was bringing me tea, I fell into deep thoughts.    


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