Super Little Farmer



0Were they pictures of the four cities of Jing Chu, Jing Zhen, Jing Shan, and Jing Kou?    


The more he thought about it, the more similar it seemed! There were so many things that Ye Xiao couldn't figure out.    


At that moment, I suddenly remembered that when Party Secretary Zhang from the provincial government came to work at my road repair site in the past, he had listened to my special report and carefully examined the maps I had drawn of the four cities. It was an umbrella map, and the four cities looked like a crescent moon. I remember that when Secretary Zhang saw that picture, he was deep in thought for a while!    


Could it be?    


I felt an inexplicable surge of joy, an urge. He wanted to say something, but in the end, he didn't say anything. He only looked at Ronnie excitedly. Ronnie was looking at me now, and seeing my excitement, she obviously knew that I had guessed something, but she didn't say anything. She just nodded vigorously!    


F * ck!    


I jumped to my feet, walked up to Ronnie, looked at her steadily, and said, Nell, is that true?    


Ronnie smiled and slowly stood up. She nodded again and said, Yes. It was a picture of the four cities of Jing Chu, Jing Zhen, Jing Shan and Jing Kou.    






I was stunned for a moment. Although he was prepared for it, he was both surprised and happy.    


Nothing else. This surprise didn't predict that this place would be discussed in the Great Games. According to Ronnie's introduction just now, I am almost certain that the purpose of this provincial council meeting was to discuss the city. I am equally sure that once a resolution is discussed and finalized, it will form a joint effort to move the region forward. In other words, this area will usher in a new spring.    


What was opportunity? This was opportunity! This was a once in a lifetime opportunity!    


How can I not be alarmed when I am faced with such an opportunity? How can I not like it?    


Of course, this was not the only thing he was happy about.    


I'm sure that once the real resolution is taken, this area will become an investment depression, with a lot of foreign capital, a lot of talent, a lot of projects, and a lot of skewed policies, and it will continuously gather here!    


It had to be known that of the cities and economic circles around the country and the world that Ronnie had mentioned, each of them was well-known within the country.    


F * ck!    


Unexpectedly, it's my turn to pick up a treasure!    




Thinking of this, I suddenly felt that something was wrong!    


Because, it seems like my third and fourth sections of the road haven't been repaired yet. What should I do?    


He immediately calmed down. I came back to see Ronnie, who was staring at me.    


Yunzi, your chance is here! Ronnie looked at me affectionately and smiled. I nodded slightly in agreement. A moment later, he asked, What was the outcome of the meeting?    


Ronnie smiled again and blinked at me, but said nothing.    


Damn, this little girl is trying to get something out of me. Look at her slightly tilted face. Isn't that exactly asking me to kiss her?    




Of course I would. Even though I was a little anxious right now, I held her tight and kissed her. After a long while, Ronnie laughed again. Yunzi, are you worried about the two paths that are under construction?    


This little girl was smart. Instantly, he guessed what I was thinking. I smiled and nodded.    


Brother Yunzi, don't worry. First, there was no consensus when the meeting was held today, but no resolution. According to my understanding, this matter may require further study and feasibility studies, and I estimate that it will take some time. However, both Party Secretary Zhang and Governor Zhou of the provincial government have made it clear that this matter needs to be speeded up in an attempt to form a resolution by the end of the year. The two of them, apart from the leaders, only three provincial media reporters were present today. Other than me, there were only two colleagues from Nanwei Daily and Nanwei People's Radio. The three of us are already old friends, so we know the seriousness of this matter. Plus, after the meeting, the head of the provincial government clearly stated that this matter cannot be reported for the time being, so I'm sure that there will be no rumors in the outside world!    


Oh, yes!    


Upon hearing this, my mind immediately sprung into action. Because if that's the case, I still have just enough time. A moment later I was sweating again. Due to Xie Yitian's reminder, I estimated that the State Council would release related documents in advance prohibiting the construction of roads using the land as a reward, so I made Ai Ting, Ling Zi and the rest speed up the pace of the road construction. Due to Xie Yitong's reminder, I estimated that the State Council would release related documents prohibiting the construction of roads using the land as a reward, so I made Ai Ting, Ling Zi and the others speed up the pace of road construction.    


What I didn't expect was that the provincial council would act in such a way that I wouldn't accidentally come here when I mentioned the progress of the project for the State Council document. This is called "intentionally planted flowers do not blossom, inadvertently planted willow shade." No, it wasn't "deliberately planted without flowers". At most, it wouldn't be released for the time being. I'm sure that State Department document will be deactivated. It's just a matter of time. Nothing else, just because I have these 20,000 mu of land on hand, I discovered that the rate at which the land is rising is really fast. For example, the nearly 5000 mu of land I acquired in the first period has now helped me to appreciate at least 100 million yuan. Note, only 20 thousand yuan per mu of land has been raised! As for the 15,000 mu of land that followed, although it was only a few months old, the appreciation was still above 150 million yuan, only 10 thousand yuan per mu! I can find out, and others can find out, not to mention those professionals who specialize in the economy! Therefore, it was imperative to stop operating that document!    


Of course, the main reason for the land appreciation in this area is because I pushed it. It was because I had repaired the road, which had facilitated the economic development of the region and the movement of human resources, and had indirectly contributed to the increase in the demand for land; this increase in the demand for land had directly raised the price of land.    


You know, this is still the price of the surrounding land, and the land that I am occupying is the core price of the land, because there is no transaction behavior, I only estimate the price based on the external land trade for the time being. Of course, in my heart, I estimate that my 20 thousand mu of land will not only increase the value of my land by 250 million! Of course, according to Sally's estimate, a rise of 1 billion was not very likely. However, a rise of 500 million was entirely possible!    


If the provincial council's decision was made public, then the appreciation might not be hundreds of millions of dollars in value, but a billion billion in value!    


F * ck!    


Then how can I get rich!    


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