Super Little Farmer



0Another four days passed in an instant. Liu Zhiyun finally sent a message from Brazil: They had bought the chassis of the Mercedes-Benz locally, and with the help of a local Chinese, they had found a suitable site that could be assembled on the spot by air only with a cement pump.    


After hearing this news, the worry that had been hanging in his heart for the past few days was finally relieved. As a matter of fact, I had an idea the night before yesterday when I received the news that they had arrived safely, but I was still worried. From the looks of it, the situation had basically been decided. According to my calculations, the cement paste pump should be in their hands by noon tomorrow at the latest. It seemed like handing over the goods to the other party on time wasn't a problem!    


Knowing that there was nothing left to do on this side, I moved on to the second thing: The Captain was working on a new project.    


On that night four days ago, after my passion with Romel, I was playing with her breasts while resting contentedly. Because before I came to her, I had just come from Zhou Yajie's room, fed the beauty, and fell into a deep sleep. Rommel was clearly content at the time, and let me be frivolous to her, while looking at me affectionately, and at the same time proposing her own ideas, which were directed at my intention to drive the production plant of the Brigadier's Heavy Industries to Brazil.    


As it turned out, Rommel believed that one had to lay the groundwork for everything. That's right, my current situation is really good. This long bow heavy industry has added two new production lines, a total of three production lines. They are continuously produced day and night, and can be logged off one time a day. However, she felt that this was far from enough. In this case, starting a factory in a foreign country like Brazil is not out of the question, but it is more important to see the domestic market. Therefore, she suggested that before I set up factories abroad, I should finish the layout at home, namely, several factories at home!    


That obviously reminds me. Perhaps, the two of them could negotiate over this matter. The first step, of course, is to determine where the factory is to be opened throughout the country. After some discussion, the first step was decided on Changsha in Hunan Province. The second step was Zhengzhou in Henan Province. The third step was Shenyang in Liaoning Province and the fourth step was Xiamen in Fujian Province. Why did you drive to Changsha in Hunan first? For no other reason than that Changfeng was a heavy industry, its heavy industry, heavy industry, and Huatai heavy industry were concentrated; in addition, there were also Changfeng cars, huge air-conditioners, all of which were industrial; they drove here for several reasons: first, the heavy industry was stacked together, and could achieve some kind of high ground effect; second, I insisted that "I was going to get there," which was where I had to set up a factory to compete with the heavy industry; and third, the Loremei department had been in Changfeng for some time, because there were at least some mature workers who were developing here, and the facilities were more complete and appropriate. Without mentioning anything else, just speaking of talent, the number of locksmiths, carters, and milling workers here was several times greater. Each move was a large one, and with just a little training, one could enter actual combat. And to me, the first stop is definitely a victory. That is to say, the first stop to open a factory outside the city must be opened!    


After choosing this place, I chose Zhengzhou as my second stop. However, I really wanted to occupy the Central Plains Market. My long-term plan is that once I take root in Zhengzhou and Changsha, I can start a factory in Nanjing, or in Xuzhou, or elsewhere in the Central Plains. As for the third station's construction of a factory in Shenyang, it was very simple. First, it had always been an old industrial base, and second, it was a factory that could occupy the entire market in the northeast. The fourth stop is to Xiamen, the aim is to open up coastal and southern markets.    


According to Rommel's idea, once all these points had been set up, they would then proceed to the northwest and southwest while heading to Brazil.    


At that time, it was like a splash of cold water that soaked me in cold water!    


I never expected such a complication. But I have to admit, Rommel was right. So, after a little while, I woke up and we discussed it again, and came to the same conclusion: we should set up our own place in the country, and then we should go abroad.    


Only then did I completely let go of my feelings. However, his desire was also released. Perhaps, he took advantage of the moment when Romel wasn't paying attention to him and started to push himself on top of her again. However, the tone, the tone, no matter how I listened to it, sounded like a seduction. Thus, I struggled even more. In the end, I only returned the essence of the song to Nanshan.    


I got up late the next day. By the time I woke up, Romel was gone. I figured she'd be at work, so I just smiled, washed myself in her bathroom, and went out in my clothes. He took four steamed buns from the kitchen and drove to the office. As they walked along the road, they formed a line of thought. They had decided to set up a special expansion center, which would allow the existing subsidiary companies to pull out people and organize them into a unified group to explore property in other places. Mainly includes three business: the expansion of the head of the bow, the expansion of the food house in the Gadfly Mountain, and the expansion of the Zhang Yun fresh supermarket. In fact, according to the situation of Gadfly Mountain and Zhang Yunsheng Supermarket, it was not suitable to set up spots in the northeast or Henan, but those places were only a matter of time. I like to play Go, I know the importance of "plunder", so I do not think that it is wrong to go to those places so early in the morning, perhaps later will play a significant role in all my companies in the national distribution of points. Furthermore, all the major companies and stores under my control are fully responsible for the regional center. Opening a shop in the northeast or opening a shop in Zhengzhou, you can form an absolute regional core there and become a general company that opens its stores there. I don't need to take care of it too much in the future. Of course, there are two important aspects. First, Zhou's logistics and warehousing companies, as well as Yizi's vegetable and beverage companies, have been set up in these places to help each other. Second, this heavy industry, food and supermarket are all located in the same place, so they can support each other and form a master control advantage together.    


Thinking about it, this had to be carried out!    


After reaching the office of the spirit child, I saw that the little girl was signing a document. When she saw me, she immediately stopped writing and went up to me. I gave her a light hug and a kiss, then sat down with her, of course, to talk about my thoughts. The spirit is very supportive of me, because she is also thinking about this right now: expand!    


Right! Expansion is not only here to expand, but also in other areas, such as fuck! This little girl was so plump that it could be said that she had become a bit more plump. This was also a type of expansion!    


While the Spirit was talking about her thoughts, my hand was dishonest. I had already reached into her clothes before she had even pushed me, and I had already grabbed one of them and started kneading it. He sighed in his heart, [Expanding, but it requires both sides to do it at the same time!]    


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