Super Little Farmer



0It took me a while to ask me to let go. I knew that this was not the time to do so, so I reluctantly retreated to my side. After calming down with some difficulty, I tidied up my clothes with a blush on my face and sat down next to me. Next, the two of us discussed the factors that should be taken into account when the leader of the bow, a heavy labourer, laid out his work for the Changsha. When the two of us came to an agreement, we stopped. As soon as we saw that it was already noon, we drove directly to Romer's restaurant. We informed everyone to gather here for dinner on the way. When we arrived at the Gadfly House, Zhu Dantong and Ye Shuzhen were already there. They went into the box together, and soon the others were there as well.    


Eating was secondary. The main thing was to communicate, to communicate and to arrange food for others. This lunch lasted a long time and lasted until around 3 in the afternoon. Of course, when we finished eating, our unified conclusion would be out, and we would all concentrate on expanding our efforts.    


Another thing that made me happy at dinner was that the two of them, Zhu Dantong and her daughter, because of their fast money and because they were not directly involved, had been leniently dealt with and were no longer in prison. I sighed to myself, thinking that there were two other factors involved in this, which was why the two of them were able to get away so easily. On the one hand, I passed the situation on to the Secretary of the Provincial Committee through Professor Zeng, and although I didn't say it out loud, I asked the Secretary of the Provincial Committee for some help. Secretary Zhang must have said something. The two of them, however, were the fathers of Roman and Ronnie, who probably had helped out a bit. I knew, of course, that yesterday, in Romel's room, she had accidentally sent a text message to her father when she was taking pictures of us on her cell phone. Presumably their father had helped. Of course, it was also because I asked for it! You have to know, this Roman has his principles and he definitely won't interfere with her father's work. It was only because I told her the reason and found out the truth about it that she took the initiative to send a text message to her father!    


Actually, regardless of whether it's Secretary Zhang or Director Luo, I don't want them to go back on their words, as long as they preside over the right path. Because I already asked Xie Yating, if it is purely according to the law, Zhu Dantong and her daughter's matter is not big, but once there is a human factor involved, that is not necessarily the case. The reason why Secretary Zhang and Director Luo showed up was because they couldn't let that Yang Zhe and his son submit! But now, it seemed that he had achieved his goal. All the girls congratulated Zhu Dantong. I felt two pairs of eyes looking at me. When I raised my head, I saw Zhu Dantong looking at me with gratitude. He could not help but think that she had probably guessed my intentions.    


Thinking of this, I smiled as I replied to her, but in my heart, I suddenly remembered, because of this matter, I personally benefited, because I actually ate that "Hall Building"! Zhu Dantong did not know what I was thinking, but seeing me smile back, she seemed to think of something and her face immediately turned red. She did not dare to look at anyone else, only lowering her head.    


In the afternoon, the latest joint development department was inaugurated. Considering that Ye Shuzhen, Yanzi and Zhou Yajie had either experience or ability in this area, I decided that Ye Shuzhen would be the director of the expansion department, while Zhou Yajie and Yanzi would be the deputy director of the expansion department.    


Of course, when I told the three of them what I wanted to do, I made a few specific points: the first stop would be to set up in Changsha, Hunan Province. It would be best to find the high-tech district or the economic and technological development zone, get some land, and set up the factory first. As for the fresh supermarket and the Gadfly mountain restaurant, they would have to choose a property with a concentrated flow of people. This is the first time I've left the mainstream business, and Xu Sheng is not allowed to lose! Seeing how serious my words were, the three ladies also replied seriously.    


After they left, I finally had time to rest. After thinking about the fact that he didn't have much work to do and had some free time, he decided to go to the five-star hotel that was being built. After a tour of the construction site, he felt that everything was progressing smoothly. However, Zhu Qitong wasn't at the construction site. He was watching Zhu Dantong from afar and patrolling the site with a work cap in hand.    


Damn, it was really a scenic view for such a beauty to wear such a hat on her way to the construction site. After a while, I recalled the time when she accompanied those foreigners to the construction site. Her heels were stuck, and I felt an inexplicable warmth. With a knowing smile, I was about to leave when Zhu Dantong looked at me and hurried over. So I had to wait for her. As Zhu Dantong drew near, I thought of the time when her heels were stuck, and I wanted to look at the soles of her feet once more. Fortunately, the little girl was wearing flat-heeled casual shoes this time. With a sigh in his heart, he looked into Zhu Dantong's beautiful eyes. "Apparently, she had already noticed my behavior and was afraid that she would remember it as well. She blushed and scolded me once.    


After chatting for a while, I took my leave. However, she had something on her mind: Zhu Dantong had unintentionally mentioned that there are five five-star hotels in Jing Chu now. If I don't have any special features, it would be hard to stand out in this one!    


Well, that makes sense. Thinking about Zhu Dantong, he didn't know that this little girl was not bad and had also thought about this. In fact, I thought of that too. So when I was making this hotel, I had at least two things on my mind: one, it was a duplex, with a hotel on one side and an office building on the other. This is a feature; second, I specially gave this new hotel a few hundred acres. If it's in the center of the city, I'm afraid this will make five five-star hotels. Because according to my information, the five five-star hotels in Jing Chu only cover an area that's 3 mu larger than my five-star hotel! You know, the land I chose is just next to the mountain and the river. According to Professor Zeng's plan, there would be a large amount of original ecological mountains and water that would be preserved! In other words, I want to become a five-star hotel!    


Of course, this was only the hardware, but what Zhu Dantong was proposing right now was the software!    


Yes, this software should also have some special features. Otherwise, with just the hardware alone, this advantage could only be maintained for a short period of time. When the new talents arrive, my good days in this hotel will probably come to an end!    


The question is, where do I get the "ingenuity" and "uniqueness" of this software?    


With just me? Not at this level. There seems to be no such talent in the group of people around me!    


What should I do?    


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