Super Little Farmer



0Hearing that I had promised to meet her on the phone, President Ding was obviously overjoyed. Even though the reply was calm, I could clearly hear the trembling in the voice. Obviously, it was an excited voice.    


That makes me wonder again. A dignified president would be so excited for my several hundred million yuan? Had he never seen money before? If that was the case, then there were only two possibilities. For one thing, my order or my money was important to her or their bank, and now that I had finally agreed to meet with her, it meant that she might succeed. She was, of course, excited and excited. Second, she might have some kind of information about what it meant to go to the bank and save money, and she might have been excited.    


Thinking of this, I pondered for a moment before smiling in my heart. Presumably, the first possibility was actually impossible. Because to her, as a bank, my investment company's money was nothing, and she wouldn't be so excited about it. Then there was only the second possibility. But I only thought about it once more, and felt that it was impossible for a branch manager like her to understand too much information, not to mention that there wasn't any information that could affect me right now.    


Thinking that these two possibilities were actually impossible, I suddenly felt discouraged. As he thought about it, he realized a third possibility: Even though this branch president doesn't know about my other companies, he should still know that there are nearly 40 thousand mu of land behind me, which is equivalent to money! If he can get rid of me now, then he'll be a huge amount of money in the future!    


Thinking of this, I smiled bitterly, thinking that the first possibility still existed. Because, the land that I transferred to the Pauli Group is almost 2 billion. Through my internal allocation, the investment company will only have a few hundred million left, but to this President Ding who belongs to an outsider, that's still close to 2 billion! That was definitely not a small amount of money!    


Of course, if this 2 billion is considered a small amount of money to some people, then I don't have anything to say. But even if this 2 billion is nothing, then the tens of billions worth of acres of land behind the scenes is still considered a small amount of money.    


Thinking of this, I finally couldn't be bothered to guess her reason for being so agitated. He lazily chatted with President Ding for a bit and made an initial appointment before ending the call to rest.    


The next day was New Year's Day, and everyone had a rare rest. I didn't get up until a little after ten in the morning. He ate some noodles in a hurry and then went back to his own business. All the girls were busy with their own things, reading, shopping, playing cards, and visiting relatives at home. I didn't bother them. I continued to sort out my thoughts, texted some of my subordinates in Brazil, and worked on my own. In the evening, of course, he gave her a good rub, fed Zhou Yajie, and finally spent the night in Zhou Bingjie's room.    


The next day, Zhou Bingjie and I both woke up late. By the time I made my way back to the office from the various construction sites, it was already past two in the afternoon. Fortunately, he had eaten Chinese food at the spirit child's place and was not hungry. As for Ronnie, she had finally sent a message over. She and Xie Yuting had left the Bureau of Commerce and had already registered or changed the names of 12 groups. The rest of the work would be done within the next three days. I thanked her and lamented. This Trade and Industry Bureau is really fast. It was settled so quickly. Then he thought, "That doesn't seem to be the case." Because he himself had never gone so quickly before, there must be another reason for Ronnie's success as soon as she appeared. She, Ronnie, and Xie Yuting were both first-rate pretty girls. This was definitely one reason, but the position of Ronnie's father behind her was even more of a reason!    


Even though I have no evidence, I think so!    


Anyway, it's good for me!    


After a while, he thought, "I think my brands, such as Gadfly Mountain and Zhang Yun, should be able to use them now. After more than a year, they should both be 'R' now." As for the others, such as the leader of the bow, the moving card, and the Aitin card, they were still at TM level. They would probably have to wait another year before leveling up to 'R'!    


However, I don't need to care about such things right now. From now on, there will be a brand manager, Ye Shuchun, to help me deal with this! At this thought, I felt relieved.    


In the evening, after a beautiful dinner, I drove my Mercedes-Benz 600 over with "Secretary Dong" Zhou Bingjie. I want to drive myself, but Zhou Bingjie refused. She said that I'm the boss now, and that my status is different. I can't do this. I just smiled and said she didn't sound good. Zhou Bing Jie couldn't stop me, so she said she wanted to try my car. I was finally speechless and had to let her go. However, while the car shop is on the road, I thought about it. It seems like what Bing Jie said this week made some sense. With my current fortune, it's really not suitable for me to drive a car myself! Looks like I need to find a bodyguard and driver. Who? Just think about it. Marines, coupled with calm, met my requirements. The rest of the troops would be led by He Xu. Of course, Yuke and I can teach those people in due course. As I thought about it, a strange thought occurred to me: Aren't the outside world saying that Israeli soldiers are good? If possible, I would have to find two Israeli bodyguards. Yes, that's it. Of course, the prerequisite was that I had to go to Israel first and build an estate there.    


As he thought this, the Mercedes moved steadily forward. Zhou Bingjie did not say anything, but only focused on driving. However, this little girl's skills at this moment are quite good. She says that although she isn't at my level, she is very stable. I felt a little regretful. This little girl might seem a little spicy, but she really had nothing to say when she did things. She was rational, had her integrity, and had a good train of thought. As I thought about it, I remembered the chance I'd had to see her. And the thought that she was my woman now warmed my heart. After a while, he felt a headache again: I have a lot of girls at the moment. I can't drag on like this for too long without giving a substantial one in a million. However, none of these women of mine is my favorite right now. I won't be able to abandon any of them! Never would I have thought that I, who was so innocent in the past, would now have such a chaotic and chaotic character!    


F * ck!    


I cursed myself bitterly. After a while, he thought, this kind of thing is really difficult to solve. Furthermore, I have two secrets that I can't tell anyone else in my heart! Selling cake, it's really hard to be a person, especially when you're a man like me. It's really hard to come up with anything!    


I am truly regretful now. If I hadn't been so chaotic that day, I wouldn't have been troubled today.    


However, it was still quite comfortable to live like this! Thinking about it, if I were to be reborn and given a choice, I would still choose the life before me!    


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