Super Little Farmer



0The events that followed were somewhat interesting.    


With my strong guarantee, Ceng Haiqing finally calmed down. It wasn't because I was afraid of this man that I made such a conclusion. However, I really did not like Yi Jing or Zeng Haiying. There was no need for me to be entangled in this matter. So I gave my word. Although Zeng Haiqing was skeptical, he still reluctantly believed it when he saw how certain I was. However, when I said that I did not feel anything for her sister, the boy became furious again. He did not care about the situation at all, instead rushing in front of me, tightly grabbing my collar, and almost hitting me with his other fist. However, my palms had already reached his chest. If he were to beat me up, I would definitely be seriously injured. In the end, without waiting for me to say anything, he only hatefully said to me, "Kid, we still have things to do today, so let's get busy." As for my sister, you treat her better. If one day I find out that you've treated her badly, I'll let you off the hook!    


After saying that, without waiting for me to say anything, I rushed out of the room.    


I smiled again. For a while, he was still thinking about what was going on. After thinking about it for a while, he decided that when he got home, he would have to find these two girls and have a nice chat. He couldn't allow such a misunderstanding to happen again. After thinking about it, he realized that there was a special meaning to Zeng Haiqing's words. 'Based on what he said just now, this Yi Jing, or this Zeng Haiying, does he really like me?' Otherwise, their strange actions would have been completely unexplainable! And if they both liked me, all the anomalies would be solved. Thinking of this, I sighed and started to curse myself. Putting aside the fact that he didn't want to call these two girls, it wouldn't be reasonable to say that they both liked him. Could it be that he had become a narcissistic person with a lot of young and beautiful girls chasing after him to marry him? Forget it, that was something from novels or movies, it was impossible to find in real life!    


Thinking of this, he felt a little calmer in his heart. He also felt that it would not be good to find Yi Jing and Zeng Haiying and explain the situation to them. Perhaps, something would have happened if he had nothing to do. [One more point. The cleaver is clean and the turbid is murky. If this hasn't happened, why should I say more?] Forget it, let's not talk about it. Whatever they do, they two little girls will do!    


At this point, he felt slightly at ease. After thinking for a while, he realized that this Zeng Hai Qing was a man, and a man of character. However, this person was too irrational. It would be difficult for him to achieve anything major. You have to understand that he, a mere police officer, dares to do this to me because of personal matters. It's a good thing I'm not that kind of person, and I don't feel anything for the two girls he's talking about! Forget it, let's not bother about today's matter! After a while, I felt that this Zeng Haiqing was a bit stupid, but after I gently asked him about it, he shook it all out. This person was a police officer? I heard it's not bad? F * ck, I don't even know how this happened. Who knows, he might just be a young fool in love. The more he loves, the more stupid he becomes!    


His heart pounded furiously against Ceng Hai Qing's chest. It was only now that he remembered that there were still people outside the door, such as Yu Ke and a few others. He sat down on a chair, tidied up his clothes, and let a few people in. At that moment, I began to have more and more thoughts in my mind. This was how Ceng Hai Qing had beaten his way in. It looked like the quality of this security guard would have to improve. This Yu Ke came at the right time.    


Yuke and the others came in, and I stood up. I watched the five of them once. They were all vigorous men. That's right. He praised in his heart.    


After thinking for a moment and clearing my mind, I tossed the keys of my Mercedes-Benz 600 over to him and said with a smile, From now on, Yuke, you'll be my pilot.    


Yu Ke was startled, but he didn't have any expression of pleasant surprise on his face. He only accepted the letter. Then he stood aside. I looked at the four men beside him. The first, Yang Chen, was also a retired Marine Corps soldier, Yu Ke's comrade. Second, Wang Zhen, a member of the armed police special forces, was also a skilled martial artist. Zhou Yajie had directly recruited him. Out of the more than 300 new recruits, the primary was already out of the question. The third, Yuan, Henan, came from a martial arts family with good kung fu skills. After joining the army, he fought with Yuke in the military. Although they were opponents, they became good friends with each other. He could have been in the Special Forces, but his father died, and he would have given up his chance to be in the Special Forces to go home. After retirement. Although his martial arts skills were good, but he was not good at running his business, so he was invited here by Yuke. The fourth was actually He Xu's comrade, Cai Zili. Another Air Force soldier was born and retired. In the end, his father and mother fell gravely ill and spent all of their savings, yet he was unable to save them. He had just finished burying his parents, and his wife was suffering from a serious illness, so he was heavily indebted to his comrades. Fortunately, his wife had recovered slightly, but her health was not as good as it was before. There were still airlines that knew of his capabilities and paid him well, but this affectionate man, having considered the fact that airlines were always flying in the sky and couldn't take care of his wife and children, politely refused. When He Xu had invited him and told him that his wife and children could come together and be taken care of, he had rushed over. On the first day of his arrival, I asked Yukiko to give him a cheque for $300 thousand and let him pay his debts first; but the man in debt refused, and even if I tried to persuade him to do so, I would not do so.    


I admired it as I watched. They were both skilled men. After thinking for a moment, he took out a key from the drawer and threw it to Yang Chen. Then, he wrote down a few names and phone numbers on a piece of paper and gave them to Yang Chen. Yup, you four will be the bodyguards of this group of people in the future. Here, your names and contact information are on paper, take a look yourself. Also, you guys stay here to rest. If they have anything to do, they'll be escorted out.    


The four Yang Chen's responded in unison. I thought for a moment before dialing Inky's number and asking her to prepare some more money. Someone called Yang Chen would come over later and buy a Mercedes-Benz to use as an official car. Yukiko agreed. After I hung up, I told Yang Chen that the four of them should go buy a car, get familiar with the car, and use it as an official car in the future. As for the matter of shifts, it was Yang Chen's responsibility. All four of them answered in unison and went out.    


Yu Ke saw that I had finished with my orders, so he left as well. I saw that everything had been arranged, so I called Zhou Yajie and asked her to arrange it for us. The security personnel of the various companies and groups all took turns training her. Zhou Yajie agreed. I called him again to tell him to cooperate with the training, and he agreed.    


Seeing that the work is all in order, I can finally take a break. He poured himself a cup of tea and was about to take a few sips when his office phone rang again. After hearing what they said, my heart couldn't help but sink!    


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