Super Little Farmer



0I was calm on the outside, and my heart was like a volcanic eruption. When I look at it again, whether it is the two girls who are close to Sally and have the same feelings as me, or that little girl Han Juehe, both of their eyes are red and swollen, filled with hot tears, and crying bitterly!    


I couldn't care less. There was only one thought in my mind: Sally doesn't fail me, I definitely won't betray Sally. I must find her, no matter the difficulties!    


As he thought of this, his heart felt heavy. At that moment, he felt that he should first head back to England to prepare for his journey. He immediately stood up and was about to leave without saying anything else. When the girls saw me like this, they looked at each other and all stood up to follow me. As I was about to leave, the secretary bowed to me respectfully. I returned the gesture hastily.    


When he returned home, Han Bing'er was already awake. I wanted to say something, but as I watched her gently caress her stomach, I couldn't help but be taken aback. This search for Sally in England could never be said again. He sighed in his heart and then cursed himself, [I have already betrayed Sally. If I were in a hurry to find her, I would have to betray her. I have to be merciful. Otherwise, I wouldn't be in such a difficult situation.    


After some thought, he came up with an idea. He suppressed the pain and longing he felt for Sally and gently said to Han Bing'er, "Have you rested well?" Shall we go for a walk?    


Han Bing'er smiled and nodded. Han Jue`er, who was behind me, did not know what was going on as she stared at me with her eyes wide open, her face filled with disbelief. This caused Han Bing'er to be stunned for a while. In my heart, I thought that this girl's current expression was probably related to hearing about the Spirit Child and Zhou Bingjie introducing Sally. I guessed that I was in a hurry to discuss finding Sally with her sister, but did not expect me to not mention anything about it. With a turn of his head, he came up with an idea. He turned his head slightly to Han Jue'er and said: "Come, help your sister. We'll go out for a walk."    


Han Jue`er was startled and wanted to say something, but in the end, she did not say anything. Immediately, she followed her elder sister and supported her down the stairs before going out and taking a walk in the rear garden. At this point, I once again lamented how right my decision at the time was. Because I had prepared 800 mu of land to build the twin towers. In fact, including Zhang Yunsheng Sheraton International Hotel and the high-end office building of Zhang Yunhua Business Square, only 10 mu of land was used, the rest of the land was equipped with some facilities, but more places, including 600 mu of original mountain body and original water source, were preserved as a whole, and the garden was refurbished to a certain extent. At present, apart from a large villa being built beside a mountain and a river, the rest of the place is filled with gardens, just right for our current walk.    


It wasn't until Han Bing'er felt a little tired that we returned to the hotel. I helped Han Bing'er take a bath, and let Han Jue`er accompany her sister for dinner. I had to go and chat with everyone. Han Bing'er, who had long felt my love, supported me in this understanding. Even her sister-in-law, Han Ju-er, who had been looking at me coldly and displeased with the girls during the day, didn't say anything for the first time. She simply bowed her head and complied with my request, indicating that she would take good care of her sister and let me leave.    


When I returned to the villa, none of us came back. Only Zhou Jiajie, Xie Yitian and Aitin were slightly ahead of schedule. I greeted them warmly. Everyone was very happy. Even though this isn't the first time I've met him since I've returned, this feeling of intimacy is still the same. We talked for a while, and the others came back. Everyone ate their dinner in silence and reported back to each other. There are two points of great concern to me, one is that the listing of "Flying Cloud Logistics" has been completed, and the other is that "Zhang Yun Real Estate" has also entered the listing process. I nodded and let them do it. He sighed to himself: If that was the case, wouldn't I have six listed companies? With my 23 billion yuan worth, I'm afraid it's going to be even more expensive. Once these two companies go public, although they won't have a market value as high as the Bow Heavy Industry and the South River Heavy Automobile, they won't be too low. I estimate, this cloud logistics let my price increase by 2.5 billion, Zhang Yun real estate raised my value by 4 billion, I fear that won't be difficult to do. As a result, my price might even break through 24 billion!    


Of course, to me, this amount of money is but a number!    


After thinking for a bit, I let Xie Yating help me find some new projects to promote my new investment. Xie Yitian acknowledged. After exchanging a few more words with each other, they all dispersed. I returned to the hotel to accompany Han Bing'er. Han Bing'er didn't sleep, but lay on the bed listening to light music. I guess she was doing something about her highly respected foetal education. It was said she had learned it from somewhere. She smiled now and went to the bathroom to wash up. When I came back, I felt that something was wrong with Han Bing'er's eyes, as if she was staring at me in a daze, as though she had something to tell me. I looked at her attentively, but she said nothing. She only gave a small sigh and then gently closed her eyes and went to sleep. I was too embarrassed to turn off the music, so I climbed gently onto the bed, put my arms around her stomach, and went to sleep.    


Nightmare. Wake up. Sleeping again was another nightmare. It's all about Sally's nightmares.    


I woke up again and again. He wanted to move, but he was afraid of waking up Han Bing'er, so he could only endure and not think too much about it. It was not until dawn that he finally fell asleep.    


The next few days passed just like this. Suppressing her worry and longing for Sally, she went to work desperately during the day and fell asleep in her nightmares …    


Fortunately, although people are haggard, because I am in good health, I do not feel much. However, after sleeping that night, Han Bing'er, who had been listening to the light music with her eyes closed, suddenly turned on the light, as if she was about to get up. I hurried to help her up, thinking she was going to the bathroom again. But she gave me only a deep look, and at last, with my help, went to the cabinet, opened it gently, and opened the drawer at the table. Stunned, I unconsciously let go of her a little.    


In that closet, there is a luggage bag, the kind that specializes in travelling; and in that drawer, there is a plane ticket, my name is all there, but it's China International Airlines flying from Beijing to London!    




I turned around to look at Han Bing'er. Han Bing'er, on the other hand, had a calm expression. She seemed to be unable to bear the fire in my eyes and smiled a little. She looked at me deeply and sighed. Jue told me about Sally. Look at you, I treat you so sincerely, but you … Sigh, I've always kept it in the bottom of my heart … What am I supposed to say? Here, I've prepared everything for you. Tomorrow morning, you will fly to Beijing and London in the afternoon …    




Han Bing'er, my love, what did she do?    


Subconsciously, I took out the plum box and opened it.    


Clean, comprehensive, all my daily necessities...    


Go on! Remember to get Sally back for me...    


Han Bing'er wanted to say something, but she seemed to notice that my face was a little pale. After a while, I looked up at her, as if trying to guess what I was thinking. At once, I smiled and said, "Don't worry, I will take care of myself …"    


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