Super Little Farmer



0Chuan Hong, the small island, gave me a cold look and whispered to the man. I knew he must be preparing his money for a market resistance. Apparently, he already knew that I was behind this. I'm not afraid of him, I just look at him coldly.    


Clearly, my confidence had paid off. A moment later, the man rushed back in and continued to whisper to Kawaguchi. Little Island's Chuanhong had an ugly expression on his face. I could hear their content, but in the last ten minutes, Big Spring's share price has dropped 52%!    


He might have broken a record!    


I sighed in my heart. I just felt that this Zhou Bingjie was really not simple. He wondered how the energy of more than six billion dollars could do such a thing! Just as he was thinking about this, his phone rang. A text message had come in. Upon seeing it, I couldn't help but laugh. It turns out that this time, Zhou Bingjie, not only did she provide more than 6 billion US dollars, but she also brought a group of people from her family to provide more than 3 billion US dollars. She even started a large number of relatives, friends and partners, especially the Chinese investment company that has a "special relationship" with Japan. I found it funny and sighed at the strength of this Chinese. When he thought of the text message, he saw that Kawaguchi had said something to Shimamoto, but Shimamoto had ignored him and was still thinking about him. There was nothing he could do but ask his brothers for help.    


I smiled to myself. Because right now, his chairman, Little Island's Chuan Hong, was at his limit in terms of authority to transfer funds and was begging for help. As he thought of this, he secretly praised Zhou Bingjie, but he only gave her a cold look.    


He quickly obtained help from his clansmen, but the clansmen's shares were not high. His authority was still limited. In the end, he had no choice but to focus his attention on two people: Sachiko, and Jingyun, the father and daughter of the small island. It was as if Jingyun wanted to agree to something, but after looking at the small island, she glanced at Yezi and then back at me. It was difficult for her to make a decision, but she still nodded her head in agreement with Chuanhong. Chuanghong, the small island, was overjoyed. Sachiko, on the other hand, looked at my father with a sad look and then back at me. Her face was flushed and her teeth were clenched tightly around her lower lip. She seemed to be blaming her father for his decision on her own matters. Yet, I continued to sneer. Because Zhou Bingjie told me, because we did it on purpose, even though we made it so bad, we didn't actually use that much money. Out of $1 billion, there were still at least $7 billion left, not to mention the huge amount of money that could be transferred at the last minute. I also have a general idea of what happened. The only ones with a lot of shares are the three brothers of the small island. However, although their family had a lot of assets, they were relatively scattered. This is clearly different from me. Because I'm typically using Grandpa Mao's three main military tactics: One, gather the superior forces and annihilate the enemy. I have now gathered all the forces of my company to attack this opponent. And this Big Spring Chemical Fiber is only one of the island's families, not the largest enterprise, not enough to fight against my group. Of course, if the small island family were to use all the power of the family's business to attack me, then they would be able to withstand it. But my total assets are 24 billion yuan, only slightly weaker than the island families. My advantage is much more obvious: because I have only one asset, and that is me. Although there are six listed companies, but the absolute shareholders are their own. That is to say, my assets can be punched out like a fist. But after all these decades and countless resources, it was impossible for the small island family to match me with so much money in such a short period of time, because a lot of people would have to agree to it. And those people are capitalists, and would not risk such an extreme risk to gamble with me, who is not afraid of death or destruction. Second, he knew that his opponent was known to be invincible. Before I came here, I had plotted for this family business, so I had a deep understanding of the small island family, especially this Big Spring chemical fiber. And they don't know much about me! Besides not counting me, I'm a small business, and I've been distributed to so many countries, so many accounts! Third, this Big Spring Chemical Fibre, I have a lot of shares in my hands now. I will not authorize for it to be given to Little Island Chuanhong! This is my trump card! Without my authorization, Kawaguchi would not be able to further exercise his right to obtain sufficient support to mobilize sufficient funds to meet my attack!    


As I expected, within a quarter of an hour, the messenger came in again, sweating profusely. After whispering a few words to him, I saw that he was sweating profusely. He looked at me nervously and hatefully. I just drank my own tea.    


Little Island Chuan Hong still wanted to say something, but nothing came out of his mouth, as if he was trying to think of a solution. The messenger said something in a low voice, and small island Chuchong's face turned pale. I'm guessing that the messenger must have urged Chuanhong and told him the situation was critical.    


However, I have obviously underestimated the resilience and endurance of Kawaguchi. He looked around, then took one last look at his father, Shimamoto, as if asking for confirmation with his eyes. Strangely, the island was still peacefully sleeping with its eyes narrowed. It was clear that he couldn't ask for help, or perhaps had received hints and permission. His body suddenly jolted, and he gave me a fierce look, communicating in a low voice with his two younger brothers. The three of them looked at me, nodded together, and seemed to have reached an agreement, as if they had some sort of agreement. I was secretly shocked in my heart, but I still remained calm as I watched the messenger quietly leave. When I withdrew my gaze, I subconsciously looked at Sachiko. This little girl just so happened to look at me, but right now, I couldn't feel the passion in her eyes. It was just a kind of discomfort. My heart lurched again. However, she instantly understood that this glance was probably due to the agreement between her father and the other three brothers, and it was only a signal. This time, Little Island's Chuanhong had most likely used his trump card.    


I let out an inexplicable sigh, but then I carefully analyzed what Kawaguchi might have done. A moment later, I thought to myself: Will this island, Chuanhong, mobilize all of its reserves to fight me? If that's the case, then my situation is a bit...    


I looked coldly at the family as I thought about it. This time, the other party appeared to be very calm. After a while, I felt my cell phone vibrate. I saw that it was Zhou Bingjie. The message is simple: just a moment ago, there was a sudden influx of large sums of money, and Big Spring's share price stabilized and continued to rise.    


A thought struck me, which only confirmed my thoughts. However, my heart was still calm, because I was afraid that I still had 3 billion dollars that I hadn't used yet. At that moment, I gave Zhou Bingjie an order without batting an eyelid. However, after a while, Zhou Bingjie called: The opponent's capital is at least 5 times our reserve strategic gold. Our $3 billion is a bit troublesome!    


This time, I finally broke out in a cold sweat!    


Because this only meant one thing: I failed! Due to the opponent's all-out attack and desperate attack, I finally failed!    


That is to say, I probably lost all of my 1 billion dollars! If the opponent returns it again, I might be able to take back some of this money. But this time I lost 3 billion dollars, that's an irrefutable fact!    


I was suddenly speechless! I am speechless!    


I suddenly felt pain in my heart!    


I gently stood up. Glancing at the three island brothers who seemed to be sighing with relief, he turned around and was about to leave.    


Elder Brother Yun    


A clear voice behind me! I know, that's a blessing! She was calling to me, and her voice sounded miserable. However, I knew I had been defeated badly this time, but I still turned around and bravely looked at the beautiful Sachiko!    


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