Super Little Farmer



0I really didn't know what to say. He just stood there in a daze. It took me a moment to understand. Perhaps, all of this was all told to her by her little sister Han Jue`er. However, I didn't have the time to care about that right now. I could only look at Han Bing'er with gratitude. Han Bing'er was very sincere and smiled at me. You are really something, to think that I would keep this sort of thing a secret from my heart. What kind of person do you take me as? Let's go …!    


She smiled. However, the last sentence was clearly said with tears flowing down his face. I remained silent.    


Han Bing'er didn't wait for me to say anything and just gave me a light push, allowing me to return to the villa to take care of my work. After all, it was not easy to get Sally. At least three or five days, or at most a year and a half. Therefore, he had to make arrangements for the family's affairs, and could not cause any trouble. I was touched. I was excited. In the end, I respectfully bowed towards Han Bing'er before turning around and leaving. After returning to the villa, he told Han Bing'er about his plan. Everyone was very sincere. They all said in unison, "Let me be at ease. They are at home." As for Han Bing'er's stomach, it's my little child, so there's no need to rush. As for the company, because all sides have entered the virtuous circle, plus everybody is a collective decision, so there is no big problem. I thought about it. However, I made a few forward-looking arrangements and specifically requested Yi Jing and Zeng Haiying to ensure everyone's safety. I asked He to assign a bodyguard to everyone. Since it was like that, he would arrange it himself.    


Zhu Dantong then arranged that I should go to England, if only for a day or two, but that Sally would be in a difficult situation, and that it would be necessary to make preparations for a long time. I thought about it, and this seemed to be the same as Han Bing'er's thoughts. I deduced once, and I really didn't think that these two were worrying for nothing, so I agreed with them more and more. He immediately discussed it with everyone. Luckily, Yukiko and Aitin provided me with good news. Yukiko told me that the Vegetable Group already had a branch in the UK, and Aitin told me that Bow Chief Heavy also had branches in the UK and bases in many other European countries. Those that can be managed by me, the two of them will inform the people there in advance to prepare for my arrival. I thanked them and felt more confident.    


We talked late that night. Of course, I guessed that it would be a long time before I returned to my home country, so I paid a proper visit to everyone. Luo Mei, Ronnie, Ling Zi, Ying Zi, Zhou Bingjie, and Zhou Yajie all ate their fill before letting me go. When I returned to the hotel, of course, I had another affair with Han Bing'er. Early the next morning, he flew directly to Beijing with Yu Ke, then changed planes in Beijing and headed straight for London. On the morning of the third day, the two of us finally arrived in London.    


As I had been greeted in advance by Aiten and Yukiko, I was immediately picked up as soon as I arrived in London. This time, of course, we went straight to the best hotel in the area and to the five continents hotel where Starwood is as famous as Starwood House. I mean, stay here for a few days, if things go well, or if things don't go well, it's necessary to buy a villa here.    


After resting here for the night, I immediately busied myself. The first day, of course, was to visit his company, get some information, and then make the appropriate strategic deployment. At the same time, I used all sorts of conditions to find out more about Sally. Obviously, this was exactly as Han Bing'er and Zhu Dantong had guessed. This matter was not that simple. After a short moment, I understood again. These two people were Sally's classmates after all, so they had some understanding of her. No wonder they made such accurate guesses. Because, no matter what methods I use to contact Sally, I will die without any results. Even the single line of communication that Sally had left to Han Bing'er or Zhu Dantong was no longer possible.    


That is to say, Sally and I are now completely cut off from each other.    


However, this obviously wouldn't stop me. Besides, the Williamson family was really big in England, so it wasn't that hard to find. However, I was unable to enter the heavily guarded castle-style manor. I even have a feeling that the people I deal with have received some kind of instruction, so they definitely can't contact a Chinese like me, or in other words, contact me.    


I finally felt a sense of despair!    


Because I've been in England for almost two weeks and I haven't heard anything about Sally!    


Fortunately, I was more steady and well-prepared before coming. In the end, I paid $1 million for a manor house in the outskirts of London, a classic British villa. However, on the evening of the second day after I had moved into the villa, when I returned with Yuke, I suddenly discovered that there was a dagger and a piece of paper stuck into the house. The content is in English, but I was warned to be careful. It's best if I immediately return to the mainland to ensure my life and the safety of the company; otherwise …    


I was startled, but I immediately understood that the fact that I had come to England myself was probably known to the person behind the letter. Otherwise, I wouldn't have been so frank. Thinking about this, I smiled wryly, "I can't believe that my actions would attract the attention of someone who wanted to do something like this. Of course, although I can't be sure at the moment, I can only guess from this letter that it must be Sally's family members. But I am in the open while these people are in the dark!"    


This is obviously at my disadvantage. Yu Ke was clearly worried as well. The two of us discussed it for a while, and then we came up with another idea. After that, I called back home and told He Xu some things. On the fourth day, a group of 20 bodyguards rushed over. Apart from the four most powerful divisions stationed around the villa, the others entered my branches. Of course, this was clearly not enough. I spent another $5 million to hire a team of bodyguards on the British mainland, as well as professional veterans from Israel, to work together on protection. Of course, he didn't care much about his own protection, but most of the time it was the protection of the company.    


After everything was ready, another ten days passed. I reached out again. The result was the same as the first time: I had no result!    


Something was wrong.    


I was a little disappointed and more miserable.    


But what happened next made me even more flabbergasted.    


It turned out that my company had sent industry reports for several days, and I discovered that my industries had continued to have problems in the last few days — that is, someone seemed to be consciously destroying or attacking my industries: for example, my vegetable supply chain had been returned continuously, and a few former customers had now asked to back off; and as for heavy labor, production was fine, but this sale, especially in the UK, had also been ambushed by others. It was not normal for that equipment to have not been sold in the last five days, because nothing like this had ever happened since the British company was on track!    


This immediately alerted me.    


It was obvious that someone was really keeping his word and was making a move against me. The problem is, even now, I still don't know who my opponent is.    


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