Super Little Farmer



0It is reasonable to say that, as a member of the board of directors of Nan River Heavy Auto, Chongqing Longchang Group, South Wai Dali Group and Nanwei Province Friend Akong Zhi Group should be notified to the board of directors when the transfer of equity, but I fear that if so, it will attract the attention of the top executives of Nan River Heavy Automobile Board, and my calculations will be wasted, so we can settle this in private. That is, I paid a total of about 180 million yuan to the three companies in order to acquire their substantive stakes in advance. When everything was settled, I would officially announce it to the public. I believe that as long as I have even the slightest chance of being controlled by others, it's worth it for me!    


This was clearly the situation in front of him. Now that the shares are in my hands, I can move on. Fortunately, the market had been suspended for the past few days during the May Day holiday, so I didn't attract much attention. Of course, I also knew that avoiding the CSRC's surveillance would not be an easy task. Although it was only a sale or a transfer and there was no need to pay special attention to it, for me it was still a careful journey of ten thousand years. If the CSRC needed to announce it to the outside world, or if there were one or two people in it close to the South River Heavy Air Force, I would be put on the defensive. Since today is the 4th of May, when the stock market opens, I don't need to care too much about it. I immediately ask that you accept letters from the Spirit Children, Zhou Bingjie and Romel, who are the shareholders of the three companies, to each of the CSRC to inform them of the relevant situation. As I suspected, because it was a distributed reception rather than a single person, it didn't attract the attention of the relevant departments or personnel, but was still treated as an ordinary case of share transfer. This is exactly what I wanted!    


Three days passed in a flash. When I arrived at the South River Heavy Automobile Headquarters with a group of people, I was only treated as an ordinary person. At this moment, the executives of the board of directors of Nan He Heavy Automobile clearly realized that something was wrong. However, seeing that these shares were controlled by the 63 main companies belonging to the 12 groups, they felt slightly relieved and felt that the initiative was still in their hands. This was understandable. In South Wei Province, there was not a single person who could simultaneously grasp so many groups and so many industries. Otherwise, their name would have long ago spread far and wide! However, Nanwei Province didn't have such a person, so it wasn't enough. From their point of view, today's matter was similar to Hu Nan Yue's "Small Shareholders Alliance to oust the Chairman", but it was obvious that the Chairman was as steady as Mt. Tai, so there was nothing to worry about!    


I was an outsider. Although I had actually taken control of the company by now, I could only stay outside the door at the moment. However, I have already made up my mind, so I don't mind. It took a few minutes for me to put out my cigarette, straighten my clothes, and go in. However, a few security guards who were in charge of guarding the door stopped me. I looked at the leader with some interest. It was a middle-aged man named Sun Zhi. Poor man, I'm afraid he doesn't even know that the skies above the South River have changed. However, this person was not bad. He was responsible and was worth using.    


I was just about to say, "Where's Yuke and the rest of you going to get them to talk?" With just a wave of my hand, the security guards who were following behind him controlled these people and I brought Xie Yitian and Qiongjue into the room.    


The shareholders' meeting room has long been the domain of my men. Perhaps, sitting on a few old board members, they wondered why there were so many strangers in today's shareholders' meeting. Furthermore, they were super young and beautiful young girls?    


That's right, at the three seats of the Chongqing Longchang Group, the South Wai Daly Group, and the Nanwei Province Friends Akuebue Group, which used to be a heavy non-liquid share of the South River Automobile Company, there are now Ling Zi, Zhou Bingjie and Luo Mei. The top ten seats of the floating shares are now occupied by Ye Shuqian, Zhou Yajie, Sally, Alting, Ronnie, Zhu Dantong, and Ding Yajie. The other three are now occupied by Zhang Jun, Zhang Jun and Huang Li.    


At this moment, seeing me stand up, the chairman of the board, Jin Rui, who was sitting at the head seat, and the puppet chairman who didn't have a lot of shares, seemed to be stunned. He glanced at me and wanted to say something, but he didn't say anything. There were two people sitting next to him, one on the left was a middle-aged man with glasses, this was the Red Man from the South River Heavy Auto, the secretary of the Dong family, Ma Xiaofei, who was also looking at me with a strange expression, as if he didn't understand why someone else would come in at a meeting of the board of directors of the company; the one to the right of the chairman was a beautiful young woman. Needless to say, she was currently the daughter-in-law of Yang Zhe, the deputy governor of the standing committee. She was the newlywed wife of Yang Yunfeng, the popinjay son. For no other reason than that she was the second-largest shareholder, but only 2.3% less than the first shareholder; and, as far as I know, this 2.3% was actually controlled by another company, a company called Boche Construction. The majority shareholder of the Bocai Building was Mian Qian, the sister of Mian Mei. "" Mian Sian, "" Mian Se, "" Mian Sian, "" Mian Sian, "" Mian Si, "" Little Sister, "" Little Sis, "" Little Sis. " In fact, Bo Cai Building actually controls 2.7% of the South River Heavy Auto, which is much bigger than 2.3%! When she saw me come in, her pretty eyes glanced at me twice. At first, she didn't seem to care, but after a while, she looked at me again. Her face changed a little, as if she had thought of something, and looked around at the unfamiliar faces in the meeting room. After pondering for a moment, he raised his head to look at me. However, his face was smiling, but his eyes were filled with interest.    


I didn't get a chance to understand the difference in that look, but walked over to the chair. One of the security guards helped me carry my bag while the other helped me move a chair in front of the chairman's meeting and the secret meeting. Xie Yuting and Ding Qiongjue followed me around while Xie Yuting guarded a large stack of legal documents. Ding Qiongjue was holding a data bag filled with letters of authority. I sat down quietly and smiled at the chairman of the board of directors.    


Who are you? Feeling my arrogance and pressure, the Chairman Jin Rui finally couldn't hold it in anymore. He seemed to be angry, but worried about his face, and shouted while holding back his anger.    


Don't be angry! Hehe, I'm just the new chairman! I smiled and said calmly.    


You? Jin Rui said with a smile on his face.    


Yes! Ding Qiongjue was already prepared and had been waiting for this moment. When he saw me signal for him to come, he took the initiative to present his documents.    


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