Super Little Farmer



0Zhou Bingjie didn't expect my attitude to be like this. At first, even though she was a little confused, but she and I had the same thoughts, and in a flash she understood my intentions, and now and then she would interject, "Help me!"    


In the end, the two sides ended up talking passionately and amicably, but to no avail.    


I was the one who first signalled for the bill. That Li Jue wanted to pay, but Zhou Bingjie actually accepted. As soon as the matter was settled, I stood up and gently bid farewell.    


President Ding was finally speechless. His face was somewhat pale, and he remained seated, unable to get up. I suddenly felt my heart soften, but in the end, I didn't say anything and was about to leave. That Li Jue finally mustered up his courage and handed me a folder while whispering, "Director Zhang, you are really very important to us!"    


I smiled at her politely and excused myself. Zhou Bing Jie looked at me, read my eyes, and took the folder. The two of them abandoned the two bank executives and left!    


On the way home, I was not in the mood to pay any attention to Zhou Bing Jie joking or secretly sending her to me in the autumn. In my mind, I was still wondering if I had gone too far with that President Ding. In all honesty, the fact that she stopped me from lending three times was not her intention. It should be a rule of the bank. Thinking about it, as a person who has no enmity with me, she wouldn't be so rude. At most, she still had the feeling that he was rich and poor. My attitude today wasn't in truth a part of my plan, but it clearly hurt this woman!    


That wasn't my intention!    


However, even if I am not like this, what should I do? …    


My mind was in chaos again. After a while, he made up his mind and decided to ignore it. When he was bored, he picked up the folder again. A moment later, it was very strange. That pretty girl called Li Jue said that it was "very important" to them whether or not my money was deposited in their bank. What was going on?    


How could she say that?    


My mind was full of questions. I opened the folder and took out some documents, which I took a quick look at in the car's overhead light, only to find that they were all about the clean-up of the account numbers of the depositors, such as the notice that the accounts, which had been unused for a long time, would be cleaned up. There were also documents about the various laws governing the deposit of the bank, such as the depositor's deposit in the first way, with interest only, but in the second way, with interest only, and so on.    


When I saw this, I couldn't help but smile to myself. Don't look at the paper, it's just that. I used to help an old granny occasionally, but she made some kind of dividend deposit based on the recommendation of a bank employee, so the interest was still there. However, that dividend actually made people smile. 1000 yuan deposit, the annual bonus is 1, 3 cents!    


F * ck!    


I had no interest in it at the time, and I threw the stack of papers — Sarah — on the back seat. As he was about to turn off the overhead light, he noticed that he still had a document on his lap. I picked it up and was about to throw it, but stopped at a glance. It turned out that this letter was a document, and the head of the letter was a document that had been forwarded to the central government.    


A thought struck me, and I stopped turning off the light. Instead, I held the document in my hand and tried to read it.    


In fact, I wasn't in the habit of looking at documents before, but my father taught me so that I could learn to look at them. At the time, I just wondered how my father, a man living in poverty, knew all this. However, I did not voice my doubts because there were too many questions that my father had left me. This time, I only added one more question. With this new question, I learned this. Of course, I am a young man, but I'm still pretending. I don't think I am!    


But then something happened that completely changed my mind. It was a year and a half ago, when I went back to Gadfly Mountain, I wanted to go on that trip. Then he found the deputy mayor of Puxu because of the road from Xiupu to Gadfly Mountain. He politely refused, then gave me a document from the State Department on the report of the road repair. At that time, I didn't read that document seriously. When I got home, I just happened to meet Xie Yitian, who happened to be visiting my family. As she was studying law, as well as being a girl, she took a serious look at the document and found that it really had an article to it. Afterwards, I relied on this document to build a road for Jingchu City to Jing Zhen, Jing Shan, and Jing Kou. Next, about 40 thousand mu of land were repaid on the basis of this document. As of today, these 40 thousand mu of land are worth at least 15 billion yuan. Among them, just the 1200 mu of land transferred from me by the Pauli Group actually paid me close to 2 billion yuan in transfer fees! That's all, because of this document, I repaired the road from Puxu Town to the Gadfly Mountain, and as a result got the land of 100 thousand mu or more back or rent along the two sides of the road, all of which are now dealing with flowers and seedlings, which has become the largest garden industry group in Jingshan City, and one of the largest bases of the Gadfly Mountain Gardens Corporation in my possession!    


After that incident, I confirmed that I could easily earn money by carefully looking at documents, studying and experiencing the spirit of them! Because that's the hard truth. I have 12 groups, but all the groups add up to earn money, not as much as this paper helped me earn money! Moreover, at least half of my 12 groups rely on the fact that I was able to build my own path through this document! That is to say, the vast majority of my assets are directly or indirectly dependent on this document!    


In fact, in addition to the biggest reason, because I have more and more businesses at hand, and although every girl has a great deal of autonomy, in many cases they report to me on the basis of a formal corporate process. In other words, many things have to be reviewed before I can act on them. That forced me to read the document myself.    


Just these two things have made me accustomed to reading documents these days!    


So right now I'm looking at this document.    


Zhou Bingjie and I had a good understanding of each other's thoughts. She obviously knew that my intentions were a little irritating, so she didn't disturb me any longer and just seriously drove. The Mercedes moved steadily forward, and I read the document carefully by the headlight of the car.    


There was nothing coincidental about the contents of the document. Most of it was about the requirements within the bank, as well as some operating methods. However, there were no secrets that couldn't be revealed to outsiders. As soon as I finished reading, I understood a little. No wonder these two bank executives didn't care about showing this to outsiders like us.    


As soon as I finished reading, I subconsciously threw the document back on the seat and turned off the light. Suddenly, inexplicably, I was struck by the thought that a certain part of my mind had merged with some of the text in that document. I immediately reacted, ignoring the smile on Zhou Bing Jie's face as she reached out to take the document from me. Flip to the third page. Article VI.    




It was about the requirements of setting up a commercial bank in a city with familiar conditions.    


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