Super Little Farmer



0It turned out that the provincial government was planning a large-scale business event at the Nanwei Economic and Trade Fair, with the aim of bringing in funds, technology, talent and projects from all over the world, which would take a total of five days. At present, all sides are progressing well, with 11 of the top 500 globally. On the other hand, according to current statistics, the amount of funds signed during the Nanchi meeting will reach an unprecedented 17.8 billion yuan. Just a moment ago, the three governors were meeting with the senior representative of Mitsubishi Heavy Industries from Japan. At that time, the heavy industry will also sign a contract at the "Nanchi Conference" to invest 200 million yuan in the Jingchu Shanzhou Economic and Technological Development Zone to build a production base. As Prefect Shaudei had appointed me, the three prefects met and decided to meet me together.    


At this point, the three provincial governors and several heads of staff stopped talking and just smiled at me. I know what they mean by that now. You have to understand that this event alone brought in 17.8 billion yuan, and my two projects, the Pauli Group, are well-known in the country. This time, my direct investment was close to 2 billion yuan, and my indirect investment was estimated to be over 5 billion yuan; my second event, the Sheraton Hotel, is also one of the top 500 hotels in the world, so the resulting investment should also be over 500 million yuan. If my two projects were to participate in this "South Council", then the provincial figures would have to be revised: first, the total amount of funds being drawn would be over 2 billion yuan; second, the number of participants in the top 500 in the world would have to be 12!    


They didn't say anything, didn't mean they weren't waiting for my answer. I thought about it for a moment. Although there was the suspicion that such an activity in the province was popular and formalistic, and that the leaders of the province were politically successful, I had to admit that the provincial government had a good mind in developing the economy for the people, and it was necessary to support it. Besides, it wasn't bad for me. If possible, it would not only be harmless, but also beneficial. For one thing, I have more or less given face to the heads of these provinces, who can more or less achieve some political success, and should be of some help to my work and career in the future; both, this Pauli brand and the Sheraton brand, once they have taken up residence in my estate, should have a major effect on them.    


Thinking of this, I made up my mind. He thought it over again. This Pauli Group was originally requested by them, and the initiative was in my hands, so it shouldn't be a problem for me to explain my reasoning and suggest a few days of proper postponement. Moreover, this Pauli Group was a large state-owned enterprise and could not be settled easily, but when Governor Xiao and the others came forward, they had to show some face. Therefore, this side is not a big problem. As for Sheraton, they were Americans, and I was begging them. It might be a bit difficult. But to find a suitable reason, such as the fact that the governor of the province came out in person to show his seriousness, the other side should be able to understand and accommodate, not to mention Sally's factor. I now know for certain that Sally's aunt is the head of Starwood's business in Greater China, and there's not much of a problem with that.    


Having made up his mind, he unhurriedly expressed his own thoughts. Zhang Yun, I will fully support the activities of the provincial government and ask the heads of the provinces to help.    


As I said this, the leaders remained impassive, merely thanking me for my contribution to the economic development of Nanwei Province, or perhaps the provincial government would give me its full support, etc., etc., and then listening to my report, they helped to make some plans to further refine my signing ceremony.    


Coming out of Plum Garden, I went straight home. On the way home, he informed Sally and Romel that they would be going home immediately. When I got home, the two of them were there too. As soon as the three of them met, I explained the situation and asked them to contact Paulie and Starwood separately. Not long after, both sides sent their affirmations. Moreover, both Pauli and Starwood said they would also send their top officials to the signing ceremony, knowing that the top party officials in Nanwei province would all be present at the event. I let out a long sigh of relief when I got my answer. As he called Secretary Luo to tell Governor Xiao, he wondered why both Paoli and Starwood were so easy to talk to. There were at least three reasons for this. First, there was one important reason why they wanted to be valued, whether it was for profit or for Starwood. Now that a provincial leader had appeared, why couldn't they do the same? Secondly, this kind of lively "meeting" had Chinese characteristics. Since Pawley was a domestic enterprise, and Starwood was also in charge of the Chinese district, they should be familiar with this point. Thus, it wasn't strange for him to readily agree. Third, my two projects are very attractive, both of which are willing to come, so a day earlier and a day later is not decisive for them. The decisive factor was that they had to take down this project as well!    


Thinking of this, my vanity rose up. I couldn't help but feel pleased with myself. Once upon a time, a small figure in the mountains was able to make a large company like Paulie and Starwood willing to lower their head!    


Of course, I was very pleased with myself, but I didn't show it on my face. Considering that the Pauli project involved four cities, Jing Chu, Jing Zhen, Jing Shan and Jing Kou, Luo Mei was told to call several other branches, especially how to allocate 2 billion yuan to Zhang Yun Investment Corporation and the four branches, they had to make a plan in advance. Romel and Sally both agreed confidently.    


As soon as I finished dealing with this matter, I received another call. This phone call was not from anyone else, but it was from Liu Zhiyun, who was working in Brazil. I took his call with great enthusiasm, and the two of them talked for a while before focusing on the central issue. There were only two core issues. The first was the situation with the seven pieces of equipment that had been shipped in the last time. The second was the results of an inspection of the Brazilian side. First, Liu told me that all seven of the equipment had been delivered, that they had assembled the equipment in Brazil and delivered it to each other on time, and that the Brazilian side had paid all but the deposit!    


I've already accepted the deposit of $1 million, and it's still on my foreign trade company's account!    


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