Super Little Farmer



0It was obvious, however, that Ronnie was trying to change my taste, and although she had already seen me look at her suspiciously from time to time, she did not say it, but only made small talk with the other beautiful girls. Of course, from time to time, he would also look at me. This was undoubtedly adding fuel to the fire. Even though my teeth were itching from hatred, I was unable to do anything about it.    


After finishing dinner, seeing that Ronnie didn't have the slightest intention to tell me the truth, I angrily went back to my room to wash up. After carefully considering my previous plan, I went back to Ronnie's room with great ease and satisfaction. This little girl isn't in her room at the moment, but from the sound of the water in the bathroom, I don't even need to guess to know that this little girl is also bathing. An idea struck me, and I closed the door softly behind me before I tiptoed to the bathroom door. Just as I was about to open the door, it suddenly opened. Ronnie was standing in the doorway, looking at me with a smile that wasn't a smile!    


F * ck! She had fallen into the trap that this little girl had planned long ago!    


It seems that this little girl had already planned things out. She probably thought that I would come in at this time and intentionally seduce me. But was this seduction? It had to be known that the little girl in front of him had clearly just finished showering. Her hair was somewhat wet, and her body was only casually wrapped in a towel. I wondered if I was wearing anything inside. However, from my estimation, there shouldn't be a trace of it in there!    


Of course, this is just my guess. Even though the seductive manner in front of the little girl made me restless, I didn't dare to act rashly. It's not that I don't dare to do anything to this little girl in front of me, it's just that it's still too early, and I've always been back for the first time, and I've got a little free time, so I'm afraid that other girls might come looking for me, so I don't dare to do anything to this girl right now. I just swallow hard and stare at her as I try to speak, of course, to say I love you, or Ronnie, you're too beautiful, and so on. Because right now I don't remember coming to her room at all!    


It's just that this woman is too beautiful. In the end, I didn't say anything.    


However, Ronnie seemed to be very proud of my ecstasy or my confusion. After a while, she laughed at me and said softly, "Idiot!" Look? You?    


When I woke up, Ronnie smiled again and said, Idiot, I have something to tell you.    


Oh, yes! If you have something to say, say it!    


I suddenly came to my senses and bitterly smiled before sighing again, "Nell, you are so damn beautiful, I can't eat …"    


Ronnie, obviously enjoying herself, giggled and casually sat on the bed, motioning me to sit on the sofa beside her. I did as I was told, of course, smelling Ronnie's scent, watching her beauty, and listening intently. I dare not let my guard down at this moment. For it seemed to me that this was the first time Ronnie had ever spoken to me in such a way, and in the past, if I had been alone with her in a room, or under such circumstances, she would not have indicated that I should sit alone, but would have either taken the initiative to lean into my arms, or given me hints, and I would have taken the initiative to hold her, and we would have talked so intimately.    


Not today. Even though her beauty made me daydream, for the time being I sat quietly and listened. Due to the calmness in my heart, the thing that was furious just a moment ago now also lies down obediently. Ronnie seemed to have also noticed the change in me. She blushed slightly and glanced at me proudly. After a while, she started to narrate her story.    


It turned out that she had been meeting with the provincial committee all day today. It was an expanded meeting of the provincial committee. In addition to the main leaders of the provincial committees, all the deputy directors of the provincial congresses, deputy governors, deputy chairmen of the provincial political committees, party secretaries, governors, and other departments were present.    


I don't know anything about the provincial committee meeting, or the extended meeting. Just looking at Ronnie's serious expression and the people she chose to attend the meeting, I felt a little strange. Clearly, all of this indicates that this meeting is likely to be extremely important.    


However, what does his important meeting with the provincial government have to do with me? What can a provincial commissar do to me?    


F * ck!    


This is too far!    


It seems like I don't have that ability!    


Of course, right now I don't have time to think about it, or to lament about it. I still had to listen to Ronnie.    


Ronnie looked at me with a smile and continued, The person presiding over the meeting is Secretary Zhang of the Standing Committee of the Provincial People's Congress. He first informed the seated people of a document of the State Council, a document concerning the development of the economy and the promotion of the development of urban agglomerations. Next, a clerk informed everyone in the form of a slide show.    


It turned out that the situation was an overview of the development of the country's major urban agglomerations and economic circles. For example, the Chengdu-Chongqing economic circle (Chengdu, Chongqing), such as the Bohai Bay city circle, such as the Yangtze River Delta, Pearl River Delta, and Fujian Triangle, such as the Wuhan economic circle, such as the Changchuan Tan economic circle.    


He didn't understand. I still don't understand. Ronnie here, I only have one concept: I don't understand. Although I recognize the Old Zhang Secretary and even went to work at my site last time, the meetings he has held today seem to be all big projects that he has been discussing and he has no relationship with me. Those economic circles and city groups, even though I've heard of them before and I'm quite familiar with some of them, but those are the matters of the big figures.    


However, it didn't seem right, because if it didn't have anything to do with her, Ronnie wouldn't have told me so solemnly.    


What was going on?    


He had no choice but to listen patiently.    


Ronnie continued to laugh, as if she understood my mood, ignoring me, and continued. After the clerk gave a complete overview of the country and some of the world's urban agglomerations, economic belts, and economic circles, she switched to another picture.    


She smiled at me, then said, Yun-zi, guess where the latest picture is from?    


A picture of where? How should I know? It can't be a picture of the city we're in right now, right?    


At this thought, I fell silent. When Ronnie saw that I didn't answer her, she didn't seem to mind and just continued to smile. Yunzi, I've seen that latest picture very familiar, and I've always felt that I've seen it somewhere before. Later, when I thought about it, I saw it in your room. You even drew a big circle with a red pen!    


Familiar? You saw it in my room? I even drew a big circle with a red pen?    


What was this all about?    


Hearing Ronnie's words, my train of thoughts suddenly jolted. He quickly recalled that there really were a few maps hanging in my room. In several places I drew red circles.    


Which one was it?    


Think about what Ronnie saw, and the identities of the people she mentioned earlier at the day meeting. That map I drew with a red pen.    


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