Super Little Farmer



0What should I do? It was a question worth thinking about. In fact, when he had discussed the matter with the two old professors the other day, they had analyzed it from a technical point of view. As I understand it, with the two of them here, our company has a big reputation, and we don't have to worry about technical difficulties. However, the two of you didn't mention too much about it to me. Teacher Zeng would occasionally mention something, but then he seemed to have thought of something difficult, so he didn't say anything more. The doubt of that time still puzzles me today. I had a feeling that something was wrong with the two old men who agreed at the same time, and so smoothly. But I don't know what's wrong. However, I have a feeling that just based on my documents alone, I might not be able to invite these two at the same time. There must be another reason behind this. Of course, I don't know the reason.    


But I don't need to think about that at the moment. The two teachers agreed to his request. If he agreed to it, it would be easy to handle. At the moment, the most important thing is for me to set the tone and set the tone for the road! You know, the corporations of the past, although the main factor came from me and the main shares were mine, the legal representatives were not me, but the women; and now, the road work was all mine, and I had to take part in it myself. Thus, the overall thinking naturally has to come from me!    


The main idea was the same: to build a primary road and to build a municipal road. There is a ready-made pattern. But for me, it wasn't just a municipal road. I had to build a unique road. This was my subconscious thought, as well as the thoughts of those women. This idea is getting clearer and clearer in my mind!    


The question is, how do I achieve this "feature"?    


In fact, from these downloads online, the roads in Shanghai, Shenzhen and Beijing are instructive. Road and greening in between, interchange ramps to cross the longitudinal mode of the connection. The problem was that this was not enough. In fact, even though this was advanced enough in the whole of Jingchu city, even in the whole of Nanwei Province, it was still not enough for me. I can't say why, but it's just a feeling! But if I were to suggest a new concept all of a sudden, I would be unable to do so!    


Just like that, looking at the pictures of roads in Shanghai and Shenzhen on the computer, I sat there all afternoon. At night, when everyone came home, I felt like my mind was full of roads, but they were all jumbled and vague, and there was no clear possibility. As he ate, he answered the women's questions with a stutter, still thinking about his own.    


After stupefying myself, I hastily ate some food. Ignoring the few girls who were looking at me with astonished gazes from behind, I walked towards my room. After a bath, he went to bed naked. Of course, the various routes in my mind were so chaotic that I couldn't fall asleep due to the torture. I tried to sort out my thoughts, but I just couldn't figure it out.    


I know, I've already reached a bottleneck!    


Just as I was thinking about how to break through this bottleneck, my door suddenly opened slightly. I was a little taken aback, but a moment later I was calm again. Because from that footstep, I'm sure it wasn't something else, but it was that Zhou Yajie and Ling Zi.    


It was already dark and I had not turned on the light, so I turned on the bedside lamp a little. The two men who had crept in, as if not expecting the light to come on, were startled, and when they saw me lying naked on the bed and looking at them, both blushed and smiled at me.    


As I looked at them, my heart skipped a beat, and the next thing I knew was very high. Nothing else, the two of them were still dressed as they did last night. They were both in the same nightgown as last night. There was no need to ask, it was a vacuum inside!    


I needed it, too, beckoning to them. The two of them looked at each other and smiled. Then, they rushed over at the same time. I put my arms around both of them, and without waiting for them to greet me, my hands began to move. In a moment they were as naked as I was. I continued to kiss, and then pressed down on her, but my hand was on Zhou Yajie's body, stroking …    


I don't know when, but when all the essence fell into Zhou Yajie's body, I called for the return of the army. I lay flat in the middle, one arm around each of them, while Reiko and Zhou Yajie, like two lazy cats who had eaten their fill, let me hold them and lie calmly beside me.    


To be honest, I was completely engrossed in that moment and didn't think about the matter of repairing the road. He was only lying down because he felt the pleasure and the softness of the skin of the two girls. He didn't want anything else. The three of them lay like this for a while, but Zhou Ya gave me a kiss, pressing her breasts against my chest, hugging my neck and saying, "Yunzi, what's wrong with you today?" Logically speaking, you should be happy.    




Yes, of course I should. However, looking at the characteristics of this road, how can I be happy about it?    


Thinking of this, he felt a wave of annoyance.    


He then embraced the two girls in his arms and kissed them before sitting up. After a while, he felt that he was about to pee a little, so he stood up and jumped over the body of the Spirit Child that was sleeping on the outside, and descended to the ground. Originally, the three of us had been lying down side by side, Zhou Yajie sleeping in the innermost corner, and the spirit son in the middle. Now that I had gotten up, Zhou Yajie still hadn't moved, while the spirit child obediently moved in and slept beside Zhou Yajie at the place where I had just slept.    


I didn't care about it. I just lazily went to the bathroom, put some water on it and washed it on my body before returning to my room. However, just as I walked out of the bathroom, I didn't reach my bed. Instead, I was stunned.    


On the bed lay Zhou Yajie and Ling Zi. The two of them were obviously tired. At this moment, they didn't seem to notice that they were both naked in front of my eyes. They both softly fell asleep. Those towering breasts, those slender jade legs, and even those two dense forests, everything seemed so natural and beautiful before my eyes …    


I did it. When he looked carefully again, he was stunned for some reason. Suddenly, a light flashed in front of my eyes …    


In that instant, countless blurry images of the road in my mind blended with the two women lying flat on the bed …    


The path was like the bodies of these two women …    


My mind is getting more and more open...    




I found it! I understand! I understand!...    


That would be a unique path!    


And that will be the most distinctive path...    


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