Super Little Farmer



0I was stunned.    


Almost in an instant, I suddenly understood the origin of the millions more: Zhu Dantong 2 million yuan, Yi Jing, Zeng Haiying 300,000 yuan!    


I suddenly felt a little sour in my nose. He didn't know whether to advance or retreat, when he heard the sound of a car stopping behind him. Then there were a few cheerful cries. I turned around and saw Zhou Bingjie getting off the car first. Behind her was Aitin. Who else could it be but the spirit child sitting on the driver's seat? The one beside her was that Zhou Yajie!    


Why were all of them here? When I talked to them on the way, they were all over the country!    


I couldn't help but be stunned. While I was still in a daze, Yi Jing, Zeng Haiying, and that unknown beauty all went out to help them carry their luggage.    


"I called to tell them to come back. Actually, they also want to come back. " Seeing that I was still in a daze, the woman smiled and walked up to me. "You didn't call me," she said softly, "but everyone else did. I thought that this was a big event and also a joyous occasion, so I brought everyone back. " After saying that, she paused for a moment, smiled at me, and said softly, "I understand you. You didn't call me, so you must have been worried that I'd be hard to come by. Well, I want to thank you for your concern. But you should have called me anyway, shouldn't you? "    


At the end, I felt something special in her words. I lowered my head slightly to look at her, only to meet her clear eyes. Inside, there was a deep affection that could not be expressed in words.    


I nodded involuntarily.    


Alright, everyone is here. We'll pick it up together. After Luo Mei'er said that, she took the lead to walk out and greet Zhou Bing Jie, who was heading towards them. I was almost moved to tears, but I finally managed to calm down. I raised my head and went out to catch the smiling Zhou Bingjie.    


After everyone had finished washing up, they all came to eat together. During dinner, I finally established the source of the money. The source, the quantity, is not the least bit different from my estimate, it really is Zhu Dantong 2 million yuan, Yi Jing, Zeng Haiying 150,000 yuan each!    


I calculated that I had enough money at the moment. I intend to take only one million yuan from Zhu Dantong, the rest will have to go back. Yi Jing and Zeng Hai never expected me to say such words in front of the crowd. They stood to the side with embarrassed faces but did not say a word. However, even if they didn't say anything, it didn't mean they wouldn't say anything. After all, just as I said that, I immediately got the advice of Zhou Bing Jie, Luo Mei and the rest. I was finally speechless. Under the persuasion of the crowd, I finally agreed and expressed my gratitude to the two beautiful policewomen. The two policewomen's faces finally returned to normal.    


I also finally know the origin of that unknown beauty. She turned out to be He Guoqian's niece, the daughter of He Guoqian's sister and her brother-in-law. She came here yesterday afternoon to visit my parents at the internship base before finally finding my villa and running into a few other girls of the same age, such as Yi Jing, Zeng Haiying, Luo Mei, and a few others.    


At noon this day, she had intended to join her parents for another meal; and in the end, unable to be persuaded by the others, and being of similar age, she joined us. But her parents, He Guoqian's brother-in-law, refused to be served. We have to let them. At this moment, I found out that this little girl was studying for a master's degree in law at Northwestern University of Political Science and Law and had already obtained a lawyer's license!    


It did make me gasp. This woman, her looks and figure are among the best of the best, around the same age as Ai Ting, Zhou Yajie, and the rest. She should be about the same age as me, but I never expected that she would read this book!    


After dinner, everyone sat in the living room for a small meeting, mainly to introduce the various developments. Fortunately, the whole thing was pretty good. In the end it was Ronnie's turn to tell me. Ronnie mainly introduced the development of the tourism, and I introduced the road repair. Since the two of them had a great deal to do with each other, and I was familiar with the local situation, Ronnie only gave a general introduction to some of the scenic spots and their hype. The main point was for me to focus on the decorations. When everyone heard this, they all nodded their heads in agreement. This was especially so for the two who were the most surprised. I understand how they feel. Because I feel the same way. I can't believe that the places that we don't think are good is actually a treasured land!    


"This is really good news!" As we were discussing how to develop the tourist attraction, Xie Yuting, who was sitting at the side, suddenly exclaimed. At some point she had the State Department document that Deputy Mayor Deng had given me. Obviously, what she appreciates should not be what we are talking about, but the document in her possession.    


What good news was there in the document?    


Seeing that everyone was looking at her, Xie Yi Ting's face turned slightly red. She calmed down and continued to read the document seriously. The few of us looked at each other, wanting to continue the discussion, but the spirit child signaled everyone to stop with his eyes. I immediately understood that Xie Yuting is a lawyer. She definitely had a reason for saying what she did just now, but I'm afraid that with her lawyer's style of handling matters, she must be strict. So I turned back to take a closer look. The other women were all smart people. After they understood the meaning behind those words, they all stopped talking and came to see Xie Yitian.    


As expected, this Xie Yitian read the document twice more carefully, and then carefully calculated for a while before finally speaking, "According to this document of the State Council, the country places a great deal of importance on the construction of roads that directly concerns the livelihood of the people, because there are generous rewards for the construction of roads. This document clearly shows that all parties are encouraged to invest in infrastructure such as road repairs. I have noticed that there is another article in this article. If private capital, foreign capital need to be invested in infrastructure construction such as road and bridge construction and water conservancy construction, the people's governments at the provincial and municipal levels may take a relatively flexible approach to give their returns. The other article below is also clear, namely, some local governments that are financially difficult and that need to be repaid can be repaid by two boxes of land replacement, road naming auctions, and so on! "    


We were all quiet, trying to understand what it meant. Xie Yitang paused for a moment before continuing, "Of course, there is a requirement for the documents to be submitted to the State Council for the record!"    


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