Super Little Farmer



0I have once again experienced the girl's love for mountains and rivers. This Romer had always been in my mind an exquisite, capable woman, and at this moment I am sure that even the five-year-old girl next door is no more mad than she is. Yes, yes, crazy.    


Laughing like crazy, screaming like crazy, taking pictures like crazy.    


Of course, I was also infatuated with all these beautiful sights, but I did not think that I would be as crazy as she was.    


Of course, thinking about it later, I also understood it. I felt little novelty in the mountains, of course; she, on the other hand, had always been a city girl. They probably wouldn't even think about it, much less look at it. Although she was already over 20 years old, she had been busy studying and working for a long time. She did not have much time to truly relax like today!    


Thinking of this, I suddenly felt pity for her. However, I accompanied her and allowed her to go crazy.    


He didn't know how long he stayed here to play, but it wasn't for a short period of time. Only then did he get tired. They also took a lot of pictures until the camera ran out of battery and then gave up. At this moment, I sighed at the arrival of Romel's camera. You know, there's no electricity in my house! She had relied on those four panels and some batteries to hold her up until now. God knows where she got so many electric panels, and she made such good preparations before coming to me!    


"Let's go!" Seeing that she had finally calmed down and rested for a while, I suggested this idea. Rommel looked at me, and the light in his eyes made my heart tremble. I didn't dare look at her, just nodded at her, and, despite her sudden listlessness, reached out my hand to help her. She reached out and took hold of me. The two of them walked towards the entrance of Yan Ziya's cave.    


Yunzi, I want to take one last look at the scenery of that swallow's mouth. Just as I reach the exit of Swallow's Edge Cave, Luo Mei suddenly stops in her tracks. Seemingly recalling something, she stares at me once more before coming up with her own suggestion. I laughed. Hearing her words, it seemed as if she was going to say goodbye forever, or perhaps never come again. In reality, this isn't the case. If she comes to this place at any time, I will definitely accompany her! But now, I understand her mood. Thinking about it, I have to go back to that big city to work again. Abandoning this natural scenery all of a sudden isn't really like that. It was no wonder she had such thoughts and opinions. At this moment, my heart inexplicably softened, and I nodded my head in agreement. Then, I turned around and looked at the swallow.    


Swallow mouth, right here in this Swallow's Edge Cave with the best scenery." In fact, the entire Swallow's Edge Cave was in the mountain; the head was on one side of the mountain, the tail on the other, and each hung at its end. Only the cliff at the tail of the swallow is shorter, while the cliff at the head of the swallow is higher. People often go in through the hole at the end of the swallow, and as for the hole at the head of the swallow, I think it's impossible to go in if you can't fly over the wall. Because this place was rather dangerous, there was a gorge below that was filled with water.    


However, the scenery of this place was very good, because outside of the cave, the cave, and the water formed a unique scenery. Further ahead was the blue sky and white clouds, and this blue sky and white clouds formed another kind of strange mental state. I am sure that this unique landscape is not to be found elsewhere, for it is a special landscape naturally formed under a certain geological condition of our mountain!    


Now that Romel wanted to come, of course I understood, so I accompanied her. After staying here for a long time, it was unknown when Romer decided to return. However, before leaving the cave, he waved his arms towards the mountain and shouted again like a little girl.    


As soon as I saw it, I began to panic. Because the place she was standing at was the most slippery, it was possible for her to slip into the canyon if she wasn't careful. I didn't dare to shout, just walked forward. At the last moment, I thought, just hold her.    


Even though it was too late to say anything, Romer's feet really slipped. She seemed to struggle for a bit, but she was finally unable to do anything as she slid into the deep gorge beneath the cliff. Hearing the scream, I rushed forward at the same time. But I didn't have time to grab Rommel's hand or neck. I even fell down with him.    


Seeing that I was about to fall too, Rommel finally smiled the warmest and happiest smile he had ever had. He called out to me again softly, then closed his eyes and allowed himself to descend the cliff.    


But once again, I was filled with grief. It was for no other reason but that the words that Romer had called out to her were: Yunzi, I love you!    


She loves me!    


Yes, she told me so!    


As she was falling down the cliff, she, who believed herself to be doomed, said these words at the end. Perhaps, this was what she truly wanted to say.    


I wanted to say something, but my nose was sore. But there's no chance for me to think about it right now. Soon enough, Romel and I plunged into the river at the bottom of the Grand Canyon.    


My water is better. Although I have never dived into the water at such a high altitude, it is still better. After doing a somersault at the bottom of the water, I once again surfaced. Romel seemed to know a little about swimming, but he was still knocked out by the water. The water was more rapid, but I had a good idea of where Rommel had fallen, and when I did, I went for the one she had fallen, and for the rest of the water. Fortunately, I got Romey.    


It took a lot of effort before I managed to get Rommel to the side. However, this place is so slippery that we can't get to the shore at all. There was no more. I had to carry Romel on my back and glide through the water. These days, at this time, the water was really cold. Luo Mei'er, who was on his back, seemed to have woken up for a moment. However, after a while, she fainted again. Due to my father's constant cold baths, I did not have any special reaction to the water. However, when I realized what was going on in my back, I was still a little taken aback.    


Luckily, after swimming downstream for about a kilometer, I finally found a flat ground on the cliff face, with two holes in the side. I was overjoyed, and pushed the unconscious Luo Mei onto the shore before I climbed up on my own.    


To be honest, I was very tired and wanted to rest for a while. However, when I saw Romel's lips, which were almost frozen black, I couldn't stay any longer and continued with my work. The first thing was to look at Romel. Looking at her current condition, she seemed to have choked on some water, but it was not serious at all. Of course, I couldn't care less. I breathed on her mouth to mouth, and of course, I had to unbuckle her blouse. Even though I could see a pair of beautiful, plump creatures in front of my eyes, I didn't have the time to admire them. I could only do artificial respiration. After a few moments, Romel slowly recovered his breath. I felt a little better, and went to look for the hay again. It's no trouble. For there is a great deal of hay in the very place where we now rest. Obviously, this place used to be a natural lawn. I took some hay and made a circle with it before I brought Rommel to it. In his mind, he thought that it would be even colder if he wore her wet clothes. He would have to take off her clothes first. Just as she was about to make a move, she thought that she was still cold after taking off her clothes. Besides, it seemed like it wasn't the same thing for me, a man, to take off a girl's clothes!    


Right! With a quick thought, I understood. The most important thing right now is to start a fire!    


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