Super Little Farmer



0F * ck me! I think I'm going crazy! Why did this girl ask that? In all honesty, I had looked at Rommel and Ye Shuzhen a few times. After all, they were both my companions and beautiful women, so it didn't matter to me to look at them a few more times. But where was I to look at Rommel's chest, or Ye Shuzhen's ass?    


I wanted to defend myself, and I wanted to discuss this with her. Right now, the most important thing for me is to find a reason to get rid of her first!    


Seeing that I finally stopped talking, Zhu Dantong finally stopped talking and just quietly watched. I couldn't think of a good reason, so I just looked at her and sighed. You think too much. Alright, since it's late today, you should go back to your room. Be careful of your safety on the way home tomorrow!    


When Zhu Dantong heard my words, especially the latter part of my words, her eyes lit up. She immediately became silent, as if she was making some sort of important decision. After a while, as if she had finally made up her mind, her face suddenly turned red. Just as I was lamenting that she was an extremely beautiful lady, especially when this kind of capable woman was extremely shy, Zhu Dantong suddenly raised her head and stared at me. "Yunzi, look at me!"    


I was surprised because I was looking at her. Why did she say that?    


Just when I was surprised, Zhu Dantong gently loosened the belt on her robe. The robe instantly opened up and for a moment, my breathing stopped. Because, I could almost see the faintly discernible figure of a beautiful woman inside the robe!    


While I was having difficulty breathing, not knowing what to do, and standing there in a daze, Zhu Dantong gently freed herself from her bathrobe. Suddenly, a flawless work of art appeared before my eyes!    


Oh, a cake seller!    


Oh, how beautiful!    


It was just like Ling Zi's corpse, Zhou Bingjie's carcass and Zhou Yajie's carcass. It was another perfect piece of art! Those snow-white peaks, those pink protruding grapes, those smooth and smooth underbelly, those slender and graceful legs, and even that quiet and secretive forest. Every part of it was harmonious. Even though the woman looked a little panicked, one hand gently supporting the pair of plump, the other covering up the forest, but I could still see everything beautiful!    


My breathing finally stopped...    


My head is spinning again...    


Yunzi, is Dantong beautiful? Seeing me staring at her, Zhu Dantong smiled sweetly and said with her red lips slightly parted. Some were charming, some were excited, some were shy, and some were mischievous.    


Of course it's beautiful!    


I nodded my head almost without thinking.    


Like I said, I have a great figure. Zhu Dantong's face was still slightly red, but her expression was much more normal than it had been at the start. Her hands no longer covered their own hair, instead, she directly tied them into her hair and displayed her perfect body in front of my eyes.    


I finally snapped out of my daze and rushed over to put on the bathrobe that she had just taken off. I said softly, "Dantong, what are you doing?" Get dressed and go back to your room to rest!    


However, Zhu Dantong moved in a flash and refused to wear her bathrobe. He looked at me again and said, I told you, you can look at my body if you want.    


I didn't know whether to laugh or cry. I think she did say that. However, that was in a special environment. And I didn't think I had to see her. Aiya, what she is doing right now is giving me so much trouble. You know, there are two women in my closet who are naked!    


Then I smiled at Zhu Dantong and urged her: "Okay, okay, Dantong, I understand your beauty. Put on this bathrobe first!"    


Instead of following my instructions, Zhu Danton stepped back to the bed, climbed into it, and then lay calmly on her back, oblivious to the fact that all her secrets were unfolding before my eyes. He looked at me with a slight blush on his face, as if he was looking at the thing underneath me that was raising its head and sticking its chest out. He said, "Yunzi, Dantong has already decided to be your woman tonight!"    


Oh, a cake seller!    


I almost screamed!    


Some people were going crazy. I'm not crazy. It was this Zhu Dantong who had gone crazy.    


I smiled bitterly and sighed. I quickly pulled the bathrobe over Zhu Dantong's body and tried to help her up. "Dantong, it's a bit late. You should go and rest first!"    


But Zhu Dantong refused. When she saw me coming to help her, she seemed to be in a hurry. After a while, he seemed to have noticed something and suddenly became energetic. When I saw her gaze, I knew that the situation wasn't good and immediately retreated. Zhu Dantong, however, was quick. She sat up and grabbed my hard thing with one hand. He chuckled again. Startled, I reached out to push her away, but the touch was soft. Zhu Dantong was so nervous that she just stood there for a moment before relaxing. In the end, she just threw the bathrobe to the side and puffed out her chest. "If you want to touch it, just touch it!"    


But I cried out. So it turned out that when I pushed her like this earlier, it was actually at her ample bosom!    


No wonder Zhu Dantong was so sure of my purpose!    


Of course I wouldn't touch it. However, she was naked now, and I didn't dare to act rashly. I was always worried that one of my hands would be misunderstood if it wasn't good enough.    


I didn't act rashly, but it didn't mean that Zhu Dantong didn't do anything. Then she giggled and said, You've had enough of my body, and I need to see yours. Saying that, without waiting for me to react, she took off my triangular shorts. That thing of mine was completely exposed in an instant.    


So big!    


Zhu Dantong seemed to be taken aback, but after a while she sighed.    


Of course I was. But give it back to me. I reacted quickly and pulled up my pants, then went to get her a bathrobe to wear. Zhu Dantong, on the other hand, couldn't hold it in any longer and hugged me. She was sitting on the bed, and I was standing by the bed. She was hugging me, but she was holding me by my waist. Even my firm thing stood before her eyes. However, Zhu Dantong did not care. Instead, she choked and said, "Yunzi, Dantong is very scared." Dan Tong wants to be your woman.    


I don't know why she suddenly did this. However, he couldn't help but sigh in his heart. He couldn't care less as he tightly embraced the woman.    


After hugging each other for a while, Zhu Dantong pulled down my underwear again. She wanted to play with my stiff little thing, but my door lightly knocked again, "Yunzi, open the door, I'm Zhou Ya Jie!"    


Ah? Zhou Yajie? Why did she knock on the door? It should be rather late by now, right?    


While she was still thinking about how she was going to knock on the door, Zhu Dantong suddenly jumped up. He was about to search for her bathrobe, but he didn't expect that with the flick of his sleeve just now, he wouldn't be able to find it for a while. I leaped over the wide bed, searched the floor, and threw it to Zhu Dantong, who was standing between the wardrobe and the bed. Zhu Dantong did not have time to put on the bathrobe. She turned around and opened the wardrobe. Without even looking, she went in.    


This time it's my turn to go crazy! I'm sure that when I gave her the bathrobe, she had already spotted the hiding place, which was why she was so quick and accurate!    


The problem was that in this cabinet, there was similarly naked Zhou Bingjie!    


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