Super Little Farmer



0Seeing me shake my head, Zhou Bingjie seemed to find her plan unrealistic and ambiguous, so she didn't insist. Instead, she smiled and said, "There are a lot of residential dormitories near our school. Also, there are a lot of small hostels near my school, for twenty dollars a night, or do you want to take a look?    


My heart jolted again. 'It seems that Zhou Bingjie's method is rather good this time.' However, what was the best way to proceed? Well, I'm sure I'm going to open a new house here. In the long run, it's more realistic to rent a house like this, but I'm afraid it's better to live in a small guest house like that these days.    


Thinking of this, I nodded slightly at Zhou Bingjie and said, Well, take me to a small hostel.    


Oh? Okay. Zhou Bingjie from the top bunk saw that I had made up my mind and seemed to agree with what she had in mind. She immediately agreed and didn't say anything else. She immediately went to the top bunk and lay down. When I saw her shrink her head, I didn't ask any more questions. Instead, I quietly went to sleep while thinking about my own problems.    


The next morning, I woke up early and was about to go wash up when Zhou Bingjie, who was on the top bunk, woke up as well. He seemed to be satisfied with the sleep on the train, even lazily stretching when he got up. I sighed again, for her hands were raised slightly at her waist, and her breasts were even more proud. I had to swallow hard again and turn away. At this moment, Zhou Bingjie finally seemed to notice that I was staring at this sensitive part of her body. She blushed slightly, but didn't show any signs of shrinking back. Instead, she puffed out her chest, as if she was trying to show me something or hinting at something.    


I was finally speechless. In this day and age, this young girl was truly unfathomable. Aren't you afraid that I'll turn into a pervert and eat her?    


Just as I was lamenting, I suddenly thought of how she used my illness and her sister Zhou Jiajie's absence to play with me, that thing. I smiled wryly again. These days, this kind of little girl was extremely curious and bold, so she couldn't help but give her another glance. However, she sighed in her heart, this little girl's little hands were extremely wonderful, and when she fondled me, it was really quite comfortable.    


Zhou Bingjie, however, did not care about what I was thinking. She just went to wash herself, and I calmed down and washed myself. After washing his face and rinsing his mouth, he went to the dining hall to eat breakfast before returning to the carriage to rest. Zhou Bingjie continued to read while I continued to think about my own matters. Around 10 am, they finally arrived at the Shanghai train station. We got off the train and got out of the station. Under the guidance of Zhou Bingjie, we took the subway to Zhou Bingjie's school.    


However, Zhou Bing Jie was in no hurry to return to the dorm. Instead, she insisted on joining me in choosing a small hostel. Apparently, she was familiar with the neighborhood, and with her help, we quickly found a guest house. It was indeed twenty dollars a night, with only six beds for one room, and the toilet and the washroom shared the entire floor. But even so, this condition was still better than I had expected. I nodded. After paying the deposit and arranging my luggage, I sent Zhou Bingjie back to her room. Seeing that she had a lot of luggage and that I was empty-handed, I naturally had to help her to share some of her luggage. She gave me most of her luggage for me to carry and carry, almost without any objection. It was around eleven in the morning when we finally arrived at her dormitory.    


Of course I couldn't and wouldn't go into her dorm. Just as she was thinking about how to deliver the luggage to her room, a few beautiful girls walked out. When they saw Zhou Bingjie, they were startled and then greeted her affectionately. Although I could not understand what they were saying, because they were greeting each other in Arabic, but judging from their situation, they should be very familiar with Zhou Bingjie. When Zhou Bingjie saw them, she was also extremely happy. She greeted them affectionately, even put down her luggage and hugged them.    


This only proves my point. I smiled and saluted and said hello to them. The girls finally noticed me, who was standing next to Zhou Bingjie. The things on my shoulders, on my back, and in my hands, were obviously Zhou Bingjie's luggage. The few of them then looked at each other and laughed out loud. Zhou Bingjie, who was hugging another beauty, suddenly blushed. Just as she was about to say something, two of the beauties started talking to Zhou Bingjie. But it was still Arabic, and I couldn't understand it, so I just looked at them and smiled. Zhou Bingjie glanced at me with a slight blush on her face. She was obviously embarrassed, but she remained silent. Those few people became even more excited, and started chatting with Zhou Bingjie. However, their eyes were all on me.    


As a result, although I couldn't understand what they were talking about, I had the feeling that they were discussing the following topics: who I was, what my relationship with Zhou Bingjie was, and how Zhou Bingjie was doing. Of course, I still don't understand what it is or what it is. But judging from their eyes, most of the questions were the first and second ones. However, since I didn't understand, I couldn't be bothered to pay any attention to him. I remained standing there, neither servile nor overbearing.    


They chatted for a while longer before Zhou Bingjie finally introduced me to them. At this time, I realized that these beauties really were Zhou Bingjie's classmates. Among them, three of them were Zhou Bingjie's roommates. They were getting ready to go to lunch when they ran into us. As for Zhou Bingjie's six classmates, I also got to know them one by one and politely greeted them once again with a smile.    


At this point, each of the girls came to help Zhou Bingjie carry her luggage. I unloaded my luggage and distributed it to them, thanking them over and over again. Those few people laughed even more and chatted with Zhou Bingjie from time to time. Zhou Bingjie was obviously enjoying herself, looking at me with her beautiful eyes from time to time. I couldn't care less about that. After thinking for a moment, I suggested that Zhou Bingjie and I since we hadn't had lunch, could we invite the six of them to have lunch in the name of Zhou Bingjie? When the others heard this, they laughed at the same time and then agreed readily. Zhou Bingjie didn't say anything, but looking at her expression, it was obvious that she was impressed by my actions.    


I continued to wait outside the dormitory, and the seven girls left one after the other, and about a quarter of an hour later they were all back. I motioned for them to lead the way. The girls left ahead of us, giggling. I followed them with my head lowered, still thinking about my own matters.    


Not long after, we arrived at a restaurant in the campus. Although it wasn't big, it was very exquisite. There were already a lot of people eating there. However, the tall beauty that was Zhou Bingjie's roommate, called Ouyang Jue, was leading everyone up to the second floor. We chose one. Naturally, I let everyone order their own dishes, but none of the girls were willing to do so. All they did was talk to Zhou Bingjie and leave me with the task of ordering dishes. I heard the voices of these people. Two of them were from Shanghai, one from Hunan, one from Shandong, one from Henan, and one from Guangxi. This dish seems to be quite difficult. At this moment, I could only ask the waiter to recommend me. I ordered a serving according to everyone's hometown specialties. I also remembered that Zhou Bingjie had been extremely beautiful when she had her alpine cuisine last time, so I also ordered a serving. Fortunately, this restaurant was usually filled with people from all over the place, and since he knew how to cook, he agreed.    


I suddenly felt that someone was looking at me with their eyes. I raised my head and saw seven pairs of beautiful eyes looking at me. One pair of eyes was filled with emotion while the other six pairs of eyes were filled with praise!    


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