Super Little Farmer



0Seeing me staring at her, Zhou Bing Jie panicked: "What are you looking at me for? Isn't it? "I am a woman, and I am by my side …" The moment those words left her mouth, Zhou Bingjie immediately stopped speaking. Her face immediately turned red and she hurriedly got up, not daring to look at me again.    


I'm surprised too!    


Zhou Bingjie spoke too quickly, exposing her face. "What is the hidden meaning behind her words?" Furthermore, it's a place to put oneself. "    


Oh, that means she's always liked me, too!    


I was stunned! Look at her again. At this moment, Zhou Bingjie's face was slightly red. She was extremely embarrassed. I was stunned again.    


I feel that she really likes me a little. If not, how could she have such an attitude?    


I was speechless for a moment. It was so sudden that I didn't know what to do with it.    


I was about to say something else when Zhou Bing Jie turned around, her face as calm as ever, without a hint of red. Just as I was wondering how she could change so quickly, Zhou Bingjie said, "I mean, put yourself in my shoes and think about whether these women like you or not!"    


Once again, it was my turn to be speechless.    


With the same word missing, the meaning would be completely different.    


Speechless! He was truly speechless!    


In the circumstances, however, I do hope so. I didn't want to get into trouble again, especially this girl who might become my sister-in-law, even though she was equally breathtakingly beautiful. After a while, she thought, "Maybe I was being overly cautious, or maybe Zhou Bingjie really did misspeak." The shyness she felt earlier was due to her slip of the tongue and the behavior a girl should have. If there was just one more point, wouldn't I be too narcissistic? Could it be that all the beauties in this world have to like me and marry me alone? If so, it might be the funniest joke of the century!    


With that in mind, I finally calmed down and calmed down. I smiled at her and said, "Ha, I didn't think too much about it. Only, I really don't know which girls like me. "    


Zhou Bingjie's face turned red again, and she ignored me. She said, "I'm going to sleep," and went straight to my bed. I thought it was time for her to take a break, and I decided not to scratch her anymore and look out at the scenery. Outside, the sky had darkened, and I suddenly remembered that I hadn't eaten dinner. Zhou Bingjie was considering whether to call this sleeping beauty over when she suddenly sat up. As she lay on the bed, she clasped her hands behind her head and said, "I'm a bit hungry. Zhang Yun, let's go eat!"    


I nodded and stood up. Zhou Bingjie stood up and led the way without looking at me. I followed.    


Her figure in front of her was truly marvelous. Her slightly pinching waist and slender legs were all so well-proportioned. Especially that pair of fragrant buttocks, most attractive to my eyes. Not only have I seen her sister Zhou Yajie's body, but I have also experienced it. Her buttocks are so full that it's really hard to tell, and it seems that Zhou Yajie's buttocks aren't much worse than mine. In fact, it seems to me that her buttocks are even better than mine!    


I swallowed to myself, and then I remembered Reiko's hips. Reiko's buttocks, my hands were kneaded, it felt great. It seemed that compared to the Zhou Bing Jie in front of him, he couldn't really tell who was stronger at the moment.    


While my thoughts were wandering about, Zhou Bingjie, who was in front of me, stopped. He had already arrived at the dining room. I quickly tightened my expression and went over to help order some dishes. Both of them ate very simply. However, the price of the dishes on the train wasn't low at all. The two of us actually wanted to eat for over thirty yuan. To tell the truth, it made my heart ache for a while. However, when they saw Zhou Bingjie eating so sweetly in front of them, they felt an inexplicable sense of relief. Without caring about the pain in his heart, he started to gobble down the food in large mouthfuls. After I ate three big bowls of rice, I remembered that there was still someone in front of me. Lifting my head, I saw that Zhou Bingjie had already stopped eating. She was still eating the same rice bowl from before. At this moment, she seemed to be looking at me with a gratified expression on her face. She was in a daze. However, when I looked up at her, I quickly lowered my head to eat again. However, I could clearly see that her snow-white ears and neck had turned red.    


I'm sure that Zhou Bingjie's face is completely red right now. I'm a bit curious. Why is this woman's face so red? It seems like there was no reason to get popular just now? This woman, her thoughts were really hard to predict. He couldn't understand what they were thinking all day.    


Since I couldn't figure it out, and I couldn't figure it out, I didn't want to. I immediately thought of the reason for my trip to Shanghai, as well as the possible way to take it. Zhou Bingjie, on the other hand, didn't make a sound. She quietly ate her meal, paid the bill, and called me back to the carriage. Still thinking about myself, I followed her back to the carriage and threw myself down on the lower bunk, thinking about myself. Zhou Bing Jie saw that I was thinking, so she didn't bother with me. She went to pack up some things, washed up at the end of the car, and climbed into bed to read. I was still thinking the same thing, and my train of thought was also slowly maturing.    


Just as she was thinking about that, Zhou Bingjie stuck her head out of the top bunk again. Hey, Zhang Yun.    


What is it? I was still lying there, not looking at her, just thinking about myself, but saying yes.    


How do you live in Shanghai?    


What's so difficult about that? It's not like I've never been to a big city before. I just need to find a place to lie down. Oh right, the train station. I heard the conditions there are pretty good.    


That's not good. Furthermore, Shanghai is a big city. If we do this, aren't you afraid that the Town Security will come and capture us?    


Shame? If I don't steal or steal, then what am I going to lose? I don't think I'm going to be disgraced if I sleep on the floor. However, the Town Security was the same.    


Also, the day was getting colder. Sleeping on the street was not a good thing, as it would affect his body.    


Influence on the body? I'm not afraid, I'm in good shape.    


Your body stick? That's true. Only, what if you were a little sick, what about your career?    


As soon as Zhou Bingjie finished her sentence, I was stunned once again. Because, as she said, I can't just go out and find a place to sleep like I used to. Then what should I do?    


Seeing me raise my head to look at her, Zhou Bing Jie's face reddened slightly, as if she was thinking for a while. You know, I have a dorm for students, and you're also living in our dorm?    




How could it be this kind of answer?    


Of course not.    


I shook my head almost without thinking. One had to know that this was a girls' dormitory, a forbidden area for men. However, there seemed to be quite a number of girls who still brought their boyfriends to their dorms, something that they had often seen in the newspapers. I'm not Zhou Bingjie's boyfriend, and I don't want to be in that kind of place. At the moment, of course, I object.    


But where should I live?    


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