Super Little Farmer



0I almost choked. There are several reasons. For one thing, I ate this Zhou Bing Jie beauty when you were drunk, but I didn't feel anything at the time, and I still don't know what it tastes like. For one thing, I haven't eaten Aitine yet, so of course I don't know what it tastes like. And I never intended to eat her, so her taste is something that can never be known.    


When I looked at her with my strange eyes, Zhou Bing Jie withdrew her gaze, but remained silent, only looking into my eyes. I couldn't and didn't hide from her, just told her that nothing had happened between me and Aitin and that nothing had happened since, but I did want her to go to Beijing to help me with my business. Zhou Bingjie did not know if she heard my words or if she stared into my eyes. Finally, she smiled and said, Go to Beijing obediently. Of course, I knew that she was talking about me, and I wanted to retort, but thinking about how I had gone overboard this time, even though Zhou Bingjie herself had to take some responsibility, I was still in the wrong. I could not say anything more, so I just nodded my head vigorously in agreement. However, he thought to himself, 'Luckily, I still have some mutual love towards Zhou Bingjie, so at most, the two of us should get married. As for the rest of us, we should be able to emigrate to other countries as long as there are four of us, such as the Sultan, where men are allowed to have four wife.' As for all of this, I've been online with Zhou Bingjie for the past few days, so I got to know about this information.    


The two of us slept in the same bed as usual that night. However, I have to leave tomorrow. Zhou Bingjie is also fully recovered, and the two of us have already broken through to the most critical of men and women. The first half of the night was fine. We slept in each other's arms, but in the second half of the night we threw ourselves into a healthy life together.    


However, the culprit was not me, but Zhou Bingjie. The two of us were asleep, but of course we weren't. We were just talking. I don't know if it was intentional or not, but this week Bing Jie's hand bent over my waist. That was normal, because she always curled up around my waist and slept with her arms around me. However, she accidentally touched that thing of mine.    


Of course that thing stood tall and straight. You have to know, I have a beautiful, half-naked girl by my side. If my thing isn't straight, then I must be sick!    


After such a tormenting, Zhou Bingjie was obviously unable to defeat me. Within 40 minutes, I had reached the climax 5 times. The first three times was fine, but after the third time, he let out a long sigh. It was truly wonderful. No wonder my sister enjoyed it so much.    


When she saw me stunned, she seemed to realize that she had revealed her mouth and quickly changed the subject. I know what she is talking about is the time when I was severely injured by the Poison Bee due to saving her elder sister. Her elder sister was still pregnant, and with the help of Zhou Bingjie, she did the thing between a man and a woman to me. She was curious about how comfortable her sister was. She was playing with me while her sister was unconscious, but she answered the question in her mind: How could a girl enjoy such a wonderful stick? At the time, she had always thought I was in a coma and didn't know anything, but the truth was, I just couldn't move, and my mind was as clear as a mirror.    


Now that she said it, I knew at once that she had been under the impression that I was unconscious, and that she did not know what had happened between me and her sister.    


I couldn't point it out, so I had to use my whole body's law to torture Zhou Bingjie. The fourth time, Zhou Bingjie finally could not hold it in and shouted happily. After that, he seemed to find it a bit indecent and put the pillow towel in his mouth before enjoying the past. After the fifth time, she almost collapsed. With my help, she stabilized her mind and then cutely flew at me. Yunzi ge, I'm going to be killed by you!    


I was getting more and more excited. I wanted to continue messing around with her, but Zhou Bingjie had finally begged for mercy. I wanted to disobey, but she dodged and finally got away.    


I didn't know whether to laugh or cry. This is because this girl has had five orgasms, yet I still can't send her. Fortunately, the flirtatious Zhou Bingjie had already noticed my presence. She immediately giggled and directly brought me into the bathroom. Then, she awkwardly stammered out something. Finally, he got me out.    


I felt refreshed, but Zhou Bingjie was so tired that she almost sat on the floor. Of course I didn't want to, so I helped her up and washed them both with water before we went to bed together to rest in peace.    


The war lasted more than an hour, and the two of us were finally exhausted. Well, it wasn't until noon the next day that we got up. I cooked a Chinese dinner for the evening, then sent Zhou Bingjie back to school. After talking to Tension, I went straight to the train station.    


I did not arrive until half past noon the next day. After he got off the train, he was surprised to find that there was a spirit child on the platform. As soon as he saw me, he threw himself into my arms. I held her tight and kissed her hard again. After a while, I finally knew that there were people coming and going around me. I fiercely grabbed my waist and dragged me away with a blush on my face. I knew she was a bit shy, so I just smiled and took a few steps to put my arms around her and we walked on together.    


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