Super Little Farmer



0Her expression stunned me for a moment. Looking at her slightly bashful face, her ample chest, her slightly raised hips and her slender legs, I couldn't help but feel a little uneasy. Then I remembered that she had told me before that she had a good figure and that I could look at her all the time. As she thought of this, she felt that her body needed to get better soon. The first thing she did was to look at her body to her heart's content. Just as I was thinking about her body, I remembered that she had also told me that I had "eaten as I pleased" her, and my heart was in turmoil again! As he was sighing, he suddenly realized that the thing beneath him was slowly rising to its full height.    


I felt a little awkward. This is because there are some girls around. It's not a problem for me. He forcefully suppressed his obscene thoughts and considered the restaurant he was preparing to open. However, after thinking for a long time, he still hadn't come up with a good method. When I think about it, the women are free to talk. In fact, these girls split into two classes right in front of me and decided to take three shifts with me and Aitin. Then Ronnie suggested that Etten and I should move to the same room during our convalescence, since we were both injured, so that the big guys could take care of us. This was obviously supported by everyone. Finally, with Zhou Yajie taking the lead, we were transferred to the same hospital, the South Wei People's Hospital, the hospital where Doctor Wen Qi is currently working, and to the same ward. I had intended to have only one bed, but the women refused and asked for a large room with three beds. Etten and I had one bed each and another for the attendant.    


This Jing Chu police was really capable. Not only were there leaders who came to visit Ai Ting and I, Yi Jing and Zeng Haiying also came to watch over Ai Ting from both sides. Aitin was recovering quickly and in good shape. I had thought it inconvenient for a man of my age to be in the same room as a woman, but Zhou Yajie and Etten had talked it over, and Etna had agreed immediately. This allowed Zhou Yajie to laugh softly in my ear for a while, then look at my big brother dubiously. I knew what she meant, probably that I was provoking this amorous girl again, and that I was going to see how it would end; but I was speechless. Aiten likes me, I already know her, she's even willing to use her body to stop me; I already have a good impression of her, and now, ha, I'm sure I've fallen in love with her. It's just that I'm in a difficult situation and I don't dare to respond to her.    


In the next twenty days, under the meticulous care of these people, Aitin and I recovered very quickly. Etten and I are having more and more pleasant conversations. Ha, the two of us barely have any physical contact at the moment. This Etten, fearing the grief of her family, had never told them of her condition; therefore, her caretakers had to do something else for her. For example, when her month of business came, it was always Zhou Yajie and Ye Shuzhen who took the initiative to help her wash and change the sanitary pads. As for the others, of course they wanted to help her as well. However, Zhou Yajie and Ye Shuzhen seemed to have already discussed this matter and were fighting to do so. According to Zhou Yajie's detailed explanation, the first time it was Aiten who was embarrassed, but luckily I was asleep. The second time it was me who was embarrassed, because this Ye Shuzhen was sleeping right in front of me, so I didn't have to think about it. But she made it so loud that I was flustered over here. It's over. That Ye Shuzhen even intentionally threw the underwear that Aitin changed into onto the bed, letting me see it. Etten's face was as red as if she was about to bleed. Fortunately, when I saw her face, I covered my head in time to avoid any further embarrassment. Zhou Yajie, on the other hand, was too much. When she changed the tampons and underwear for Aitin, she purposely washed her lower body. At the same time, she lightly "clucked her tongue": Sister Aitin was born well, even her sister felt a little upset when she saw it. As she said this, she looked at me with a smile in her eyes. Of course I'm embarrassed. That Aitin is also embarrassed, so we covered her head with the blanket. With great difficulty, she breathed out a sigh of relief. Zhou Yajie sighed in admiration, whether intentionally or unintentionally: Sister Aiten is still a virgin! This sentence made both of us stick our heads out and shrink back together.    


It could be said that Aitin and I had been fooled by Ye Shuzhen and Zhou Yajie in the past few days during her period of rest, and the task of helping her in the bath had been covered by these two women, who were still praising her body. Ye Shuzhen sighed at how Ai Ting's breasts stood out, making a girl like her want to stand up straight. Meanwhile, Zhou Yajie bluntly said that Ai Ting's butt was perky and her legs were long and white. A virgin was definitely different. At this moment, of course, Aitin and I knew that they were doing this on purpose. Other than feeling embarrassed the first time and stopping them the second time, we were indifferent later on.    


Of course, my bath was also taken by Zhou Yajie and Ye Shuzhen. The reason was that they were women, true women. The last sentence, "The real woman", defeated Zhu Dantong and Roman immediately. Because it showed that both of them had had men before and knew how to take care of them. In fact, every woman had offered to do a bath, a piss, and a change of clothes, but the two of them had taken it over for that reason.    


Zhu Dantong's reason was that she was my girlfriend. This was objected to by everyone because they were all her girlfriends, but Zhou Bingjie immediately declared that she was also my girlfriend, not to mention the spiritual son and the spiritual son. Rommel said I was her savior. I can give up my life for her, and she can do the same for me, let alone do such a thing for me. This reason was once again blocked by Zhou Yajie. Because I became Zhou Yajie's savior five times at one time. As for Confucius and Yukiko, they used the excuse that the three of us had had a good time since we were children, which was rejected by all the others: Of course it's good, but it's not going to work.    


The girls continued to argue with each other. In the end, Zhou Yajie and Ye Shuzhen, who seemed to be in alliance with each other, took over my "right of personal care" for this reason.    


Well, that's the word, Ye Shuzhen said.    


Ah, that's interesting! I was so happy that I almost lost my breath from laughing, but I was beaten up by these people!    


However, I had the feeling that when these other women looked at me, their expressions were different: Yinzi's was a little sad, Ronnie's was a little disappointed, Zhu Dantong was a little regretful, Zhou Bingjie was a little angry, and Ling Zi was a little loving!    


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