Super Little Farmer



0Zhou Yajie called Ling Zi and Zhou Bingjie and called Ronnie. At that time, Ling Zi and Ye Shuzhen were still at the company, so they did not know about this news. However, Ye Shuzhen felt that something was wrong and immediately made a call to Romel. Rommel's first call was from Ronnie, and Ye Shuzhen's second.    


Of course, the information was accurately transmitted to Zhou Bingjie, Zhou Yajie, Ling Zi, Ying Zi, Ai Ting and Zhu Dantong. Zhou Bingjie and Zhou Yajie each took the last flight back to Jing Chu that night. Lingzi, Yiko, Zhu Danton, Ronnie and Ye Shuzhen naturally arrived at the scene as fast as they could, and then followed them back to the hospital. Aitin had been lying on the bed, and although she was very concerned, she had to do it.    


On the third day, a woman who claimed to be my sister-in-law rushed over with two other beauties. I stayed here for almost an entire night, but I only left when I saw something move. Especially the young woman who claimed to be my sister-in-law. She had been silent from the beginning to the end and had not stopped crying from beginning to end!    


So that's how it was.    


It turned out that Big Sister Guo Qing had really come. So it turned out that when he woke up from his coma and saw that beautiful big sister, it was actually true!    


I was suddenly speechless. The woman I still love in my subconscious, my sister-in-law!    


Luo Mei's face reddened a little as I didn't know what she was thinking about. She said softly, "You should rest more. The doctor said that your body is very good. You should be able to recover very quickly."    


I just nodded to show that I understood. Romel said quietly: I didn't expect you to save me.    


It was a subconscious movement. I thought about it and said. However, it was as if she didn't hear him. She also seemed to hear him, but she remained silent. I didn't say anything. After a long while, as if she had suddenly woken up from her stupor, she went out again. After a while, she went in again to get some food. Of course I ate slowly. Just as Romer was putting a spoonful of porridge into my mouth, a crisp female voice rang out from beside me. Aha, I caught a scene of brotherly love...    


When I turned around, I saw Ye Shuzhen standing gracefully at the door of the ward, looking at the both of us with a smile that was not a smile. Of course I didn't care, because I had nothing to do with Rommel. Even though this Luo Mei is indeed a beautiful person, with looks, knowledge, and knowledge, after these few days of socializing with her, she is also a very gentle and meticulous woman. Being a wife is indeed a good choice, but I really don't dare to think about her. It was not like he didn't want to think about it. Because it's a man's fault that such a fine woman doesn't want to; of course I do, but I don't dare to think about it. Because I had so much emotional debt on me, I didn't dare to mess with another woman anymore.    


At that moment, I calmly met Ye Shuzhen's gaze. However, her eyes are actually very fearful. There seems to be too much content in them that I can't understand! I turned my head to look at her, only to see her standing there with a reddened face, holding the bowl of porridge, unsure of what to do. Only after a while did he react. He seemed to have glanced at Ye Shuzhen as he said in a slightly displeased tone, "So it's you, the demoness. What nonsense are you spouting?" If you want to go in, you want to go out. If you want to go in, you want to go out.    


Ye Shuzhen was still looking at us with a smile on her face, but her gaze kept darting between Romel and me. After a long while, she sighed and said, "I was planning to come in and see our young man. Now that I've opened the door, I just happened to see someone in love …"    


You're still talking! This time, Roman's reaction was really fast. With a flash, her delicate hand was about to land on Ye Shuzhen's body. Ye Shuzhen did not finish her words, but she seemed to know that Luo Mei would react like this and was already prepared. She immediately sidestepped, dodging the attack, smiling as she said, "Wait a moment, your porridge will be poured!"    


Luo Mei was startled, but she finally realized what was happening and stopped. He sat down on the chair beside me and put the bowl on the head of the bed cabinet. I was no longer hungry, and now I saw the two of them shooting at each other. From the looks of their sickness, the relationship between the two of them was definitely not ordinary.    


I took a glance at the two of them. Ye Shuzhen was unable to tell anything, but it was obvious that there was something wrong with Romer. She seemed to be panicking. My heart couldn't help but beat faster: [No way! Looking at this bashful situation and the kiss I gave myself earlier, this big sister Romey wouldn't fall in love with me, right?]    


I couldn't help looking at Romel again. That Luo Mei'er was really pretty at this moment. It was obvious that something was going on in her heart, as if she had been caught red-handed. Ye Shuzhen caught my gaze and smiled. "How is it, Yunzi? Isn't your Mei Er very beautiful?"    


I nodded automatically. After a while, he realized that something was wrong. He raised his head and looked at Ye Shuzhen's smiling face. I immediately understood that she was scheming something, and I accidentally fell into her trap. Just as I was beginning to regret it, Ye Shuzhen walked over to me gently, sat down, and then leaned over my chest. She gently wrapped her arms around my neck and pressed her face against mine.    




I cried out in my heart, not knowing what to do. However, this Ye Shuzhen's skin is really quite good. It feels soft, greasy and very comfortable when pressed against my face. I wanted to move, but my body was not completely recovered and I could not move. The two of them, Ye Shuzhen, did not know why, but she hugged me so tightly that I could not move at all. Just as I was thinking about what I should do, I saw Romel staring at me and Ye Shuzhen with her big eyes. However, she only had a smile on her face and didn't show anything.    


Ye Shuzhen kissed me on the cheek again, then said to Rommel, So, Plum, you love someone so much, but you don't dare to tell him; what's the matter with you these days? Just like that. Look at me, I like Yunzi, and I'm spoiling and kissing him just like that!    




This time it was my turn to scream.    


She loves me? Impossible!    


What was going on? In front of big sister Rumei?    


I was just about to say, when Ye Shuzhen saw that Rommel didn't move and continued to look at me with a smile that wasn't a smile, she didn't hesitate to inhale into my mouth. And her tongue was attacking me. I kept my mouth shut, of course, so she wouldn't have to present it. Ye Shuzhen suddenly moved and sat up. She looked at me with a big smile, then looked at Romel, and suddenly burst out laughing again. Haha, I'm going to die from laughter.    


I started, not knowing what she was going to smile at. After a moment, she recalled that the way she acted wasn't to say that she was in love with me, but to probe Big Sister Rumei. He found the situation laughable. Ha, these two are really interesting, even this kind of thing is fun.    


While I was still in a daze, Rommel seemed to come to my senses. His face turned red, and he immediately stood up. He threw himself at Ye Shuzhen, intending to use his hands to gag her again. Of course, Ye Shuzhen smiled as she picked up Romel and started to twist him. Of course Romel couldn't stop it.    


"Ha, it's impossible to silence him!" I'm familiar with your smell. Ha, you two have been kissing, haven't you? It's funny, it's so funny, I'm going to die from laughter! " Ye Shuzhen said softly as she spoke.    


A thought struck me. Oh, I see. When she kissed me just now, she could smell Romel's perfume on my mouth, and she knew we were kissing! However, that was indeed the case!    


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