Super Little Farmer



0Everyone was stunned!    


Including the cops, including the Japanese, including the policewoman named Zeng Haiying and the girl next to me, as well as Ronnie and Ju Danton. Even though I had parted ways with my parents and brother before, and then with my beautiful sister-in-law, Sister Guo Qing, my emotional endurance was incomparable to before, I couldn't stop the tears from streaming down my face. I knelt down and gently picked up Sachiko, who was crying so much she didn't look human. Wipe the tears from her face and pat her on the shoulder. Sachiko finally stopped crying, just a little sobbing, and stared at me with her tearful eyes. My heart is in trouble, too. After all, I met Sachiko at that time: I had just become a loner and had to leave alone because of a misunderstanding; Sachiko had also become an orphan on that day. This gave me and her the foundation of each other's lives. Emotionally, I thought, I would have preferred that I take care of him myself; but when I looked at the situation, I knew that there was nothing I could do about it. I am sure that among the surrounding people, there were more senior members of the police, because Secretary Yi could only stand to the side, and there were also some of the more impressive Japanese who were so imposing that no one dared to look them in the eye. Besides, I had the feeling that he looked a little like Sachiko. "Perhaps he was a relative of Sachiko!    


I don't care about my feelings, but since I walked out of that mountain, I can't help but care about the feelings of others. Perhaps, the lucky one will be able to leave me and go to the side of his loved ones to get better care of him!    


My heart miss here, my heart inexplicably sour, tears have already filled the eye. But I held it in, not letting it fall, and smiled at Sachiko. I think I must be very handsome. Sachiko should like my smile the most!    


I didn't say anything. Of course I had nothing to say. I just patted Sachiko on the shoulder again and tried to smile again. With an inexplicable jolt, he bent his head slightly, kissed Sachiko on the forehead, helped her to her feet, and gestured for her to leave. Sachiko was still unwilling and still had to cry. The policemen and the Japanese looked at the little princess helplessly. I was reluctant to part with her. After enduring for a while, I finally steeled my heart and hugged Sachiko. I whispered into her ear, "Sachiko, go home first. Ten years later, big brother will come to see you! "    


"Really?" Sachiko clearly understood what I said and asked a question in reply.    


I nodded solemnly.    


Sachiko, who knew that I was going to do what I said, jumped to her feet, laughing and crying, and at last, turning her head, she walked to the side of the leader of the Japanese. She took the man's right hand in one hand and gestured to me with the other: We, she and I, Zhang Yun and Sachiko, are going to leave! Sachiko was also very smart. She might have known what was happening to me, and she might have known why she had to go. No matter how effective and how effective my promise was, it would still be a matter of ten years later. For now, it was nothing but psychological comfort!    


I also smiled and cried. Finally, I sobbed and beckoned to Sachiko twice. Then, under the gazes of everyone present, I suddenly turned around and left. I thought, If I stay there any longer, even for a second, I'll cry!    


I don't know why, but when I turn around, I see four beauties with tears all over their faces. Ronnie, Ju Dantong, and Yukiko are like that, and I understand. They have been dating Sachiko for so long, and they shared the same feelings as me, so it's normal for them to tear up after parting. However, why is that cold-blooded, beautiful police officer Zeng Haiying the same?    


Moved? Maybe! But would she be moved?    




I was just moved by the thought, it would be like being splashed by ice water in the winter, jumping into a valley. Without even looking at her, he glanced at the other three beauties and walked on without saying a word.    


I don't know where I should go. I don't know how to get there. When I woke up, I found that Kim had reached Zhou Yajie's floor.    


She was gone now.    


I sighed and went upstairs. He used the key she gave me to open the door.    


This world was truly peaceful! For a moment, the world belongs to me!    


Somehow I felt it now, and suddenly a sour feeling spread from my brain to my whole body. I finally couldn't stand it anymore and started to cry.    


This time, however, they cried until the sky went dark. I cried a great deal. I don't know how long I cried. When I finally woke up, it was already dark. I didn't have a watch, so I pulled out my cell phone to check, only to find that it was already out of battery. It was completely silent now. I got up to turn on the light, but then I heard a knock on the door.    


Someone came at this time? I doubt it. Then he turned on the light and remained silent. The man outside was anxious. He knocked on the door and called out. I listened attentively. If it wasn't the voice of a spirit child, then who was it? He opened the door. That person was indeed a Spiritual Child.    


When she saw that I was really in my room, she let out a sigh of relief and smiled again. I started to step back, but my body jerked.    


I couldn't stand straight.    


However, the spirit child reacted quickly and supported me. I sighed. She held me with one hand, closed the door with the other, and sat with me on the sofa. She and I sat in silence. After a while, Ling Zi stood up and headed straight for the kitchen. I knew she was going to cook for me, and I didn't want to object. I just listened quietly to myself and thought about Sachiko. The spirit seed quickly made a bowl of noodles. I looked at her affectionately, then obediently took it and ate it. Then, the spirit son texted again on his phone. I think she must have been notifying the other women that I was safe.    


After the noodles were finished, Confucius quietly poured me another cup of tea. While I drank, Reiko explained what had happened. It turned out that when I left like that, Ronnie, Zhu Dantong, and Yinzi had been standing at the scene, unwilling to part with their son. When Sachiko finally left, they realized I was gone. At that time, I only thought that it was because I had temporarily left for a while, so I didn't pay much attention to it. Yukiko, of course, introduced Ai Ting, and they all went to the hospital to see her. Time flew by quickly as he was stuck in the hospital. At dinner, I remembered that I had not yet appeared. I called my cell phone, it was switched off, and Zhu Dantong drove around in search of a few places I might have gone to, but she couldn't find anything. In the end, everyone thought I was a man after all, and that I should be able to hold on, so it was a little quiet. Everyone took turns eating and staying in the hospital. On the other hand, the Spirit Child had been careful, and when she thought again, she wondered if I would come to Zhou Yajie's place, even though she already knew that Zhou Yajie had left, so she came alone.    


I was speechless and felt a wave of warmth and emotion in my heart. I couldn't help but stretch out my arms and embrace the spirit child. Ling Zi also let out a soft sigh and gently wrapped her arms around my neck, pressing my head against her chest!    


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