Super Little Farmer



0I suddenly realized that I had always been decisive and decisive in my work or business, but emotionally I was genuinely indecisive.    


"Yan-zi ge, I got it!" I hesitated, speechless. The smile on her face gradually faded as she continued to stare into my eyes. I could clearly see two streams of tears come and go, gathering in her eyes before finally soundlessly sliding down her cheeks. However, the spirit child didn't cry. After a long time, she finally choked up and said these words.    


My heart suddenly felt as if it had been slashed by a knife.    


I unconsciously tightened my grip on her hand.    


"Brother Yunzi!" The spirit seemed to have been triggered by something, and suddenly threw itself into my arms, crying. The smell of youth, the floating hair, the full and healthy body, everything made me suddenly flustered.    


Somehow, I had a subconscious feeling that ever since the last time I was stung by the venomous bee near Zhou Yajie's house in Daliu City, when this young woman's body came into contact with me, I had this feeling of panic.    


To Zhou Yajie, needless to say, I had this feeling. After all, she had already had a physical relationship with me. Even though she and I were pretending that nothing had happened, the end result was that what had happened happened, and the fact was undeniable, was that she and I were merely artificially delaying this admission.    


But most of it was wrong. When Zhou Bingjie took my arm in the daytime, I actually felt the same feeling. At that time, I was only blaming myself for having a problem with my character. I also felt that way when Zuo Ling jumped into my arms; however, her body was simply too beautiful, with curves and curves. It was a comfortable feeling to hold her in my arms. It made me a little flustered, and I thought it was normal. I'm sure that's what most men do when they're in my situation.    


However, I vaguely remember that I felt the same way when Sachiko greeted me with such joy and held my hand that day!    


Then, this was abnormal! Bi Yi was still so young.    


But it also made me involuntarily look at my feelings for the two sisters, Zhou Yajie and Zhou Bingjie, and then at the situation in front of me. Combining the information from the past four times, I came to this conclusion: My body is indeed a little abnormal.    


Of course, these are just thoughts in my mind. If I were to grasp onto any facts or evidence, it would be useless!    


In fact, this abnormality seemed to have caught the wind of something long ago!    


It's not normal for me to be stung so badly and not die. It was only afterwards that I thought that I was lucky enough to survive after the poison in my body was absorbed by Zhou Yajie's fetus, so I didn't pay much attention to it. At this moment, I suddenly have a feeling that the root of the matter isn't that simple.    


Perhaps, in the past, I had never paid attention to my feelings, only feeling that something was wrong. But now, with the spiritual child so firmly in my arms, I could truly experience this feeling of panic!    


The girl in his arms was still crying. I can no longer think calmly if I'm "abnormal." Perhaps, I should try to persuade the girl in my arms.    


But I don't know how to persuade the beauty in my arms. All I know is that I'm upset. I can't tell you exactly what kind of feeling I felt for her, and for a long time, perhaps, I thought I saw her only as a sister. Now that you have made it clear to me, I realized that it isn't that simple!    


I really do like her.    


But I can't say to her, I like you!    


I was speechless, and suddenly I hugged her hard. I think that this silent hug of mine has many meanings. At the very least, he might be able to express his helplessness towards fate!    


The Spirit clearly understood my situation, or understood my state of mind, no more, just sobbing.    


I sighed.    


After who knows how long had passed, the spirit in my arms suddenly woke up. With tears in her eyes, she said to me with a smile, "Brother Yunzi, let's go home!"    


Startled, I realized that it might be late, as it should be, and nodded quickly, walking slowly toward the rental cottage with Reiko by the hand. She wiped away her tears as she followed.    


When I got to the house, Yukiko had already fallen asleep with Sachiko. I wanted to wake up Yukiko, but she quietly motioned for me to sleep with her. I panicked a little and was just about to think of a way to resolve this predicament, but the spirit child came close to my ear and whispered, "I'm not even afraid, what are you afraid of?"    


I think so, too. What am I afraid of?    


But I was embarrassed.    


"Hee, we slept together when we were little!" The Spirit Child, on the other hand, only wants the world to remain calm. Seeing that I was a little flustered, she continued to speak softly. After saying that, without caring about my attitude, I directly fell asleep inside. I couldn't. I thought for a moment, then turned out the light and went to sleep with her.    


Not long after I fell asleep, Ling Zi, who had her back to the outside, turned around. I was feeling her breath carefully when I was about to cry out in surprise. Because I suddenly realized that she had caught me in the act. In addition, her small hand had grown several times bigger after just a few caresses, and she was standing with her head held high.    


The spirit seemed to feel I was going to cry out, and he put his other hand gently over my mouth. I didn't cry out, of course, and reached out to take away the hand that was stroking my thing, but the hand that was covering my mouth drew me back, caught hold of my hand, and, with a little movement of my waist, pressed down on my hand. I don't think it's a problem. The other hand moved quickly, still trying to take her hand away from the evil she was doing. Her hand reacted quickly as well. It took over again, pulling only toward her. I didn't dare to use force against her. I also thought to myself that if the two of them were to fall asleep beside her, she wouldn't make any excessive movements and would just let her have her way!    




I've got a brain that's going to explode all of a sudden!    


This is because the place where my hand landed, is an unusually plump and soft sensation! The spirit clearly led my right hand to her chest!    


Last time, I tripped over Yukiko and fell asleep on her, and later when I got up, there were two bunches of them, but they were separated by the clothes. At this moment, it was a real, physical sensation!    


I tried to resist the evil in my heart, but the hand rubbed against the two lumps of flesh. The spirit seemed to be having a hard time enjoying it. It tried its best to resist, but it only twisted its waist.    


However, I was finally unable to hold it in. I suddenly exerted my strength and flipped over, pressing down on Reiko. She moaned. When my blood began to flow, the mouth gagged and sucked desperately. The right hand holding her left breast naturally exerted all means at its disposal to continue gently rubbing it. The spirit child is extremely compatible with me. Her pair of long and slender legs entwined around my waist.    


I can't care less. My left hand came down from her waist and I unbuckled her belt. I reached down and reached into her underwear. In my mind, I reminisced about the pleasure I felt when Zhou Yajie was on me, and I thought about the mysterious place where I would play with the Spirit.    


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