Super Little Farmer



0When I got back to my cabin, the little beauty was learning to cut paper with the tension of the woman. When she saw me coming back, she immediately stopped and jumped into my arms in excitement. I felt a little awkward. After all, the little beauty in front of me wasn't young anymore. She was about ten years old. Some parts of her body had already changed. But seeing her excitement, and knowing that it was because of me, she could only hug the little beauty, smiling awkwardly back at Zhang Li's wife. Tension also smiled kindly, as if we were brothers and sisters, but did not mind, continue to cut their own paper. After hugging the little beauty for a while, I finally made an excuse to go to the toilet and left. The little beauty continued her paper-cut studies. When I got back to my room, I ate some of the steamed buns I had bought on the way back and talked about them to satisfy my hunger. Later, I bought a spring scale from a nearby store and decided to continue selling the dry goods tomorrow.    


For the next few days, I continued my work: selling dried wild fungi and wild ganoderma. The business on the second day was similar to that of the first. When it was 10: 30 AM, a basket of 15 kilograms of dried wild fungi was sold out. Seeing the wild Ganoderma lucidum is just like yesterday, asking many people and buying few people, I smiled bitterly and ended early like yesterday. He was slightly anxious, [Based on this method of selling, when will little beauties be able to get rich?]    


But the situation now is that even if I'm anxious, it doesn't matter. It seems that I can only imagine that these wild and dry fungi could be sold for a good price. I hope that I can contribute some strength to the treatment of the mute illness of a little beauty. I was bored to death, so I put the empty basket of wild bacteria on top of the one with the ganoderma and carried it back to my room. Just as I was about to leave, a slightly plump, middle-aged man rushed over to my side, as if he was looking for something that he had set his sights on a long time ago. I thought, I've been here all along, and maybe I could help him a little, so I went up to him and said hello. The middle-aged man looked at me and nodded. He greeted me, but his gaze was still searching. When I told him that I had been here since morning, and that he seemed to be looking for something that might be of some help to him, my eyes lit up.    


"Little brother, this is great!" When the slightly plump middle-aged man heard me say this, he grabbed onto my arm as if he was trying to save his life. "Little brother, did you see a young man selling wild bacteria around here?"    


My brain short-circuited for a moment. A young man who sells wild bacteria around here? I think I'm the only one here! He's looking for me? What can I do for you? Also, it seems like I'm standing right in front of him. He came specially to look for me, so why didn't he recognize me?    


However, I only thought about it for a moment and immediately understood. It turned out that my dried wild fungus had already been sold out, and the wild lingzhi had been covered up. The man in front of me had probably come after someone else's introduction, and had lost two targets for a moment, so he didn't find me. After my plan had been set in stone, I smiled at him and said, "Uncle, are you looking for me?"    


"Looking for you?" The middle-aged man was slightly surprised. I flashed the basket behind me. He took a glance and his eyes suddenly lit up. "Little brother, are you the one who sold the wild fungi and ganoderma?" I smiled and nodded. The middle-aged man was overjoyed and grabbed my arm again. However, where are your wild bacteria? " Looking at the empty basket, the middle-aged man asked with some doubt.    


"It's all sold out!" "No," I replied, flicking the basket again. The middle-aged man had an 'as expected' expression on his face. It was obvious that he had already guessed this would happen. The question he asked me earlier was obviously asking for confirmation.    


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