Super Little Farmer



0This time I still looked at the old market nearby.    


In fact, the surrounding 11 big and small food markets, the surrounding 29 big and small star hotels, and the large and medium restaurant enterprises, all of them have been visited by me. I have, I may say, a detailed intelligence report at my disposal. I also did some analysis of the original material, which further confirmed the idea in my heart.    


Today, I'm still here to take a look at the market. Right here, I sold my dried wild bacteria. I came here once later for a market survey. This time, I've come on a special trip.    


What are you doing here? Look! Right, just the word "look". Actually, it meant understanding all aspects of the information. Just like today, it had been more than two hours.    


"Hello, young man!" I was looking around, when I heard someone shouting behind me. Someone is calling me? Impossible? It seems that it is a rare occasion for me to meet someone I know in this place. But I looked back. However, he didn't notice any familiar people around him. But obviously, I've heard this voice before, and I'm sure I know this person. But why was he unable to see anyone?    


While I was feeling suspicious, a figure turned around and faced me from one of the two rows of food stalls on the left. I took a look and sure enough, he has interacted with me before. He is Deputy Director He of the Spring River International Hotel, who bought more than ten baskets of dried wild fungi from me that day. At this moment, he was walking towards me with some vegetables in his hand. With his other hand he was stuffing some change into his pocket, and I understood immediately.    


Apparently, he had been buying these vegetables, and when he looked back he saw me, recognized me, and greeted me immediately. Then he turned back to pay. That's why I never found him.    


I nodded to him and walked a few steps toward him. Fortunately, the two of them were not far from each other, and in a few steps, they met.    


"Director He, you're buying the dishes yourself?" Director He's position was not low, so it was hard to tell that he often went out. For example, he personally came to this market to buy vegetables. The last time I had met him, I had asked around, and I knew that the deputy director of sales and chief executive chef of the Spring River International Hotel was no ordinary person. At least he was a very influential figure in their hotel. I had some questions, but I greeted him anyway.    


"Little brother, stop calling me Director He. Call me Old He, or Fatty He! " When that Vice-President He heard me shout this way, he smiled and corrected me. I vaguely remember that the name on his business card was He Guoqian, but it was obviously impolite for me to call him by his first name; calling him Fatty He, although also truthful, was also impolite to call him a shortcoming, and I wanted to call him that. Since he did not allow Old He to call him by his name, it seemed that calling him Old He was still a good idea. He then laughed, "Old He, you've come to buy vegetables yourself!"    


"Take a look, that's all." Old He waved the vegetables in his hand and sighed. I saw that the dishes were not ordinary dishes. They were all artemisia selengensis! Of course I recognize all of these, they are all wild vegetables, and there are a lot of them in our mountain!    


"Oh, it's all artemisia selengensis. "Hey, Old He, you're the dignified head chef of a big hotel, why are you buying these wild vegetables?" I had some questions, so I opened my mouth to ask.    


"Little brother, you might not know this, but although these are wild vegetables, they're good for selling!" Old He Wei nodded before shaking his head. He looked at me and said, "Our hotel plans to make a special promotion case of 'Wild Vegetables'. Sigh, it's just that it's not easy to make special features these days. You have ideas, but you don't have any! "    


"What's the matter, Old He? From the looks of it, you seem to be full of the vicissitudes of life. " I seemed to understand something and joked.    


"It's like this. We, the cooks, made a plan called 'Spring Festival, Special Wild Vegetables Banquet', which we plan to promote in the hotel this winter. He had originally thought that this was a unique route that would definitely lead to sales; who would have thought that when all of us went out together, we wouldn't be able to get enough wild vegetables. In fact, I've been going out for the past few days. I've been coming to this market for three consecutive days and I've only bought this little bit today. Hmm, the goods are still average. " Old He looked at the artemisia selengensis in his hand and continued to shake his head. I didn't look at it because I had felt it at first glance. The artemisia selengensis in his possession was truly mediocre. Look at our mountain, only wild vegetables like that are called wild vegetables, they are really many and good, tall, fat, and bright green!    


"What will you do if you don't get it?" I also sighed and replied.    


"What else? We'll have another meeting this afternoon to discuss this. If the supply is not guaranteed, then we'll have to cancel this plan. " Old He continued to shake his head and said, "It has no special characteristics. At most, it will be a draw when competing with other hotels. These days, young lad, you don't know, the hotel's competition is not ordinary. Sigh, it seems like I can only let the boss down this time! "    


I stopped at once!    


When a person drips water, the spring water should be used as repayment! This was something my parents had taught me all my life. That day, my dried wild fungus was sold, but it was this Old He who bought half of my stock at once, along with the owner of the hotel behind him whom I didn't recognize. Although they may not have taken the initiative to help me, and my goods are indeed good, and they do need it, but from an objective point of view, his big deal has truly helped me!    


Right, I have to think of a way to help him. It seems that I have the ability and resources to do so!    


I thought about it and recalled it. I made up my mind and looked up.    


"Hey, young man, what are you doing? Are you daydreaming? Are you missing your girlfriend?" In front of me, Old He was still mumbling to himself. After a while, he realized that he had left me behind and turned around.    


"Nothing." "I'm still young and haven't gotten a girlfriend yet!" I blushed and quickly explained. "Old He, it's like this. I was just wondering, can I help you?"    


"Tsk tsk, you still don't have a girlfriend?" It's a pity that my daughter is too young. How about, hehe, you say you'll help me just now? "Help with what?" Old He was still thinking about what I had said earlier. After a while, his brain clearly short-circuited and he couldn't react to it for a while, but after a while, he cried out in alarm, seeming to have thought of something. He looked at me in surprise and repeatedly said, "That's right, why didn't I think of that? "Last time, you made quite a few good wild fungi, but now you've got some wild vegetables. Is that possible?    


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