Super Little Farmer



0Eat first? I looked at the dish. It's almost untouched, isn't it? I came to see her again with questions. Zhu Dantong seemed to understand my question and replied with a smile, "I have indeed eaten, but my appetite is not that big!"    


I glanced at Zhu Dantong in her dress. The dress fit her perfectly, outlining her beautiful curves, and accentuating her voluptuous breasts. When I thought about her three-point sleep last night, and how full it was in front of me, I suddenly had a strange question in my mind: She didn't eat much, but why was that place so full?    


Zhu Dan Tong didn't expect my thoughts and continued, "Luckily I went to school and will only be back in the evening. Aitin went home to accompany her mother, so she might not be back tonight. Ni'er went to do an interview. I don't know when she'll be back."    


I gave a "Mmm", indicating that I knew what was going on, and continued to eat. Only after eating four bowls of rice did he feel much better. He took advantage of his excitement and cleaned up the three dishes: stir-fried dried yam, spicy fish, and radish leaves. He even drank all of the green vegetable soup among the stir-fried radish leaves.    


Only then did I pat my belly and sigh, "So full!" After a short break, he turned to Zhu Dantong, who was still smiling at me as I ate. "Senior Dantong, whose culinary skills are these? Not bad! "Delicious!"    


Zhu Dantong did not reply. She only smiled at me and said after a while, "Zhang Yun, can you not call me that? "Let's call it 'Dantong'."    


I just stood there.    


Almost no one has to remind me. Looking at her reaction, I can confirm that today's lunch was cooked by Zhu Dantong! But he couldn't tell that she would still cook well! Besides, I don't have any existing dishes in my house, so I have to buy them first. Could it be that a beautiful CEO like her, a person with a net worth of millions, would go to a nearby market to buy groceries for me, a worker who used to work for her? Buy my favorite dried sweet potato, fish and radish leaves?    


Those who know that I like to eat these kinds of dishes, including my mother and sister Guo Qing also knew about it. Now, I'm afraid that only that clever little beauty would know about it! Why did Zhu Dantong, who was standing in front of him, know about it as well? Perhaps it was Sachiko who had told her?    


As I was thinking, Zhu Dantong asked with a smile, "Zhang Yun, are you done eating?" I nodded automatically. When Zhu Dantong saw me like this, she stood up and put the book back, then walked over to me to clean up the dishes.    


Ah? Did she come to clean my bowl and chopsticks? Is there a mistake?    


I was stunned. Fortunately, I reacted fast. I stopped her, or rather, I picked up the dishes before she could pick them up, walked to the front of the house, and started washing the dishes with water. When I finished washing up, I saw Zhu Dantong come out of the back room with a small roll of paper in her hand. The side of the paper was black, with some traces of oil on it. Obviously, she had used this paper to wipe down the small table where I had just eaten.    


Again I was startled by the gesture, and watched as she tossed the paper into the trash basket beside me. Seeing me look at her like that, Zhu Dantong's face reddened a little. She smiled at me and said, "What are you looking at?"    


F * ck me! This kind of woman, how could she not give him a chance to live? The girl in front of him, Zhu Dantong, was no longer as heroic as she used to be, or was she the same person who had angrily scolded me for being a hoodlum and then fired me? She was a completely delicate little girl!    


Seeing that I was still looking at her like that, she seemed to notice that the light in my eyes had changed, or perhaps my current expression was too surprising, Zhu Dantong finally burst out laughing. After a moment, he seemed to have thought of something, turned around, blushed, and entered the room.    


I finally woke up and quickly washed up the dishes, cleaned them, and dried my hands before returning to the inner room. In the inner room, Zhu Dantong had already returned to her normal state and was seriously reading a book.    


"What should I read?" I couldn't say anything else, so I took the initiative to greet him.    


Zhu Dantong raised the cover of the book, indicating that I should look at it. I saw that it was a book written in English. The title of the book was clearly "The Great Chess of Commerce". I haven't read this book, I don't know how. Taking the book from her, he folded the page she was reading, closed it, and looked at the cover again. The author turned out to be the most famous economic best-seller in Britain, Elizabeth North. The protagonist of the book was one of Britain's largest entrepreneurs, the current head of the top 500 companies in the world, Britain's Wilhelmson Enterprise, Gardis Wilhelmson!    


Judy Williamson, the father of Sally Williamson and Lincoln Williamson. I know all about him. He was born in Scotland, and his father, Dagun Williamson, had always lived a hard life in a small business. At the age of seventeen, Judy Williamson worked as a handyman in his father's shop and then as an apprentice in another shop. The next year, he used the 150 pounds his father had borrowed as a principal to open his own bakery. Just five years later, at the age of 22, he raised capital to set up British Plastics, and three years later he set up a company. Thus, over the next twelve years, his British Plastics Company developed into the king of British businesses, with 15 companies, including Wilhelmson Plastics, Wilhelmson Pacific Plastics, Wilhelmson Chemical Fibre, Wilhelmson Clothing, Wilhelmson Wood, Wilhelmson Real Estate, Wilhelmson Perfume, and others, operating several large companies in the United States, France, Germany, Japan, and even China; by the end of June, the Wilhelmsonian family, led by him, had a combined total assets of $52.9 billion.    


It looked like this book was very interesting. No wonder Zhu Dantong was so engrossed in it. However, this old man, Judy Williamson, is one of my idols. I really admire people like him who started from scratch and built such a huge industry with their own abilities! At this moment, I casually flipped it open and started reading. It didn't matter if I didn't read it. On the first reading, the ups and downs, the tenacity, and the dexterity of the way in which I operated had caught my eye in an instant, thanks to Elizabeth North's beautiful writing and the scheming of her business.    


While she was reading, she noticed that something was wrong; she stopped, raised her head, and looked into Zhu Dantong's eyes. Under the direction of her gaze, I immediately noticed a cup of tea on the small table. Knowing that she had made it for me, she smiled at her and thanked her; then, realizing that she was really thirsty, and that she had just had a dry lunch, she handed the book back to Zhu Dantong, walked over to the table, and drank her tea in one gulp.    


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