Super Little Farmer



0I nervously went back to my house with Aitin. As last night, Ronnie was still not there, but Zhu Dantong was, but she shared a bed with Sachiko. She woke up when we went in. Seeing her posture, I immediately felt at ease. This was most likely a form of resistance against me sleeping in the same bed as Aitin last night. I smiled bitterly. Zhu Dantong said, "I was going to sleep with Sachiko, but she said that she liked sleeping with Sister Aitin. That's why I'm sleeping here."    


Aitin and I couldn't help but look at each other. After a while, they seemed to remember something at the same time and smiled bitterly.    


Of course, both of us knew that Zhu Dantong was lying. Sachiko had slept with Aitin that night, but because of how big her breasts were, she found out something was wrong in the middle of the night and climbed into my bed. Therefore, Sachiko could not possibly like or want to sleep with Aitin. It's just that Zhu Dantong did not know the details, so she said it this way. However, for me and Aitin, this was something we knew very well.    


Aldin looked at me, then at Zhu Dantong. She seemed to sense something was wrong, or maybe she felt that I was too close to her, but she couldn't find any basis for it. I knew that Zhu Dantong was forcing me to sleep with her tonight. Looking at Zhu Dantong's beautiful figure, I felt angry inside. However, I knew that this person can only look, he can't move. I couldn't help but feel bored. The nameless fire just now was immediately extinguished. Neither of them seemed to notice that something was wrong with me. They were still talking carefully and went back to sleep. Aiten was, of course, very reluctant to share a bed with Sachiko, and I shared a bed with Zhu Dantong. Of course she was, with my back to her and my face to Sachiko's bed. At this moment, Aitin also leaned over and met my eyes.    


To be honest, what I did with Aitin was unintentional. However, she seemed to be thinking about something and her face was slightly flushed. Just as I was thinking this, my back suddenly hurt. It was obviously Zhu Dantong who was pinching my flesh. I almost cried out in pain. I raised my hand to slap it, but then I realized that there was Zhu Dantong's soft belly underneath. I couldn't slap it, so I pulled back my hand and lay down on my back to sleep. Zhu Dantong turned off the light and went to sleep beside me. Immediately, a gentle body fell on top of mine, and my arms were almost completely covered by the twin peaks. My long, powerful legs lightly clamped around my right leg. One of his left arms wrapped around my waist. I wanted to give way, but one side was empty while the other side, Zhu Dantong, was close by. I was still in the same state as before. What was even more amazing was that when I moved, the parts of my body that were intimately in contact with Zhu Dantong immediately released a soft sensation. Even though I was a bit reluctant in my heart, my body still felt very comfortable. I wanted to snort, but Zhu Dantong seemed to hesitate and covered my mouth with her hand once more. I finally felt the sensation of Zhu Dantong's wonderful body, and without thinking too much, I went to sleep by myself.    


On the second day, I went to the same market as yesterday to observe the situation. Along the way, he remembered some things, so he made a deal with the nearby Agricultural Bank to deposit all the 40,000 yuan he had.    


At around 4 PM, he would return on his own. The results of the investigation were almost the same as what I did yesterday. There was indeed such an "anomaly"; however, I did not know why there was such an anomaly.    


While I was thinking, I returned home. The three great beauties had arrived, and the big cake was ready. Zhu Dantong also drove over. It was her own BMW, which I had seen before. Ronnie, on the other hand, was the happiest. She and the other two beauties looked at me and laughed. I don't know why. Seeing me like this, the three of them laughed for a long time. Finally, Ronnie smiled and said, "We are laughing at you. Today, you will probably get a large amount of blood." I only found out today, that the Spring River Hotel has always specially pushed the wild cabbage feast, very hot. Brother Yunzi, I have already discussed this with AlTing and Dantong. We need to eat some wild vegetables tonight! "    


Wild vegetables? A wild vegetable feast at the Spring River International Hotel? Wild vegetables I provide? F * ck me!    


I froze. What was going on?    


"My dad already ate it. He said it was pretty good!" When Ronnie saw me standing there in silence, she seemed to think that I didn't understand why the people in the city liked to eat this kind of food, so she quickly explained. I didn't know that I wasn't thinking of such a thing. On the other side, Zhu Dantong also added, "Ni`er is right, my dad ate it yesterday as well. It's great!"    


I was still speechless. I said no how I felt. However, he kept thinking, "Wild vegetables, are they really that good?" Well, I need to reorient myself to that. As for tonight's wild vegetables, he should be able to have a discussion with He Guoqian.    


With this thought, a smile appeared on his face and he nodded his head. The three women laughed together. I don't really understand. Is such a small matter like this worth getting so excited over? It seemed like the three of them were highly paid people, so they couldn't even afford this kind of dish, could they? Even if he didn't eat every day, he could occasionally eat a meal. Who would've thought that the situation would turn out like this?    


However, it doesn't allow me to think about it too much. After that, I told Zhu Dantong to wait here while I drove to pick up Sachiko. Iting, Ronnie, Li Zheng, and Xie Hui walked to the Spring River Hotel. When we arrived at the Spring River Hotel, we went straight into the main hall to join Qin Garden Spring. However, the entrance of our group has attracted the attention of a few people. However, I still strode forward. I had seen quite a few situations like this with Aitin and Ronnie, and they all followed us. They were a little nervous, but when Li Zheng, Xie Hui, and the rest saw us like this, they all mustered up their courage and followed us in.    


I led the way to the elevator and waited. A moment later, the elevator came. All of us who were about to enter the elevator froze. When the elevator arrived, a group of people walked out. There was a pair of extremely beautiful women who were the most attractive. They had average looks, tall stature, elegant temperament, and a normal smile. It was obvious that they were twins. This kind of beauty was exactly the same, but it also made beauties at the level of Aitin and Ronnie take a few more glances at her, not to mention Tension, Li Zheng, and the others. Of course, I also looked at them a few times. After all, such twins weren't everywhere. The twin beauties were clearly used to being looked at by others, but they just kept smiling.    


The two women were obviously young, and I guessed they were about the same age as me. The two of them were very interested in Li Zheng's 8 year old daughter, Tension's 9 year old son and a few other children as they rushed into the elevator. They looked at each other for a while. One of them even bent down and touched Li Zheng's daughter's face. I smiled. This pair of women were truly sentimental. You know, Li Zheng's 8-year-old daughter, Li Ying, is a happy fruit for us. That was my favorite attitude toward her, touching her round face. Who would have thought that they would meet someone with the same interests in such a hotel.    


This beauty finally straightened up and walked out with the other one, only to meet me, Aitin, and Ronnie walking in while we were talking and laughing. I didn't expect that an ordinary man like me would have such a sunny face and huge body. I also didn't expect that there were two great beauties so close to me. Furthermore, they seemed to be very close to those kids. I smiled politely at them and stepped into the elevator, followed by the others. However, the moment the elevator shut down, I found the twins standing outside the elevator, looking at us.    


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