Super Little Farmer



0"Dirty!" Zhu Dantong was obviously aware that I had eaten tofu. Although she didn't know if I was really interested in doing so, she seemed to understand that this was something that should happen often between a man and a woman. She didn't mind; however, she obviously wasn't used to this kind of thing.    


As I listened to Zhu Dantong's explanation, I understood what had happened between them the day before. I also thought that a capable girl like Zhu Dantong would speak in such a soft tone when she came to my side, reporting on everything that had happened. Originally, I thought it was strange that after this man and woman had spoken to each other, they didn't have so many romantic feelings, but now I understand. But now, I didn't even ask a single question, yet this capable lady had already explained it all to me in detail. However, I did not have the time to reply and could only suppress my thoughts. Furthermore, I did not have the time to pay attention to Zhu Dantong's misunderstanding about me. She stopped talking and looked at me, but her eyes naturally turned to the front. When he suddenly saw the person in front of him, he was slightly shocked and blurted out, "Ronnie!"    


In front of him was Ronnie. From her appearance, she seemed to have come back a long time ago, yet for some reason, she came out from the small courtyard. I felt really ashamed. It was only until now that I was surprised to find that Zhu Dantong and I had already returned to the entrance of our small courtyard. Furthermore, looking at the sky, I was afraid that it was already 5 pm. It wasn't as hot as it was on a hot day. It was only a little after five, but the sky had already darkened. Zhu Dantong, who was beside me, did not know what was going on. She seemed to be like me. Unexpectedly, she had also come to this place at this time. After a while, I realized that this Zhu Dantong was probably because I had agreed to her request, or because her heart, which had been hanging in the air all this time, had finally been relieved by my affirmation. She was in a very happy mood, and was only happy, or because she had my "boyfriend" by her side and had not taken into account so much of her normal time, she had forgotten where she was, and as for me, it was because I was lost in my thoughts and had not found out where I was and when I was. In a word, Zhu Dantong and I both had our own plans before the current situation occurred.    


Ronnie had obviously noticed the two of us, and it was only a moment before I noticed her eyes on Zhu Danton's hand on my arm. I didn't know why, but I suddenly felt a little guilty. My right arm subconsciously twisted, trying to break free from Zhu Dantong's grasp. Zhu Dantong was caught off guard and almost pulled my hand away. However, after a moment, I reacted. I tightened my grip on my arm like I was showing off. Another wave was sent to me as I said, "Yunzi, what are you doing?"    


I couldn't speak again. Since Zhu Dantong didn't move at all, she tightened her grip on my arm, causing her plump breasts to immediately rub against mine. I could clearly feel the softness and rich elasticity of the meat! My right arm was tingling again. I froze there, too.    


"Ni`er, it's like this. Just now, Zhang Yun and I …" Seeing that I didn't say anything, Zhu Danton seemed to understand something, and she smiled, blushing slightly, as she introduced me to Ronnie. I don't know if I should stop it. Because I feel that I don't have that kind of relationship with her, but I seem to have agreed to it myself. From the looks of it, anyone would know me that way!    


"Oh, it's Yunzi and Sister Dan Tong! You guys came back just in time, I was just about to pick up Sachiko! " When Ronnie saw the different attitude between Zhu Dantong and me, she seemed to understand something. She cut off the rest of Zhu Dantong's words with a single sentence, "Are you coming with me?"    


Of course, I nodded my head in agreement. Zhu Dantong clearly didn't expect that her words would be cut off by Ronnie. Furthermore, it seemed that her words to introduce the newest relationship between us had been cut off. Thus, her expression slightly changed. However, she quickly responded with a smile. "Okay, let's go and pick up Sachiko together!"    


"Alright! We'll go together. Sachiko will be glad to see us! " Ronnie seemed to be very happy that she had accomplished something, and she immediately smiled proudly. After a while, she looked at me and Zhu Dantong and said, "Sister Dantong will enjoy it. She knows that with Brother Yunzi's size, it's better to walk comfortably." Aiya, looking at my high heels, my legs are tired from walking. Brother Yun, I want to give you a hand too! "    


Before I could react, Ronnie's hands had already reached over and grabbed my left arm. This time, it was my left arm that was so numb. Because it seems that this Ronnie's breasts are just as big, her feet seem to be weak right now, and most of her body is leaning against me. My heart thumped wildly in my chest and I felt embarrassed. I felt that doing this wasn't a good thing, but I couldn't think of a way to do it in such a short amount of time. Ronnie seemed to have not expected her approach to end up like this, but she also seemed to have finally discovered that this method was too ambiguous, and her face was thoroughly red at that time. He had been sharp-tongued a moment ago, but now he couldn't say a word. To my right, Judanton finally saw that Ronnie and I were both a little embarrassed. She smiled a little triumphantly and glanced at Ronnie and me. He seemed to want to say something, but in the end, he didn't. After a while, he seemed to have thought of something and released my right arm. He walked to the left side and grabbed Ronnie's left arm. "Yunzi, you go first. I have something to talk about with Ni`er."    


Ronnie let go of my left arm, and I could clearly feel her sigh of relief, and then she and Zhudanton walked on slowly, arm in arm. I thought it was natural for them to move this way. However, I couldn't tell what was wrong with Ronnie's foot when she screamed at me to wear high heels. What made my eyes pop out was that although she wore high heels today, they weren't high heels at all, and they weren't high-heeled shoes! How could it be as terrible as she said?    


However, I didn't pay much attention to this question. However, these two beauties finally stopped bothering me. I could finally heave a sigh of relief. I watched Ronnie and Ju Dantong whisper to each other in the background, and then I went back to my own business. He turned a corner after walking for less than fifty meters. Ahead was the main road. There was a bus stop less than 50 meters away. The 202 bus passed right by Gaocheng Middle School. I wanted to hurry to the main road and wait for Sachiko.    


Just as I turned the corner, a beautiful figure pounced on me. I didn't have enough time to think about it and subconsciously hugged that figure to my chest!    


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