Super Little Farmer



0I gave a sincere compliment on Zhu Dantong's figure, and my eyes fell unconsciously upon Ronnie, who was standing beside her. Ronnie's legs and the brilliance of her panties were something I had already experienced, at least for a few moments, but this was the first time I had ever seen them so calm. But no matter what, I already knew the beauty of her lower body. Only, to my surprise, her upper body was just as wonderful. I can't believe her breasts are so full. At least, they're not much worse than Zhu Dantong's breasts.    


As for the little beauty, although she was young, her legs and figure weren't bad either. With a single glance, I swept my gaze onto Aiten, who was by her side. The night before, Aiten had been extremely attractive in her skintight underwear. Looking at her three-point dress now, it was indeed a sight to behold. On her chest, I already knew the surging waves, but I didn't expect that the pair of jade legs did not have a trace of fat, just as enchanting. I continued to swallow my saliva and glanced at the three adults on the bed. I realised that I really couldn't tell the difference between the two of them due to how beautiful they were when they were sleeping together with Ronnie and Zhu Danton!    


After looking at her for another two seconds, I finally realized that it was no big deal to look at her like this. I had to suppress the confusion, surprise, and admiration in my heart, and the anger that was starting to build up again. I quietly covered up the air conditioner with the help of four people, then quietly retreated, hastily leaving the room and closing the door softly behind me before I let out a long sigh of relief.    


After resting for a while, I came back to my senses. This bed and room are all occupied by them. Where should I sleep? This place isn't like our mountain, which is filled with grass. You can sleep if you fall on the ground! There's only concrete here!    


I looked around, and my eyes lit up.    


The rattan baskets that I had left behind to sell dried wild fungi were still there, but they had been squeezed by me and had dried up a little by now. However, I, who was familiar with their habits, knew that they were still somewhat resilient; on the other hand, Xie Hui's wife was usually uneventful and liked to go out to pick up some junk.    


Now I spread the big spatula over the class outside my rented house, and picked up a few bundles of dried rattan sticks and spread them out on top of it. With this, my bed will do. Sleeping on it was not bad at all. Then I covered the side of the big piece of spray cloth.    


Although this guy didn't have much flexibility, the overall situation was still alright. At least he could cover up the slight chill of the winter night outside. I slept out of the room. Maybe it was because the day was too tiring, but as soon as this tiredness came, I immediately fell asleep …    


"Big brother Yun-er, wake up! Big brother Yun-er, wake up!" A sweet female voice suddenly rang in my ears. Very familiar. My consciousness finally cleared. Right, that familiar female voice, wasn't it the little beauty, Sachiko's? However, my eyes seemed to weigh a thousand pounds, and I couldn't open them at all. The sweet voice was still calling to him. I continued to work hard. Finally, I gently opened my eyes.    


It was already dawn. I went to bed about four in the morning last night, and now it looks like it was a little after seven in the morning. The one who caught my eye was indeed the little beauty, Sachiko. She was kneeling beside me, calling to me. Aiten, Zhu Dantong, Ronnie, Tension, Xie Hui, and the rest of the group are all looking at me.    


"Brother Lun, you're awake?" When did you get back? The ground is very cold. Get up and go sleep on the bed! " Sachiko laughed when she saw me open my eyes and advised me. As soon as she finished speaking, Tension, Xie Hui, Ronnie, and the others persuaded me to go to bed. Now I understood that they had woken me up just to get me to go to bed. At that moment, I cleared my mind and struggled to my feet. Under the watchful eyes of the crowd, I entered the room and motioned for the women who had followed me to stand outside. I took off my outer clothes and immediately fell asleep on the bed, covering the air conditioner. After a while, I went back to sleep, ignoring the women who came into the back room, the smell of the bed and the air conditioner that made me uncomfortable. There's no helping it, I'm too sleepy!    


When he woke up again, it was already noon. Of course, it was purely based on feeling. This sleep again makes me feel good. I let out a happy growl, stretched again, and sat up. At this moment, I suddenly felt someone behind me!    


Subconsciously, I turned my head to find Zhu Dantong, who was sitting on a small chair beside the bed, standing up with a smile. In her hand was a book. Apparently, she had been sitting next to me in my sleep, reading. It might have been the sound of my growl, or the jolt of my sitting up.    


"Ah!" It's you! " I was at a loss, so I had to say a few words.    


Zhu Dantong seemed to have just noticed me sitting in the quilt in only my panties. Her upper body was now completely exposed, exposing all her bulging muscles, and she blushed slightly. She put the book away, placed it on the chair, and without looking at me, she continued walking forward without looking at me.    


"It's good that you're awake. Get up and eat lunch. Look, it's already past one in the afternoon! "    


I actually slept for so long! I sighed. When Zhu Dantong's back was gone, he quickly got up and quickly put on his clothes before leaving the room. After washing his face and rinsing his mouth with cold water, he returned to his room.    


To my surprise, Zhu Dantong sat down in the chair again and picked up the book with her left hand, but she didn't read it. She only smiled at me as I returned to the inner room. He pointed with his right hand. I followed her finger and saw that there were three dishes, a pile of bowls and a pair of chopsticks on the small table beside the bed. Apparently, she was gesturing for me to eat.    


Nothing to say. I'm really hungry. He sat down and started to eat without hesitation. Only when this bowl was almost finished did I realize that Zhu Dantong didn't seem to have eaten it.    


"What about you?" I stopped and looked back at her. Curiously, Zhu Dantong hadn't been reading and was still smiling in my direction. Except, what's so good about my back? I ate a bowl of rice. No matter how fast I moved, it would take at least two minutes. She just stared at my back for two minutes?    


I was wondering in my heart what Zhu Dantong was thinking. She was obviously surprised by my question, but she quickly regained her senses. Her face was a little red, but she still smiled and said, "I ate it a long time ago!" After pausing for a while, he continued, "I don't know when you will get up, so I'll eat first!"    


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