Super Little Farmer



0I was too embarrassed to refuse again, so after a moment's hesitation, I nodded my head in agreement. The woman was still smiling. I said my goodbyes and went to the main station, where I introduced the two requests from the woman to Master Liu. Hearing the first request, Leader Liu looked at me with a strange face. In the end, he only asked me, "Did you accept?" I shook my head no, but agreed to her second request, which was to sing a song. This time, Class Rep Liu also had a smile on his face and did not speak. He asked the bandstand to arrange the background music for "Qinghai-Tibet Plateau".    


Because I was from the mountains, I had a feeling especially familiar to the mountains; my voice and quality, however, inherited the talents of my parents, and had their own peculiar rhythms; plus the fact that I liked the song and was already familiar with every note of it; and the high notes I had learned in the mountains helped me. There were probably only four people in the hall who were paying attention to me while I was singing to Ms. Liu, one was the middle-aged beauty named Liu, the other was Manager Ai, and the last one was the foreman Ouyang. When I finished my first line, the messy bar was already much quieter, and the people who were paying attention to me were obviously a lot more; by the time I finished my second line, the entire hall had already quietened down, leaving only background music and my solo. I didn't have the time to think about it. I was still doing my work seriously, but this job was a bit special and it suited my personality, so it was possible for me to infuse my emotions into it.    


As my voice echoed high above me, the whole hall began to beat in unison; and when I had taken the last note, the hall was silent for a moment, then filled with cheers. A few young boys and girls even shouted for me to do it again. I bowed in the direction of the woman and thanked her. The beautiful woman was looking at me in surprise now, as if she had not expected me to sing so well that I could sing in such a high voice; and as I stepped off the stage, I could distinctly feel a pair of eyes looking straight at me. I'm sure it was the Liu girl.    


Sure enough, just as I was about to serve the guests at the workbench, another waiter came over with a fresh stack of RMB on the tray. He handed it to me for a thousand dollars. I was a little astonished. That waiter pointed in the direction of the girl, saying that she was the one who paid for the singing. I didn't want it, let him take it back; but he looked at me in surprise. At this moment, foreman Li came over and explained to me that it was an industry custom for customers to tip their favorite waiters red packets. I didn't have to be so nervous, I just took them; and not everyone had them, not every day. I knew it was a tip, a tip was a rule, so I took it and went to the woman's desk to thank her. She just smiled.    


Just like that. By two o'clock the next morning, the bar was finally closed. I was surprised that, in addition to the thousand yuan 'tip', there were other customers who gave me a total of fourteen hundred yuan when I checked out the bill, all of which were deducted from the bill, but which they specified to me. Tonight's tip, I took the most, others the most is only 800 yuan. With a $2,400 tip in my pocket, I calmly bid everyone farewell and went home.    


It was already late in the night, and the streets were already deserted. I jogged home alone. In order to get home earlier, I decided not to take the route I had taken when I came here. I took a shortcut and went home through the city center park.    


The city center park is one of the largest city parks in Jingchu city, together with Jingchu martyr park, Jingchu forest park, Jingchu mountain park also known as Jingchu city's four "green lung". The park covered nearly five thousand acres, and most of it was filled with dense forest. The year before last, the fees for entering this park were 10 yuan; later, when the Jingchu Municipal Government started the "still green to the people" project, all the four parks mentioned above were exempted from the fees.    


During the day, this place was a good place to rest, but at night, not many people dared to leave here. The main reason was that the woods here were too beautiful. I had heard that a woman had been raped and murdered in the park a week after the accident, and that a taxi driver had been robbed and left in the woods in the park late at night. But I'm not worried or afraid. After all, these are just rumors in the market. I will listen to whatever you say, but I will do what I say. Besides, I walked out from that mountain. There are snakes, leopards, and wild boars in the mountain, and I'm not afraid of them. I often walk in the night, so why would I be afraid of these? At that moment, I entered the park through the south gate.    


As he jogged, he thought of the more than two thousand yuan he had earned today. At the same time, he thought of the little beauty who had gone to school. As I thought about it, I started to move forward. I guessed that it wasn't too far from the North Gate, and with a quick thought, I would arrive at the main street. Un, I would only need to cross a crossroad to get home. At this moment, I could faintly hear someone whispering in the forest. In fact, this kind of sound could never be heard in normal times, but at this moment, it was an extremely quiet night, and the location was this extremely quiet park. Furthermore, I had to face someone who had lived in the mountains for so many years and had practiced martial arts. Of course, I could hear them clearly. It was two male voices. One of them said, "This time, I'm the first one." The other didn't want to do it, so he had to be the first one. The male voice in front said, "Last time, you were first. Now, it's my turn." The latter said that the last one was mediocre and was far inferior to this one.    


I don't know what they're talking about, but they're always fighting to be number one. Although it was good to fight for first place, it was still a bit too arduous for them to work so hard and 'fight for first' in this forest in the dead of night. I didn't pay much attention and continued walking forward. As I took a step forward, I heard a soft snuffle in my ear.    


I stopped. I'm sure it was the nasal voice of a young woman. It was because when Big Sister Guo Qing and I were in the same room, when I was drunk, this was the exact sound.    


Almost immediately, I realized that something was wrong and immediately dashed towards the source of the sound. Obviously, the sound of my rushing into the woods was harsh, and then two panicked male voices cried out: Who is it!    


I did not answer, but continued on; and in a few steps I came upon a more gentle meadow among the trees. In the dim light of the park yard, I was surprised to find a beautiful young woman lying on the ground. The woman was obviously still conscious and was pushing and shoving the two of them. But she was too drunk to do anything about it. Beside her were two young men, one crouching, one kneeling, stripping off the woman's clothes. Fortunately, when I was in time, the clothes of the woman who was drunk to the point where it was no longer a problem were intact.    


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