Super Little Farmer



0Without even thinking about it, I am sure that this wooden box is a treasure, and the old man who wields and uses this treasure is an expert. Under my dazed gaze, the old man opened the wooden box. It was a box of various silver needles that were divided into different categories. Obviously, the old man in front of him was an expert in acupuncture. Perhaps, he was trying to use this method to treat the mute little beauty.    


Just as I guessed, the old man's hands were either slow or heavy, light or light. In just a short while, a dozen silver needles were pierced into the back and head of the little beauty. I was surprised again and stood aside, because from the way he did it, the old man was definitely a master of martial arts. It is no longer suitable to talk about martial arts experts these days, but I am sure that not only is this old man an apricot, he is also an expert in martial arts!    


And so it went, for more than half an hour, until at last the old man gave a slight nod and put the silver needles into the box one by one and looked at me with a smile. I heaved a sigh of relief. Knowing that the little beauty was fine, I hurriedly bowed to the old man and thanked him profusely. The old man didn't say anything and just returned the greeting slightly. I turned to look at the little beauty on the bed.    


When the old man was making silver needles, she fell deeply asleep not long after. I guessed that it was due to the old man's acupuncture techniques. When I looked at her now, I saw that she had slowly woken up, looking refreshed. Maybe it was because the old man and I were looking at her with smiles on our faces, so the little beauty quickly got up. I stopped her at once and spoke to her in Japanese.    


Apparently, the little beauty was not at first familiar with the process or the mindset of speaking, but still nodded her head to indicate everything; and at my insistence and hints, she finally understood that she could speak. After a long period of time, under my careful persuasion, the little beauty finally opened her mouth and said a word under the old man's smile. It was Chinese. Although the tone was still unclear, I could clearly hear that it was the pronunciation of "thank you". I smiled. I used the word very frequently and had taught the little beauty before. I didn't expect her to be of use at this time, and to use it so appropriately.    


Under my continuous persuasion, the little beauty was finally able to speak a few words more slowly. I knew that it would take some time for me to be as skilled as a normal person, but the situation was normal, and I was very happy. Immediately, the little beauty and the man bowed to express their gratitude. This time, the old man calmly accepted the gift, packed up his silver needles and left. I walked the old man out of the small courtyard and walked back before I came to my senses. This was because the old man didn't take the wild lingzhi root. In other words, he didn't take the medical fees at all. I jumped up and quickly gathered up the five big lingzhi and the ten thousand yuan cash. I quickly rushed out of the small courtyard to chase after the old man.    


Fortunately, my reaction was fast and so was my speed. In just a few minutes, I had already caught up with the old man. When the old man saw that I had caught up to him, he was stunned for a moment. After looking at the Lingzhi in my hand, he seemed to know what was going on and immediately started laughing. The old man shook his head, unwilling to accept my wild lingzhi, even though the price had already been agreed upon at the beginning of her treatment. I panicked a little and forcefully put the bag of wild lingzhi into the hands of the old man. The old man waved his hand. Seeing that I was still in this state, he seriously said to me, "Kid, first answer a question of mine." I was startled, but before I could think about it, I nodded. The old man then asked, "Let me ask you, is that girl not your blood related sister?"    


I was stunned for a moment, and then I guessed that the old man might have gotten the information from my conversation with the little beauty and nodded seriously. I didn't know why, but I felt that the old man was very trustworthy, so I didn't wait for the old man to ask any further questions and gave him a brief introduction to the little beauty's origins. The old man finally nodded with a smile and said, "If that's the case, then there's no mistake." After staring blankly for a while, he said, "Brat, do you understand why I don't accept your Lingzhi?" This time, it was my turn to be surprised for a moment. After a while, I understood: I am a boy who has abandoned all borders to raise this little beauty; why can't he help her when he sees so many things in the world?    


As my thoughts turned, I started to get a little agitated. My nose started to feel sore, but I finally managed to hold it in and bowed deeply towards the old man. After thinking for a moment, he still resolutely handed the wild lingzhi mushroom bag into the old man's hands. The old man still wanted to refuse. I advised, "What is the use of keeping these things in my hands? If I leave it in your hands, I might be able to do some good things. The old man smiled and finally accepted it. He patted me on the shoulder, turned around, and left. Finally, he gradually disappeared from my sight.    


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