Super Little Farmer



0That day, I didn't do anything with the little beauty. After a quick lunch, I took the little beauty who was so excited that she could talk again to go to the park to play. Finally, the talkative little beauty introduced herself to me. It turned out that she was the same as I had guessed. She was a Japanese citizen, Sachiko Oshima, who was ten years old this year. According to her calculations, in two months time she would be eleven years old, a little more than nine years younger than me. As for her family, she was reluctant to introduce them; I suppose it had something to do with the death of her parents. Sachiko did not say much about how she had contracted a mute illness. She only said that she had taken some kind of medicine. But when she said it, I could clearly feel the tremor in her voice, the unnatural fear in her face.    


Strange to say, it was all fleeting to her, but I could feel it. As for why, I never knew. However, from her expression and tone of voice, I had the feeling that something unfortunate had happened to her. As for what it was, I had no idea. Perhaps this misfortune referred to the death of her parents in an accident. I thought so, and a strong feeling of protection came over me.    


Little Belle and I came back late. He didn't teach her anything else that day. At night, when I slept, the little beauty insisted on sleeping with me. I didn't think it was right at first, she was ten years old after all, but at her insistence, I still agreed. Thinking that she really needed care, I gently hugged her and fell asleep. Early the next morning, I still entrusted Sachiko's breakfast to Tension, while I went to sell the last of the dried wild fungi. Business was still booming. By ten o'clock in the morning, the last two baskets were sold off to less than ten kilograms. Looking at the people coming and going, I, who was excited from doing business, felt a little lonely. Two things that had tormented me for days came back to mind.    


The first thing is my job. Obviously, it was impossible to go to the construction site to work as a temporary worker like before. The matter of being flipped around in black and white was still fresh in my mind. I didn't care about hard work, but I didn't want to live that life any longer. On the other hand, it was impossible to do business like I always did, because I had no goods to sell, or for a while I couldn't find a good project. Because this kind of work of selling off wild bacteria was something that could only be encountered by chance and not sought for. However, he felt that there was something he could do in the middle. This was because the people of the city seemed to be very interested in this kind of pure wilderness food and did not care about money. Only, I didn't dare to judge the situation where my wild dried fungus had been selling well in the past few days, which meant that I had to investigate further. Therefore, this matter had to be put off for a while. So, in this slow process, I have to find a temporary job.    


The second matter was the admission of the little beauty. Obviously, she didn't have any proof of our identity, so it would be impossible for her to enrol in the academy. On the other hand, based on her introduction, she didn't seem to be willing to go back to her own country. Then she would have to stay with me. So in the circumstances, I had to find a way to get her into school. I couldn't stop her from studying, but that was the problem.    


Worried, I sold the last few kilograms of dried wild bacteria. When all the dried wild fungi had been turned into cash, I carried the two empty rattan baskets home. Of course, I said nothing to Sachiko. Because I didn't want Sachiko to worry about our future. She was still young, after all, and I had nearly twenty thousand dollars on me, enough for us to live on for a while. That is, as long as I find a new job before the money runs out, everything will be OK. I have a great deal of faith in myself for that.    


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