Super Little Farmer



0After a full breakfast, I rinsed the dishes under the clear water. After a short while, they were all cleaned up. I let Little Beauty pack up her clothes while I carried the baskets of wild, dried bacteria from the hall house to the stream in batches. I stacked them neatly on top of the big bamboo raft, tied them with a piece of twine, covered them with a large piece of plastic, and tied them again. When everything was settled and I returned home, the little beauty had already packed her things. Even my clothes were already packed. I nodded and checked again. After confirming that everything was all right, I picked up those wild ganoderma, closed the door, and got on the big bamboo raft with the little beauty. The little beauty didn't seem to have seen this kind of tool before. As soon as she got it, she was so excited that she almost jumped up. At my signal, I realized that I could overturn the big bamboo raft by jumping on the water. I then calmed down and sat down obediently in the middle of the big bamboo raft. Behind her was a mountain of dried wild bacteria baskets.    


I barely needed any strength, and with the power of the current, the big bamboo raft moved easily forward. I just need to tap left and right, dial, and master the direction. The big bamboo raft moved very freely in the water. It moved left and right along with the flow of the water, quickly flowing between the mountains. We were moving very fast in the water, and in less than twenty minutes we were at the spot where the little beauty's family had turned over the car that day. The car was still on the other side of the creek. When the little beauty saw all of this, including the battered car and the new grave, she finally quieted down. I knew that she was in a bad mood, so I hastened to dial a few times, and the big bamboo raft went by quickly, and turned a few corners, and left behind all the terrible things that had happened. I saw that the little beauty was still unhappy and wanted to break her mood, so I gestured to her to look at the scenery on both sides of the mountain.    


The little beauty, who was previously quiet, could no longer remain silent. She could only laugh and cry out as she looked at the beautiful scenery of the mountains on both sides of the road. A few times I was motioned to watch, but now I didn't have the leisure to do so, because I had to focus on the big bamboo raft. The little beauty seemed to understand my situation, so she didn't continue to pester me and continued to enjoy herself.    


As they continued forward, the water surface became wider and the flow became faster. The big bamboo raft moved forward at high speed. After about twenty minutes of this, we arrived at Yao's head. This place was simply too famous. There was no other reason. The opening was too dangerous. My father had told me before that this place was called the "Ghost Worry," and that it was also known as the "Thirty-six Bends, Thirty-six Bends," of which thirty-six beaches were also known as the "twelve beaches each." And of the twelve beach, the most dangerous. I didn't dare to slack off. I took a short rest on the side of the big bamboo raft and examined the wild and dry fungi again. The big Ganoderma signaled the little beauty to be careful of me, so I put in all my effort to drive the big bamboo raft forward.    


The big bamboo raft coiled with the current, and then jumped up and down in the roar of the beach. I kept my eyes and ears on the road in every direction, and when I saw something was wrong, I immediately pushed the long bamboo pole over and pushed the big bamboo raft to the side.    


Very well. We finally made it to the twelfth beach. I heaved a sigh of relief in my heart and turned around to look at the little beauty. I calmed my mind and braced myself to face the most dangerous of the twelve beaches, the true "Ghost's Worry". The little beauty, on the other hand, looked completely like a child. Not only did she not feel the slightest bit scared, but she was also laughing and shouting happily. She was extremely happy.    


I laughed too. Because if I had used a kayak instead of a raft of this size, if I had not loaded these dried wild bacteria, and had to make sure they were still dry when they reached their destination, I think I would have been as excited as she was. This was because, from the moment they entered the small stream, everything was so comfortable and fresh. Every small whirlpool in the water was so captivating, and as for the 20 something kilometer long "Eighteen Nine Twists and Thirty-six Beach", it was incredibly enjoyable.    


Because everything was too exciting!    


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