Lonely Soldier King

C133 End Paragraph

C133 End Paragraph

0A massacre, a massacre without any resistance, it was a one-sided massacre without any technique involved. However, Liu Yi still made the secret guard move, the reason was very simple, that was to let the secret guard increase his strength through killing.    


Liu Yi had never forgotten to raise the strength of the remaining 10 Golden Guards. They had reached the peak of the Earth Stage for a long time now. Now that they had their own cultivation techniques, it was time to advance and enter the Heaven Stage.    


But this massacre had created an opportunity, an opportunity to let them enter the Heaven Stage. Of course, if all ten of them could enter the Heaven Stage and automatically become Diamond Protection, then Jin Wei's status would definitely become empty.    


Since no one in the Silver Guard could advance to become a Golden Guard in a short period of time, and since everyone in the Golden Guard was promoted to become a Diamond Guardian, then there was no one in the Golden Guard either. However, Liu Yi wasn't worried at all, because he had the blood essence of a vampire in his hands.    


Moreover, who could guarantee that after this massacre, the Silver Guards wouldn't be promoted to the Golden Guards. After all, this was a massacre of tens of thousands of people, and although many enemies would definitely die under this first wave of large-scale attacks, there would still be tens of thousands of people left.    


After the massacre of the ordinary members of the Burning Heaven Mercenaries, there wouldn't be much left. However, everything was not absolute. Breaking through to the Silver Guard was not impossible. Who told Liu Yi to create such a miraculous cultivation technique?    


It was just chaos on the battlefield, but the Burning Heaven Mercenaries, on the other hand, were not chaotic at all. They charged forward with all their might, and the guns in their hands showed no mercy as they turned into fire snakes and continued to shoot at the enemies.    


This world was very magical. It did not matter if there was no Spiritual Awareness. There were high-tech things, such as telescopes.    


Observing the situation of the Burning Heaven Mercenaries from a distance, they waited in alert and alert. They waited for the experts of the Ancient Martial Alliance to attack the ten or so middle-sized mercenaries that the captain of the Burning Heaven Mercenaries was aware of the danger that was approaching them.    


There was no other reason. In their eyes, the expert that could have crushed them with a single finger had actually been defeated by a missile. After that, when Burning Heaven appeared, they all began to panic.    


According to the intelligence report, Fen Tian was playing in the M Country's Las Vegas. How could he be here?    


However, they believed that their eyes weren't mistaken. Burning Heaven had appeared, and thus, they were afraid. A wave of fear enveloped their hearts.    


Don't doubt Liu Yi's presence in the mercenary group. Without his presence, who knows how many members of the Burning Heaven Mercenaries would have attacked him. After all, the position of the Burning Heaven Mercenaries was extremely high and made people jealous.    


In this world, there are two things that men value the most. One is a name, the other is a profit.    


In the mercenary world, almost everyone was a hot-blooded man. What they valued was not a happy life, but fame and benefits, and the Burning Heaven Mercenary Group's status was the embodiment of fame. It could be imagined, if they could kill the Burning Heaven Mercenary Group and replace it, the fame would naturally come.    


However, all these years, the Burning Heaven Mercenary Group had not been affected by anything. It was not because the Burning Heaven Mercenary Group was powerful or invincible, but because the Burning Heaven Mercenary Group had a powerful leader — — Burning Heaven.    


Evil God, Devil, God of Death …    


It was inconceivable that titles could be gathered on a single person's head.    


However, behind the inconceivable was also the embodiment of strength. Thus, many people were afraid of Fen Tian, which was also Liu Yi.    


Now that he was here, where would they go?    


Escaping was their only choice. However, things had already come to this point, so they could only bet that if they were to end up laughing at their rescue, then the destruction of the Burning Heaven Mercenaries would not be far off.    


But what they saw next disappointed them. Fen Tian had won, killing one injured, and one of them had run away.    


Fine, it's just one passage, but there are still two. If they were to break through one of the entrances and allow the army to enter the camp of the Burning Heaven Mercenaries, then the Burning Heaven Mercenaries would not be far from being destroyed.    


With such a wish in mind, the dozen or so mid-sized mercenary group leaders chose to stay behind.    


But unfortunately, they chose to stay, and this caused their losses to be even greater.    


Seeing the signal lights shoot straight up into the sky, the dozen or so middle-aged mercenary captains realized that the Burning Heaven Mercenaries were about to counterattack and immediately called for reinforcements to retreat as soon as possible.    


However, just as they were about to turn around and retreat, several missiles landed on their group. They were not ordinary missiles, but missiles with great destructive power. This way, half of their troops would be killed.    


Such a cruel fact!    


However, the cruelest thing was still to come. After a wave of missiles, a group of mercenaries had appeared in front of them. There were thousands of them. Looking at their clothing, they were from the Burning Heaven Mercenaries.    


Yes, from their overall attire, there was no doubt that they were members of the Burning Heaven Mercenary Company. However, the clothes they wore were a little different, as if they had something extra on them.    


Don't doubt that they are indeed members of the Burning Heaven Mercenaries. However, these people are not ordinary people. They are members of the elite group of the Burning Heaven Mercenaries, so their attire and attire are naturally different.    


Over a thousand of them, almost the entire elite group was out together.    


In reality, apart from the few hundred people left behind, the rest of the people had all moved out to capture the enemy. They were all waiting for this scene to occur.    


No matter how many of them there were, it would still be troublesome. Furthermore, they were in the front and were being chased by a large number of soldiers. They would not be able to escape in time, so how could they organize a battle?    


The fight between the two sides was very fierce, but unfortunately, the mercenary group had always emphasized the importance of individual combat, not large-scale war. The fight between the two sides was very fierce, but the mercenary group had always emphasized the importance of individual combat, not large-scale war.    


This was because they were members of an elite group and they had an absolute advantage. Thus, at the start of the battle, the damage sustained by the elite group members were very small. On the other hand, the enemies fell to the ground in large numbers.    


The frontlines were blocked, and the pursuers from behind came rushing over. Now, even more people had fallen, and in the blink of an eye, a third of the party members had died, causing the dozen captains to feel extremely heartbroken.    


However, at the moment, their hearts were in vain. The only way to survive was to break through as quickly as possible.    


In such a large-scale battle, it was almost impossible to keep all of the enemies here. Escaping a portion of the people was already a foregone conclusion, and in reality, everyone who wanted to give chase also stopped because the station's signal was signalling for them to stop the pursuit.    


Withdraw and return to the base!    


At this moment, the war came to an end.    




Is this the end?    


From Liu Yi's point of view, it was only the beginning. A dozen middle-sized mercenary groups had teamed up, and that was because the Ancient Martial Alliance was probing. After all, when Liu Yi found out that a dozen mid-sized mercenary groups had joined hands to attack them, and Liu Yi was in the headquarters of the Burning Heaven Mercenaries, he would definitely attack at the first possible moment.    


In the end, it was only when the Burning Heaven Mercenary Group's encampment was completely surrounded that Liu Yi appeared. He then killed more than ten experts of the Ancient Martial Alliance, causing them great losses.    


Perhaps some people would find it strange. After all, they had clearly discovered that Liu Yi was in the M Country's Las Vegas. If they could confirm that Liu Yi was in the M Country and not in Africa, then there was no need to test him.    


However, let's not forget that Liu Yi appeared in public with a golden mask. No one was sure that the person wearing the golden mask in Las Vegas was Liu Yi. Perhaps Liu Yi had intentionally made people pretend to be him.    


However, as an alliance of the Ancient Martial Alliance, it was impossible for them to do something as simple as that. First, they would probe, but then they would forcefully attack, with the intention of taking down the encampment of the Burning Heaven Mercenaries and then chasing Liu Yi away.    


It could be said that the dozen or so mercenary groups joining forces to attack the Burning Heaven Mercenary Group's encampment was a test, while the dozen or so experts they had sent out to attack the Burning Heaven Mercenary Group's encampment.    


To put it bluntly, a dozen or so middle-sized mercenaries working together to attack the base of the Burning Heaven Mercenaries was only the work of a chess piece. From the very beginning, the members of the Ancient Martial Alliance had treated them like chess pieces.    


However, they still missed two things. First, Liu Yi was able to come back from M Country in time, and secondly, the Burning Heaven Mercenary Group had an unknown underground passage that allowed Liu Yi to enter the base without anyone knowing.    



But now it was no longer important. What was important was that the Burning Heaven Mercenary Group had laughed to the very end. Liu Yi's victory also meant that the enmity between him and the Ancient Martial Alliance had reached an irreconcilable point.    


In fact, even if the Ancient Martial Alliance did not seek revenge, Liu Yi would not let things rest. He did not even see who Liu Yi was. His character was there and he would take revenge no matter what.    


If not for their hidden trump card this time, the Burning Heaven Mercenary Group's encampment would most likely have been breached by them. At that time, the entire Burning Heaven Mercenary Group that they had painstakingly and painstakingly built would have been completely destroyed.    


This was worse than killing Liu Yi. How could Liu Yi not be able to do it?    


So on the surface, it looked like it had come to an end, but this was only the beginning. At least, in Liu Yi's opinion, this was only the beginning.    


On the surface, it looked as if the Burning Heaven Mercenaries were very strong, but that was in the past. Now that the various powers had joined the continent, the strength of the Burning Heaven Mercenaries had completely disappeared.    


Increase in strength!    


This was definitely a top priority. And it was because it was so important that Liu Yi gave up on his revenge and put increasing the strength of the secret guards first.    


Refining the vampire blood essence, converting the blood essence into pure energy, letting the secret guard consume it, and improving his strength!    


Liu Yi continued to do this for many days. Finally, after ten days had passed, all of the blood essence had been refined, and a hundred secret guards had been summoned. The standard was to obtain a drop of blood essence that had been refined at the Viscount's level from everyone below the Silver Guard.    


Two hundred drops of viscount blood essence reduced him to fifty drops in an instant, but Liu Yi didn't feel any heartache. He was sure that once the 150 people took it, their strength would undergo a qualitative change.    


Those who had reached the limit of their strength would also be promoted from the Copper Guard to the Silver Guard. As for those who had yet to reach the limit of their strength, no matter what realm they were in, they would all reach the peak of the Xuan level, and one of their feet would step into the Earth level.    


Everyone was promoted!    


That's right, once those people consumed the refined vampire blood essence, their strength would also increase.    


In reality, it was also like that. After consuming it, they only used half a day to change their strength. Liu Yi could see it with his Spiritual Awareness.    


Seeing such a spectacular scene, Liu Yi was truly a bit surprised. However, when he recalled that this was all created by him, he couldn't help but feel pleased with himself.    


"This is the essence of vampire blood." Liu Yi sighed to himself.    


He already knew that a vampire's blood essence was amazing, and a single drop contained a powerful energy, making it hard for people to understand. After all, a viscount vampire only had the strength of a Xuan stage warrior, so how could he let someone who had reached the Earth stage break through to the next stage?    


In fact, this was easy to understand. Vampires had to have blood essence, and their strength all came from blood essence. This was enough to show that their blood essence was extremely powerful.    


And after Liu Yi's refinement, that small drop of blood essence had pushed its potential to the limit, thus producing a very powerful energy, allowing the group of Secret Guards to increase their strength.    


This was the wonder of blood essence!    


Since Liu Yi knew the wonders of blood essence and how precious it was, he would naturally treasure it well. Unfortunately, because of the tense situation, Liu Yi couldn't treat blood essence as a treasure.    


Therefore, Liu Yi didn't hesitate. Right now, all of the Copper Guards had levelled up, and apart from a few of the lowest level ones, everyone else had advanced to the Silver Guard. It could be said that the Copper Guards were at their weakest right now.    


"It's time to update!"    


Originally, Liu Yi had planned to let the elite group members train properly for a few more days before letting them join the secret guard. However, the result was that he couldn't help but to quicken his pace.    


Fifty drops!    


Liu Yi still had fifty drops of viscount blood left in his hands, so there was nothing much to say. Pick fifty people and let them join the secret guard, using the vampire blood to increase their strength and replenish the copper guards.    


After obtaining the cultivation technique, he would familiarize himself with it for a week, and then Liu Yi would hand over the blood essence to them and let them consume and improve. At this point, Liu Yi had used up all of the viscount blood essence in his hands, and the remaining 20 drops of Marquis' blood essence, 10 drops of Count's blood essence, and a drop of Duke's blood essence were used up.    


There was no need to mention the duke's blood essence. It was second only to the prince's blood essence and had a lot of energy. As for the marquis and the Count, there was no need to even mention how powerful they were.    


Marquis Liu Yi intended to give his Blood Essence to the original Golden Guard, the current Diamond Guardian, to consume.    


After a massacre, the remaining ten Golden Guards were all promoted to Heaven Stage. After all, they had stayed at the peak of Earth Stage for too long, so perhaps they had made all the preparations to advance in one go.    


Since he had already been promoted, Liu Yi had nothing to worry about. He just so happened to have twenty drops of Marquis' blood essence for them to consume directly, allowing them to raise their strength. It would be best if they could raise it to the peak of the Heaven Stage.    


But even so, it was already a foregone conclusion that their strength would increase. Liu Yi did not stop his steps and continued forward.    




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