Lonely Soldier King

C27 He Was Being Used as a Shield

C27 He Was Being Used as a Shield

0Wei Jinya was speechless. He couldn't find any words to refute Liu Yi, so he could only give up his persuasion and leave Liu Yi's villa with a wry smile.    


After all, Liu Yi was his only disciple. Knowing his disciple's personality well, he knew that if he let Liu Yi join a tyrant's organization and was restricted by those rules and regulations, with Liu Yi's personality, it would instead be unbefitting.    


In addition, Wei Jin had no choice but to stay in the tyrant's organization. If the situation didn't force him, he would never join a tyrant's organization, because, as Liu Yi knew, he was also a person who didn't like restrictions.    


He was very clear that if Wei Jin had ordered him to do so as his master, Liu Yi would absolutely not have refused. However, Wei Jin did not order him to do so as his master, letting Liu Yi know that Wei Jin had only come as a formality today.    


"Sigh …"    


Liu Yi let out a long sigh and mumbled to himself. I hope to be able to live a peaceful life. Hopefully, I will be able to reap some benefits and not live up to my expectations. "    


No one understood the meaning behind Liu Yi's words. The first part was very easy to understand, but perhaps he was the only one who knew what the second part meant.    




Time passed in the blink of an eye, and soon, before the week was over, Monday arrived. As a member of the Yan Jing University's new students, and with Li Mei looking for him, Liu Yi naturally could not continue resting. Going to school became something he had to do.    


Looking at the long campus road, he sighed in his heart. At the same time, he knew that once he walked in, it would probably be those passionate girls who would welcome him.    


Although a few days had passed and things might have cooled down a bit, Liu Yi was clear that there was no lack of persistent girls on campus. Those girls definitely wouldn't give up watching him.    


Liu Yi walked towards the classroom with even faster steps. In the middle of the class, some girls noticed him, but only stared at him blankly for a few seconds. Then, he hurriedly walked away, as if he had rushed to the classroom for class.    


When he arrived at the entrance of the classroom, however, it attracted many gazes. He also felt that there were two types of gazes that shot towards him from the classroom. One was hostility, and the other was naked stares.    


Needless to say, the hostile gazes came from the boys, while the naked eyes came from the girls in the class.    


What happened a few days ago spread throughout the entire Yan Jing University. All the students knew that there was a student called Liu Yi in the Yan Jing University. He was surrounded by the beauty of the university.    


As for girls, there were those who scolded their compatriots for being infatuated with women, and there were also those who admired the courage of those girls. In any case, there were all kinds of opinions on this matter, but there was one thing that could not be denied, and that was the curiosity of the entire Yan Jing University towards Liu Yi.    


Everyone wanted to see who exactly Liu Yi was!    


Therefore, in Liu Yi's class, many other professional students had come. Their reputations stated that they were choosing to study computer science, but other than that, they had come for Liu Yi. This was the reason for the present scene.    


Helplessly shaking his head, Liu Yi ignored the gazes of the other students in the class. Seeing a seat behind him, he walked over and found an empty seat to sit on. Then, he squinted his eyes, as if he was sleeping.    


The teacher quickly arrived at the classroom and started his lessons. Under the boredom of the class, Liu Yi was still the same as before. Squinting his eyes, he looked like he had just fallen asleep but didn't seem like he was the same.    


A class soon passed. When the class ended, Liu Yi didn't leave his seat and remained seated. Instead, he picked up a book and was somewhat engrossed in reading.    


Unknowingly, the second period had begun. However, it was very clear that there were a few students of other specializations in the classroom. There were both male and female students, most of whom were female students, followed by male students.    


All this time, no one sat on the seats on either side of Liu Yi. However, at the beginning of the second class, an unexpected guest suddenly appeared in the seat to the left.    


Feeling it, Liu Yi couldn't help but frown. He turned his head to take a glance, but that person seemed to be like a magnet, deeply attracting Liu Yi's gaze.    


Beautiful woman!    


Liu Yi had seen a lot of beautiful women, be it from China or other countries, he had seen them all. But for a beauty like the one sitting beside him, this was his first time seeing her.    


It was a semicircular face with slightly red cheeks. Long hair was tied up in a bun, and it could be said to be perfect as it propped up that face.    


However, the beauty of her face was not enough to captivate Liu Yi. What made Liu Yi feel different was the beauty's temperament, which was very unique. Liu Yi did not know how to describe it, but the feeling he got from her was ethereal.    


The beautiful woman seemed to have noticed Liu Yi's attentive gaze. She also turned her face to the side, and exchanged a glance with Liu Yi. There was no expression on her face. She turned around again, and acted as if Liu Yi didn't exist.    


Liu Yi could do nothing about this. After sighing 'perfection' in his heart, he turned around and concentrated on maintaining his original position.    


But soon, Liu Yi was unable to continue because next to that beauty sat a male student. He didn't even need to look to know that the male student was not from his class. He could even tell why he came.    


For beauty!    


"The boy sat on the side of the beauty, ignoring Liu Yi who sat on the other side. His voice was not soft at all." Rongrong, why did you come to the computer department without saying anything? It caused me to look for you for a long time. "    


The boy sounded familiar, like a couple complaining that their girlfriend had come to another classroom without a word.    


Liu Yi couldn't care less about how the couple did it, but very quickly, Liu Yi seemed to have figured out something. It seemed like the couple wasn't the same.    


"Fang Zijie, do you even have any sense of shame?" The beautiful woman called Rongrong said in a cold voice. Her breathing was a little tight, as if her anger had not yet subsided. I'm warning you, I'm not familiar with you, so don't be so shameless in front of me in the future. "    


"Sigh …"    


"Fang Zijie let out a long sigh and said. Rongrong, don't be angry, alright? I'm really … "    


"Stop …" "Stop," Rongrong said directly. Fang Zijie, let me warn you again. I'm not familiar with you, and I definitely won't like a hypocrite like you.    


The voice of the classical beauty called Rongrong was very loud. Although it didn't spread throughout the entire classroom, Liu Yi, who was sitting on the side, heard it clearly. At this moment, if Liu Yi didn't understand what was going on, then he could just buy tofu and smash himself to death.    


Beautiful girls were definitely at the school beauty level. It was absolutely normal for boys to shamelessly pester such beautiful girls, but the problem was that as a man, it was fine if you had to pester them. If the girls said they didn't feel anything for him, then just scram as far as they could.    


"Rong …" Fang Zijie seemed to want to continue speaking.    


"This is a classroom. If you want anything, please go outside." At this moment, Liu Yi opened his mouth and spoke. But very quickly, Liu Yi discovered that something was wrong and added one more sentence in his heart. has been used as a shield. "    




Liu Yi quickly realized that he was being used as a shield by the girl called Rongrong. Not long after he spoke, he caught a glimpse of the girl called Rongrong, whose lips curled up into a smile.    


Liu Yi shook his head and smiled bitterly as he looked at the girl. He couldn't help but admire her and really wanted to praise her. It was a pity that Fang Zijie would not give him the time to do so.    


"Fuck, I'm talking to my girlfriend, it's none of your business." Fang Zijie's voice was loud, loud to the point that everyone in the classroom could hear him. Fortunately, the teacher had not come to class yet, or else things would have blown up.    


Fang Zijie's identity was not simple. In the four or nine cities, he was also a son of a Venerable family who relied on his status to bully men and women in Yan Jing University. Ever since he saw Sun Rongrong's true appearance, he had been determined to get her.    


Unfortunately, Sun Rongrong's identity wasn't simple and she was also from a noble family in the capital. Furthermore, her family wasn't any weaker than the Fang family. Therefore, Fang Zijie was destined not to use the methods he had used in the past and could only use the method of picking up girls to subdue Sun Rongrong.    


However, in a small city like 49 cities, how could there possibly be a secret within the circle of people? Fang Zijie's reputation had already spread throughout the circle, and Sun Rongrong naturally did not spare him a glance. However, Fang Zijie did not want to give up. He pursued relentlessly, using his thick-skinned offensive to try to capture Sun Rongrong.    


Helpless, Sun Rongrong could only use her power to resist Fang Zijie. Otherwise, the news that she, Sun Rongrong, was Fang Zijie's girlfriend would be known by the entire city.    



Liu Yi, the direct descendant of the Liu family, one of the top aristocratic families in the capital. Recently, he had been setting off a huge wave in the city, causing a lot of rich kids in the capital to fear him, including Fang Zijie.    


After finally finding Liu Yi's classroom, and hearing that Liu Yi was coming to school today, Sun Rongrong rushed over after the first period of class and sat down beside Liu Yi.    


In her eyes, she only noticed that the person sitting on the side was Liu Yi. She had thought that it was just an ordinary student, but now that she was speaking so arrogantly to Liu Yi, Sun Rongrong couldn't help but smile.    


There was no other reason. The development of the matter was just as Sun Rongrong had imagined, going very smoothly. It could even be said to go even more smoothly than expected.    


"Liu …" Fang Zijie did not seem to mind at all after he said those words. However, due to his curiosity, he could not help but raise his eyes. However, when he saw who it was, he was startled and his voice suddenly became choked with sobs.    


Liu Yi rarely appeared, and he, Fang Zijie, had never seen him before. However, Liu Yi's picture was spread throughout the circle. Although the picture was slightly different from a real person's, it didn't prevent Fang Zijie from recognizing Liu Yi.    


Liu Yi had seen a lot of arrogant playboys. He had seen a lot of playboys like Fang Zijie. Sun Rongrong had used him as a shield, so he was more or less angry, but he was not angry.    


"Scram …"    


Liu Yi narrowed his eyes, not bothering to look at Fang Zijie as he spoke in a cold voice.    


"…" Fang Zijie's anger rose to the extreme. With his Fang family's influence in the capital, when had anyone dared to order him to scram? How could he not be enraged?    


However, Fang Zijie quickly calmed down. Their Fang family was very powerful, but they were nothing compared to the Liu family. In the depths of his heart, there was another voice telling him not to provoke Liu Yi, because Liu Yi's recent reputation as a killer was very strong.    


Even Chen Junyi, a popinjay, got beaten up as he pleased, and eventually disappeared from this world. The country's upper echelons not only didn't punish Liu Yi, they even attacked the Yang Family.    


If he provoked Liu Yi, it would not be hard to predict that he would not end up much better off than Chen Junyi. At that time, their Fang family would end up the same as the Yang family, perhaps even ten or even a hundred times worse.    


But even so, Fang Zijie still held back his eyes, as if he wanted to remember this person. He deeply engraved this in his heart and swore to himself that one day, he would trample over Liu Yi.    


Liu Yi could see the look in Fang Zijie's eyes, but he didn't seem to care. A cold light flashed through his eyes, but in the end, he didn't do anything. He just sat there quietly.    


Fang Zijie left with grief and indignation. His back looked desolate, but in the end, he didn't dare to do anything. It was all because of Liu Yi's overbearing attitude.    


"You're not bad, you're using me as a shield." Liu Yi said coldly.    


In his entire life, the thing that Liu Yi hated the most was someone using him. In the past, anyone who used him had all died in his hands, but now it was different, Liu Yi's killing intent was much weaker, and he also gradually merged into the city. Although he was angry in his heart, he still wouldn't do anything to a delicate, classical beauty.    


"Right …"    


Sun Rongrong was stunned for a moment before her entire body turned ice-cold. She had unilaterally used Liu Yi as a shield, but she hadn't thought too much about what to do after. Perhaps it was because she thought she could cover it up, so she hadn't considered it.    


Now that Liu Yi had seen through it, Sun Rongrong really didn't know how to deal with it. After all, as the outside world had said, Liu Yi's reputation as the god of death was extremely great.    


"Scram." Liu Yi interrupted Sun Rongrong's naturally reflexive apology. He stopped and closed his eyes, which was clear meaning that he did not want to see Sun Rongrong again.    


"I'm sorry …" Sun Rongrong also understood Liu Yi's meaning. At this moment, she had also calmed down a lot, returning to her normal state of speech. After that, she said in a soft and sincere voice. I was forced to do this because I was being held up by him. I hope you don't mind. "    


"…" Liu Yi did not say anything, but continued to close his eyes and rest.    


Sun Rongrong knew that Liu Yi did not want to talk to her. Embarrassed, she got up and left the classroom. However, when she reached the door, she couldn't help but turn back to glance at Liu Yi, who was still resting with his eyes closed.    


"What a piece of wood." Sun Rongrong thought to herself. No matter what, I am still one of the beauties of Yan Jing University. "    


At this moment, Sun Rongrong's thoughts were complicated, angry, and curious. She was angry because Liu Yi had turned a blind eye to this beauty, and curious because Liu Yi had turned a blind eye to this beauty.    


Women were always like this, especially Sun Rongrong, who was very confident in her beauty. She was extremely confident, and usually, there would even be boys drooling in front of her.    


At first, Liu Yi had only glanced at her a few times, but it was far from something an ordinary male student could compare to. That glance was just an appreciation without any greed, making Sun Rongrong feel even more disappointed.    


"But then again, this man is even more charming." Sun Rongrong didn't forget to mutter to herself at the last moment. Her face turned completely red as she spoke.    


It was a pity that Liu Yi didn't see Sun Rongrong's face, and it was even more impossible for him to hear what she had to say. Otherwise, Liu Yi would definitely say: "Woman's Heart, Undersea Needle!"    




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