Lonely Soldier King

C50 The Traditional Culture of the Small Island States

C50 The Traditional Culture of the Small Island States

0The first member that Liu Yi wanted to kill was called Yichang Zuo. This person was definitely one of the higher ups of the right-wing organization. Although he was not at the level of a leader, he was better than one at the level of a leader.    


A counselor!    


He was indeed an advisor, but the people in the small island didn't call him an advisor, but a think-tank. In the whole organization, his position was only second to the leader, higher than the other deputy leaders.    


If Liu Yi wanted to choose someone of high status to take action, then there was no need for him to do so. However, Liu Yi chose him, and there was no knowledge in that.    


There was a saying that was right. If one wanted it to perish, one had to first make it crazy!    


Even the main figure of his own think tank was dead, how terrifying was that? If the upper echelons of his organization appeared again and were killed as well, the result would be obvious. He would go crazy and rob the culprits everywhere.    


At this moment, the continuous assassinations of the upper echelons were enough to make them live in fear.    


"Saburo, hehe …"    


Liu Yi muttered to himself before chuckling. That laughter sent chills down his spine.    


According to the information he had gathered, he had quite a good Ichiro's Ichiro's Ichiro Ichiro's intelligence, but he was just as lustful as the rest of the islanders. He had three mistresses outside of his main wife, and he never went home to sleep.    


And tonight, he would spend the night in a villa outside Tokyo, in the name of a man named Miyoko Ihara. This villa wasn't too far from Liu Yi's location. If one took a bus, it would only take twenty minutes to get there. If one walked, it would take at least forty minutes.    


Liu Yi did not choose to take the bus because that would leave a clue for the Tokyo police, but walking was different. Walking through alleyways did not have too many electronic eyes, so he could try his best to escape.    


However, Liu Yi took advantage of the darkness of the night to travel at a very fast speed. In only half an hour, he arrived at the villa complex where Yichang was living.    


In the eyes of others, the security system of the residential complex was quite good, but in the eyes of Liu Yi, it was nothing more than a fake.    


Without a doubt, this villa complex was a rich district, and the people living here were all rich, but so what? Anyway, Liu Yi's target was Yichang, so it had nothing to do with the rich district.    


He easily walked into the residential complex and encountered a group of security guards. However, Liu Yi was not afraid at all and did not avoid them. He passed by them like a member of the residential complex.    


The area of the district was very large, and the villa where Yichang Zoben lived was even deeper. It would take quite a long time to walk through the gate, and even with Liu Yi's traveling speed, it would still take him ten minutes. Fortunately, the time had no effect on Liu Yi, so he could slowly make his way in.    




The villa that Saburo lived in was not far ahead. A cold smile flashed across Liu Yi's face as he walked closer to the villa. However, very quickly, Liu Yi stopped in his tracks.    


"Don't... "Don't come over here …"    


A soft female voice entered Liu Yi's ears, causing him to frown. He could hear a lot of information from the voice, including despair and fear.    


"Hmm?" Liu Yi's frown deepened as he turned to look at the villa to his side. The sound had also come from that villa. When he carefully felt around, he discovered that there was quite a bit of movement inside. Among them was a man's evil laughter.    


Originally, Liu Yi didn't want to care. After all, his goal tonight was to be Yichang, so there was no need for him to interfere. However, Liu Yi suddenly changed his mind. He turned around and walked in the direction of the villa.    


Entering the villa, Liu Yi couldn't help but laugh at the scene in the villa. Originally, in the hall of the villa, there was a naked middle-aged woman with a flushed face and no energy left in her body lying on the sofa.    


Another one was young and beautiful. She looked to be around seventeen or eighteen, and wore a school uniform. However, the uniform she was wearing right now was extremely messy. A piece of the school uniform had been torn off.    


It was not difficult to know that they were a mother and daughter by comparing the appearances of young and beautiful women with middle-aged women.    


Other than that, there was also a similarly naked middle-aged man. His lower body was like a pillar holding up the sky. If one were to judge the strength of the island's citizens by their shooting ability, it would not be difficult to find out that the island's middle-aged man had taken the medicine.    


As for why they were chasing each other, it would be easy to figure out with just a little thought. However, Liu Yi didn't bother with it and instead observed the villa's layout. Unfortunately, on the villa's wall, he found a piece of the family fortune.    


"Sigh …"    


Liu Yi sighed. Originally, the fortune of the entire family was not from anyone else but from the three people in the room. It was obvious that they were from the same family. To do evil … "He's even unwilling to let go of his own woman …"    


Indeed, it was very evil, but thinking about it, Liu Yi finally felt relieved. In the island country, it was very normal for their daughter to be with their father, even if they were related by blood, but for the island country to have such a thing, it could be said that it was their tradition. You couldn't do anything about it.    


The reason Liu Yi came to the villa was very simple, it was to borrow a car so that it would be easier to go back later. But now, he actually saw the island nation's tradition, enjoying the Spring Palace movie for free and was able to get a better understanding of island nation's culture.    


However, no matter how light Liu Yi's footsteps were, he couldn't escape from the middle-aged woman lying on the sofa, whose face was facing the door. However, no matter how light Liu Yi's footsteps were, he couldn't escape the middle-aged woman, who was lying on the sofa, whose face was facing the door.    


At this moment, the woman's face was flushed red, it was obvious that she had just finished her marriage, her eyes full of helplessness and unwillingness. But very quickly, when she noticed Liu Yi entering, her helpless and unreconciled expression quickly dissipated, leaving only begging.    


The look in her eyes was too obvious. She was asking Liu Yi for help, and then looking at her weak appearance, it seemed like the aftertaste of her orgasm hadn't disappeared. It was hard to make a sound, perhaps because she was afraid that the middle-aged man would notice and not dare to make a sound.    


What did that mean?    


Others might not understand the look in a woman's eyes, but Liu Yi understood. A woman wanted Liu Yi to stop a man's actions and save her daughter.    


"Are you sure you want me to save your daughter?" Liu Yi used his zhenqi to condense a sound line and transmitted it into the woman's ear. He did not forget to add another sentence at the end. If you want to, you can nod. If you don't, you can shake your head! "    


Liu Yi placed the decision in the woman's hands. As for her choice, he was waiting for it.    


However, at this time, everyone knew what the sinister smile on Liu Yi's face meant!    




Not mentioning that Liu Yi was a Chinese, he originally didn't have any good impression of the people of the island, not to mention Liu Yi was even Fen Tian. He didn't need to say anything about his cold-blooded blood, but from the looks of it, Liu Yi wanted to save the mother and daughter pair.    


Yes, they were a mother and daughter pair of flowers, and they were very beautiful mother and daughter flowers. Although her mother was old, she was still well preserved, and her whole body was exposed, revealing her soft figure in front of Liu Yi.    


As for his daughter, she looked to be around seventeen or eighteen. She was pure and she was a student on campus. The temptation of her uniform was not small at all.    


However, this was not the reason why Liu Yi decided to save them. It was just because Liu Yi had unexpectedly discovered after a series of tests that the zhenqi flow rate of the Tyrant Qi Yang Power Technique had increased.    


At first, Liu Yi was still a little confused, but very quickly, he knew that it was all because of the mother and daughter flower. At first, Liu Yi was a little confused, but very quickly, he knew that it was all because of the mother and daughter flower.    


It was not easy to find three-legged toads, it was a bunch of two-legged women, but who told them to be women from a small island nation? For some reason, they had a huge temptation towards Liu Yi, and since Liu Yi had other plans, he decided to help them get out of the sea of 'suffering' in the end.    


To be honest, that woman was quite cooperative with Liu Yi. When Liu Yi handed the decision over to her, she only hesitated for a moment before nodding and agreeing.    


"Eight gras …"    


The middle-aged man seemed to be very angry. On one hand, he couldn't catch his daughter, so his body was burning with desire that he had no way to vent it. On the other hand, he also discovered that there was a stranger standing at the entrance, silently barging into his house.    


When the man scolded her, the beautiful girl in primordial chaos also discovered Liu Yi. Her reaction was completely different from that of the middle-aged man. On the contrary, she was just like her mother, giving Liu Yi a pleading look.    



Liu Yi smiled faintly. There was no reason for the girl to look at him with such infatuation in her eyes. She waved her hand and an energy blade flew towards the middle-aged man. The next moment, the middle-aged man collapsed to the ground.    


It was a very simple matter!    


To Liu Yi, killing an ordinary person was as easy as blowing off dust. It was simple, simple, and clear. It was all settled in one fell swoop.    


"Put on your clothes first!" Liu Yi said in the national language of the island.    


His mother was naked, obviously lacking the strength to dress. His daughter was still in shock and had no time to tidy up her clothes. Of course, there were also reasons why the mother did not dare to dress, because her husband did not allow it.    


Now that her husband had fallen, her mother did not have to worry about him and her daughter did not have to worry about him. Naturally, she did not want to appear in front of others with her clothes all messed up.    


As for those who died, it wasn't that they weren't afraid. On the contrary, they were very afraid, but they were afraid that it wouldn't be long before they were covered up by joy.    


"Mom, that beast is finally dead …" "He's finally dead …" The girl was clearly a bit excited. She ignored Liu Yi and let her dress. She hugged her mother excitedly as she yelled and tears fell from her eyes.    


It wasn't hard to guess from the girl's words that she hated her father, or else she wouldn't have described him as an animal. If her words were directed at her mother, it wouldn't be hard to guess that they both hated middle-aged men.    


"Yes …" Dead … Good to die … "Great …" "His mother was very excited as well. She spoke in a broken voice before finally gritting her teeth and speaking again." We're finally free. "    


"En!" The girl nodded her head furiously, unable to control her tears.    


"What kind of family is this?" Liu Yi was puzzled and inwardly puzzled.    


Liu Yi's doubts didn't last long. After the mother and daughter pair comforted each other, they finally calmed down. The mother wasn't shy, so she put on her clothes in front of Liu Yi.    


In the living room, three people sat around each other. Everyone looked at each other, but no one spoke.    


"Thank you for saving us! My name is Sang Tian Youzi!" Yukio Morita did not say what her family was like. However, she seemed to feel that her words of thanks did not express her sincerity, so she added another sentence. You will be my master from now on! "    


Liu Yi was stunned. He was not a fool, so he naturally understood what the woman meant. He was not doubtful, but he did not speak. His eyes were staring at the woman, waiting for an explanation.    


"I once swore that whoever helped me break away from that man, he or she would be my master." Sang Tian gritted his teeth as he spoke.    


Liu Yi was a little surprised, but he quickly covered it up and asked with a serious expression. "Then what can you give me?"    


"…" Sang Tian, Youzi, stared blankly for a moment. Clearly, that was because Liu Yi was being too direct. Money... When he dies, all of his inheritance will be mine and my daughter's! "    


"No …" Liu Yi shook his head and said. Money doesn't appeal to me at all. "    


"My body!" Sang Tian, Youzi, once again, gritted her teeth. She didn't want to say it, but in the end, she did.    


Liu Yi smiled indifferently. To be honest, he really liked this chip. However, before he could agree, his daughter, who had been silent all this time, also spoke up.    


"Thank you for saving us, my name is Teng Yuanzhi!" Teng Yueqi's voice was very soft, but the pain in her voice was hard to conceal. She also gritted her teeth and said with a heavy tone. I am like my mother, and I can give up my body to repay you. "    


Eh, it was beyond Liu Yi's expectations that the two women were prepared to sacrifice themselves. But didn't he save them just for the sake of the two women's bodies? Now it was reasonable. He only needed to go with the flow.    


"I want your bodies, but other than that, I also need your loyalty!" Liu Yi nodded. Following that, his murderous aura condensed into a line as he coldly said this. Understand? "    




The two women were shocked. In the blink of an eye, it was as if they had walked a circle from hell. When they recovered, they realized that their clothes were completely drenched in cold sweat.    


"Yes sir!"    


The mother and daughter duo looked at each other and nodded.    


Liu Yi was quite satisfied with the mother and daughter pair's performance. He looked at the corpse on the ground and softly said. You guys can put it in a plastic bag first. I'll go out for a while and deal with it when I get back. "    


He had entered this villa to borrow a car. Now, he had stopped the behavior of a beast. He had taken in two beautiful women, causing his plan to go off the rails. However, it did not affect his overall plan.    


He shook his head and casually left the villa, but he secretly sighed in his heart. Actually, accepting two female slaves from a small island nation is also not bad. "    




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