Rural Magic Doctor With Super Vision

C2001 The Queen of Gluttony Is Here

C2001 The Queen of Gluttony Is Here

0Chen Sanqiu broke through to the Universe Grade S +.    


He couldn't help but let out a long roar.    


He felt refreshed.    


His whole person had become much sharper.    


The sword qi on his body was faintly discernible.    


It was as if a sword immortal had descended upon the world.    


"It seems like there are indeed some benefits in this Thoughts Cliff." Chen Sanqiu took a deep breath and said excitedly.    


The corner of the old existence's mouth twitched.    


He looked at Chen Sanqiu helplessly.    


No matter what happened in the end, the others were still thinking about it.    


In the beginning, each and every one of them had a dispirited look on their faces.    


They weren't like Chen Sanqiu, who was full of fighting spirit from the beginning.    




He was able to do it in such a short period of time.    


His strength had broken through.    


"I still don't understand why the Divine Sword Yu Hao chose you. Don't tell me that it doesn't know that you are Heavenly Demon Cult Leader?" The old man sighed and said.    


Chen Sanqiu grinned.    


He shrugged his shoulders.    


"I don't understand either."    


"Maybe it's because I'm more handsome."    


Chen Sanqiu said with a hollow laugh.    


No matter what, he was still very grateful to the Divine Sword Yu Hao.    


If it wasn't for the Divine Sword Yu Hao choosing him...    


He had completed his Sword Heart and Sword Intent.    


Otherwise, his sword technique would not have advanced by leaps and bounds.    




Just as Chen Sanqiu was feeling happy.    




He felt a vibration coming from the core of the Taotie in his chest.    


He couldn't help but be shocked.    


It was as if the core of the Taotie in his chest was going to tear his chest apart.    


It rushed out of his body.    


This feeling...    


He suddenly opened his eyes wide.    


He took a deep breath.    


He used all his strength to wrap the Taotie core in his chest with the Genuine Qi.    


He didn't want the Taotie core to rush out of his body.    


At this time.    


The old man let out a shocked cry.    


"Just now, I felt an inconceivable and powerful force approaching." The old man shouted in shock.    


Chen Sanqiu was shocked.    


He tried his best to suppress the Taotie core in his chest.    


He felt a great wave of fear sweep through his entire body.    


There was only one consciousness left in his mind.    


"Madre, the Taotie Empress is here?"    


Chen Sanqiu felt a great sense of life and death crisis descending upon him.    


At this moment, he could not care about hiding his strength.    


He immediately unleashed all of his strength.    


A powerful divine soul immediately swept across the entire Sword Sect.    


"Everyone, retreat immediately. The Taotie Empress is here."    


"Everyone, retreat!"    


"In the name of the Sword God Sect's Saint, I order all of you to retreat and prepare for the battle!"    


Chen Sanqiu roared.    


His powerful divine soul transmitted Chen Sanqiu's will to the entire Sword God Sect.    


The bustling and bustling Sword God Sect suddenly felt Chen Sanqiu's powerful divine sense.    


Everyone was stunned.    


All of them stood there, at a loss for what to do.    


They didn't know what to do.    


"Fellow slumbering Patriarchs, wake up!!"    


"The Taotie Empress is here."    


Chen Sanqiu shouted.    


He jumped onto his sword and flew into the air.    


He immediately rushed towards the exit of the Cliff of Thoughts.    


The originally powerful restriction of the Cliff of Thoughts.    


In front of Chen Sanqiu.    


It was not worth mentioning at all.    


It was instantly shattered by Chen Sanqiu's punch.    


A loud sound was heard.    


The sound echoed throughout the entire Sword God Sect.    


Chen Sanqiu stepped on his sword and rushed out of the Thought Cliff.    


He flew in the sky above the Sword God Sect.    


He saw that Chen Sanqiu had broken the powerful defense mechanism of the cliff.    


He appeared in the sky above the Sword God Sect.    


All the disciples of the Sword God Sect were dumbfounded.    


"What the f * ck?"    


"Is Chen Jiangliu trying to betray the Sword God Sect?"    


"He has only been in the Thought Cliff for a few days, but he has already rushed out."    


"Haven't you noticed that senior disciple Chen has become stronger than before he entered the Cliff of Thoughts?"    


"He's too strong! Senior Brother Chen has actually made a breakthrough in just a few days!"    


"Strong my ass! It's only been a few days outside, but a few years inside!"    


"Being able to break through to the universe's power level + + in a few years, that's already very strong."    


"However, what did senior brother Chen say? What Taotie Empress?"    


"Hehe, he did it on purpose."    


These disciples of the Sword God Sect didn't care about Chen Sanqiu's angry shout.    




The leaders of the various peaks couldn't just ignore it.    


"Chen Jiangliu, you have been imprisoned by the sect master for half a year. Why did you rush out in just a few days? Are you challenging the authority of the Sect Chief?"    


"Brat, you better go back obediently. Otherwise, we won't be polite to you."    


"Chen Jiangliu, come here. I am the head of the Pill Refining Sect. If you have anything to say, tell me. I will be your shield."    


"I say, Lin Muqiu, no matter how protective you are, you can't be so protective. Don't you see that Chen Jiangliu has already rushed out of the Restriction of the Cliff of Thoughtfulness?"    


Chen Sanqiu rolled his eyes.    


He shouted angrily, "All of you shut the f * ck up! The Taotie Empress is about to arrive here! Quickly activate the Sword God Sect's defensive formation! Ma De, activate it completely!"    


"Ancestors, now is not the time for all of you to sleep. If you don't come out of the mountain soon, the Sword God Sect will be wiped out!"    


"I am Heavenly Demon Cult Leader, Chen Sanqiu. I am now ordering all the people in the world to put aside all grudges and fight the Taotie with all their might."    


Chen Sanqiu's voice rumbled like thunder, spreading in all directions.    


Everyone was stunned.    


"Ma De, Chen Jiangliu is Heavenly Demon Cult Leader, Chen Sanqiu?"    


"What the f * ck, is this for real?"    


"It seems to be true."    


"Holy sh * t, could it be that this world has already gone crazy to this extent? The Sect Master of the Heavenly Demon Cult has come to the Sword God Sect to become a Saint?"    





"The old ancestors all woke up at this time. "    


The sky suddenly changed color.    


All kinds of Dharma Idols appeared in the sky.    


A powerful aura.    


It was as if a deity had descended.    


Some of the weaker disciples of the Sword God Sect appeared after these Dharma Idols.    


All of them were shivering in fear, kneeling on the ground and kowtowing to the Dharma Idols.    


Chen Sanqiu, on the other hand, had a joyful expression on his face.    


Since these old monsters who had been in seclusion all this time had come into being.    


The situation was much better now.    


The surrounding chiefs heard that Chen Sanqiu had actually admitted that he was Heavenly Demon Cult Leader.    


All of them glared at him.    


They wanted to arrest him.    


Right at this moment.    


Chen Sanqiu waved his hand.    


Dark clouds immediately pressed down on the horizon.    


Powerful auras were emitted from the dark clouds.    


Each and every one of them were the skeletons of the previous masters of the Heavenly Demon Cult, whose bodies were wrapped in a black death Qi.    


They walked out from the dark clouds.    


A powerful aura enveloped the entire Sword God Sect.    


For a moment.    


The day was as dark as the night.    


All the disciples of the Sword God Sect...    


Ma De.    


This time, he was finished.    


He didn't expect Chen Jiangliu to be Heavenly Demon Cult Leader.    


Was he going to attack the Sword God Sect?    


"Seniors, chiefs, time waits for no one. The Taotie Empress is about to reach Emperor Star, and she is quickly approaching the Sword God Sect. Everyone must be fully prepared."    


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